Ted Hildebrandt
Books and Articles at faculty.gordon.edu
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Leviticus Articles available at Gordon

Scanned and edited by Ted Hildebrandt


Bonar, Andrew A. A Commentary on the Book of Leviticus Expository and Practical, with Critical Notes. 4th ed. London: J. Nisbet, 1861.

*.doc [MS Word], *.pdf [Acrobat print], *.html [Web screen]

Kurtz, J. H. Sacrificial Worship of the Old Testament. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark [reprinted Baker, 1980], 1863.

*.doc [MS Word], *.pdf [Acrobat print], *.html [Web screen]

Barrick, William D. "Leviticus 26: Its Relationship to Covenant Contexts and Concepts." Th. D. dissertation. Grace Theological Seminary, 1981.

*.doc [MS Word], *.pdf [Acrobat print], *.html [Web screen]


[Leviticus Article Collection in one 420 page file:PDF (3.0mb)*.doc ]

Barrick, William D. “The Eschatological Significance of Leviticus 26.”

Paper presented at the National Evangelical Theological Society,

Nov. 1999.

*.doc [MS Word], *.pdf [Acrobat print], *.html [Web screen]

---. “Inter-Covenantal Truth and Relevance Leviticus 26 and the Biblical Covenants.” 1999.

*.doc [MS Word], *.pdf [Acrobat print], *.html [Web screen]

Cole, H. R. “The Sabbath and the Alien,” AndrewsUniversity Seminary

Studies 38.2 (Autumn 2000) 223-29.

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De Young, James. “A Critique of Prohomosexual Interpretations of the Old

Testament Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha,” Bibliotheca Sacra 147

(588) (1990) 437-54.

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Feinberg, Charles L. “The Scapegoat of Leviticus Sixteen,” Bibliotheca

Sacra 115 (1958) 320-33.

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Gardiner, Frederic. “The Relation of Ezekiel to the Levitical Law,”

Journal of Biblical Literature 1 (1881) 172-205.

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Helm, Robert. “Azazel in Early Jewish Tradition,” AndrewsUniversity

Seminary Studies, 32.3 (Autumn 1994) 217-26.

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Hubbard, R. L. “The Go’el in Ancient Israel: Theological Reflections

on an Israelite Institution,” BBR 1 (1991) 3-19.

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Hui, Timothy K. “The Purpose of Israel’s Annual Feasts,” Bibliotheca

Sacra 147 (1990) 143-54.

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Jastrow, M. "The So-Called 'Leprosy' Laws." Jewish Quarterly Review

(1913-14) 357-418.

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Key, Thomas and Robert Allen. “The Levitical Dietary Laws in the Light

of Modern Science,” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation

26 (1974) 61-64.

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Klingbeil, Gerald. “The Anointing of Aaron: A Study of Leviticus 8:12

In Its OT and ANE Context,” AndrewsUniversity Seminary Studies

38.2 (Autumn 2000) 231-43.

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Leder, Arie C. and David A. Vroege. “Reading and Hearing Leviticus,”

Calvin Theological Journal 34 (1999) 431-42.

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Masterman, E. "Hygiene and Disease in Palestine in Modern and in Biblical

Times." Palestine Exploration Quarterly 50 (1918): 13-20, 56-71,


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Moore, M. “Haggo’el: The Cultural Gyroscope of Ancient Hebrew

Society,” Restoration Quarterly 23 (1980) 27-35.

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Paton, Lewis B. “The Holiness-Code and Ezekiel,” The Presbyterian and

Reformed Review 26 (1896) 98-115.

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Peritz, Ismar J. “Woman in the Ancient Hebrew Cult,” Journal of Biblical

Literature 17 (1898) 111-48.

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Rodriguez, Angel M. “Leviticus 16: Its Literary Structure,” Andrews

University Seminary Studies 34.2 (Autumn 1996) 269-86.

