Nordiska Företagsekonomiska Föreningen
Nordic Academy of Management
Article 1
The name of the association is Nordic Academy of Management (Nordiska Företagsekonomiska Föreningen NFF)
Article 2
The purpose of the Nordic Academy of Management (Nordiska Företagsekonomiska Föreningen NFF) is to advance research, education and practice in the field of management in the Nordic countries.
The NFF will implement this purpose by:
· Fostering the development of competence in research and education in the field of management in the Nordic countries.
· Fostering Nordic co-operation in doctoral education and facilitating the exchange of academic researchers, lecturers and doctoral students between the Nordic countries.
· Facilitating the spreading of results of Nordic business administration research internationally and fostering research on the special characteristics of Nordic business management.
· Facilitating the arranging of Nordic and international conferences and workshops in the field of management
· Representing the members of the association in relevant international organizations.
Article 3
Institutional members are business schools and universities that offer management education[1] at the Master’s degree level. Following this, all faculty members and doctoral students of an institutional member enjoys all pertaining benefits from the institutional membership.
Cessation of membership
An institutional member of the NFF shall cease to be a member,
a) if such member withdraws its membership by giving notice to the Academy or
b) if fees remain outstanding in the six months following their due date and after two requests for payment, unless the Board considers there to be extenuating circumstances
The General Assembly can also expel a member by two thirds of the votes.
Article 4
General Assembly
A general assembly of the NFF members will be convened by the Board at least biannually. An assembly will also convene if at least 10 % of the NFF members so request.
The Board will answer for the activities and the economy of the NFF before the General Assembly. Audited accounts will be presented to the General Assembly for approval.
Article 5
The Board
The Board of the NFF consists of 9 members of whom two represent Finnish, two Danish, two Norwegian, two Swedish and one Icelandic member. The Board members serve a period of 4 years starting from the General Assembly held in association with the bi-annual conference. Board members are eligible for re-election. The Board members are elected by the NFF members of respective countries. The General Assembly, held in association with the bi-annual conference, confirms the new composition of the Board.
The Board shall meet as and when it is deemed necessary but no less than once a year.
The Board is responsible for determining the general policy for the NFF as well as the rules of procedure for the Association’s activities. In addition, the Board is responsible for managing the financial activities of NFF, for deciding the budget as well as for determining the annual membership fees. The Board also appoints representatives in relevant international organizations.
Chairperson of the Board
The Chairperson is elected by the Board. S/he will:
· Implement the Board’s decisions.
· Manage the day-to-day activities of the NFF.
· Keep a membership register
· Facilitate information exchange among the members and distribute information materials.
The main information channel for NFF is its webpage:
· Represent the NFF according to the mandate given by the Board.
· Prepare budget and accounts
The Association may employ a secretary to assist the Board and the Chairperson.
Article 6
The Conference
The NFF holds bi-annual conferences that circulate among the Nordic countries. In addition to the bi-annual conferences the NFF can also organize other events. The Board selects the host institutions.
Article 7
Amendments to the Statutes
Amendments to the Statutes require:
a) a notice submitted in writing to the members no less than three months before the date of the General Assembly, and
b) a majority of at least two thirds of the votes in the General Assembly.
Article 8
The General Assembly can decide to dissolve the Association by a qualified majority of three fourths of the votes. If the dissolution is accepted, the Board will then liquidate the net assets of the Association in a manner supporting the NFF purpose.
Includes everything that comes to business studies in broad field (e.g. Finance, Entrepreneurship, HRM, Marketing and Accounting).