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Ryrie, Charles C. “The Cleansing of the Leper,” Bibliotheca Sacra 113

(1956) 262-67.

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Strawn, Brent A. “The X-Factor: Revisioning Biblical Holiness,”

The Asbury Theological Journal 54.2 (Fall, 1999) 73-92.

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Ukleja, P. Michael. “Homosexuality and the Old Testament,”

Bibliotheca Sacra 140 (1983) 259-66.

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Unger, Merrill F. “The Significance of the Sabbath,” Bibliotheca Sacra

123 (1966) 51-59.

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Articles on the Web
Return to Leviticus

11QPaleoLev (11Q1) – Leviticus scroll; image, commentary, and sample of

translation from QumranDead Sea Scrolls at the Library of Congress

Brooks, Gene. Introduction to Leviticus

Brown, Walter E. Review of “Milgrom, Jacob Leviticus 1-22: A New

Translation with Introduction and Commentary (Doubleday, 2000)” in Review of Biblical Literature (2002)

Calvin, John. Commentaries on the Four Last Books of Moses

Clarke, Adam. Bible Commentary: Leviticus

Constable, Thomas L. “Notes on Leviticus” (117 pgs)—Dallas Theological

Seminary Professor.

Daniels, Ron. Leviticus Bible Studies (14) Calvary Bible Chapel.

De Roo, Jacqueline C. R. “Was the Goat for Azazel Destined for the Wrath

of God?” Biblica 81 (2000) 233-42.

Deffenberger, Bob Leviticus: Sacrifice and Sanctification (22 Bible


Douglas, Mary. Review of “Milgrom, Jacob. Leviticus 23-27: A New
Translation with Introduction and Commentary (Doubleday, 2001),”
in Review of Biblical Literature (2002)

Eberhart, Christian. “Beobachtungen zum Verbrennungsritus bei
Schlachtopfer und Gemeinschafts-Schalchtofper,” Biblica 83.1 (2002)


Gill, John. Exposition of the Bible. Leviticus Commentary.

Guzik, David. Commentary on Leviticus.

Hason, K. C. “Blood and Purity in Leviticus and Revelation,” originally

published in Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture 28 (1993)


Henry, Matthew. Leviticus Commentary.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia—online

Jamieson, Faucett, and Brown. Commentary on Leviticus

Judaism 101—Times – Jewish Calendar and Feasts

Landy, Franics. “Leviticus, Deconstruction, and the Body,” Journal of

Hebrew Scriptures 2 (1999) ejournal

Larue, Gerald A. Old Testament Life and Literature (1968) – section on the

holiness code.

Law, Henry. The Gospel in Leviticus (London: Religious Tract Society,

1854) full text; Grace Gems ministries.

Leviticus. Text from various versions of the Bible.

Bible Gateway:

Lockshin, Martin I. (ed. and trans.) review of Rashbam’s Commentary on

Leviticus and Numbers: An Annotated Translation (Brown

University, 2001).

Majer, Gerald. “On Contagions: Leviticus and the Fascination of the

Abomination,” Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 2.2 (April


Malick, David. “Introduction to Leviticus,” Rough outline.

Rittenbaugh, John W. “The Offerings of Leviticus”

Sprinkle, Joe M. “The Rationale of the Laws of Clean and Unclean in the

Old Testament,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 43

(2000) 637-57.

Staubli, Thomas. “Die Symbolik des Vogelrituals bei der Reinegung von

Aussatzigen (Lev. 14, 4-7),” Biblica 83 (2002) 230-37.

Spurgeon, Charles. “Day of Atonement” sermon in text format

Spurgeon, Charles. List of Sermons on Leviticus (full text)

Today’s Bible, Introduction to Leviticus

Wenham, Gordon. “The Old Testament Attitude to Homosexuality,”

Expository Times 102 (1991) 259-63.

Wesley, John. Explanatory Notes: Leviticus.
