Installation Ceremony
Region Association, Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
Place eight white candles, representing the purposes of the organization, on a table covered in white. One red candle is placed in the center of the table. This represents the light of family and consumer sciences.
The president presides and stands at the center back of the table. All other installing or outgoing officers form a semicircle around the table. Incoming officers form a second semicircle one step back and to the left of their counterparts.
Following acceptance of responsibilities, each incoming officer moves to the front semicircle with the outgoing officer moving to the back.
President: “The following ceremony is one of serious nature. Please hold all applause until the end of the ceremony. Region , Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is now in session to install officers. We would like to focus our attention upon leadership. Good leaders are special people. They can view the situation, recognize the need and often motivate the necessary action. They understand the importance of teamwork and cooperation.”
President: Lights white candle as other lights are dimmed. “This candlelight represents the light of family and consumer sciences education as it radiates throughout the world. It is the light of our ideals, our purposes - for we know as FCCLA members, we have an opportunity to strengthen individual, family and community life.”
The remaining outgoing officers each take a turn lighting a red candle and reciting one of the eight FCCLA purposes.
Vice President of Programs: “This candle symbolizes our first purpose – to provide opportunities for personal development and preparation for adult life.
Vice President of Achievement: “This candle symbolizes our second purpose – to strengthen the function of the family as a basic unit of society.”
Vice President of Community Service: “This candle symbolizes our third purpose – to encourage democracy through cooperative action in the home and community.”
Vice President of Correspondence: “This candle symbolizes our fourth purpose – to encourage individual and group involvement in helping achieve global cooperation and harmony.”
Vice President of Membership: “This candle symbolizes our fifth purpose – to promote greater understanding between youth and adults.”
Vice President of Parliamentary Law: “This candle symbolizes our sixth purpose – to provide opportunities for making decisions and for assuming responsibilities.”
Vice President of Projects: “This candle symbolizes our seventh purpose – to prepare for the multiple roles of men and women in today’s society.”
Vice President of Public Relations: “This candle symbolizes our eighth purpose – to promote family and consumer sciences and related occupations.”
President: “Each year symbolizes one more step in the process of individual growth. The installation of newly elected officers is both a joyful and solemn occasion. We congratulate them and look forward to their new vision.”
“The following officers have been elected to serve the Region for the coming year.” (Read officers’ names and their respective offices.)
Vice President of Programs:
Vice President of Achievement:
Vice President of Community Service:
Vice President of Correspondence:
Vice President of Finance:
Vice President of Membership:
Vice President of Parliamentary Law:
Vice President of Projects:
Vice President of Public Relations:
Vice President of Records:
Vice President of Recreation:
Vice President of STAR Events:
Vice President of STAR Events:
State Officer:
State Officer:
State Officer:
“As incoming officers, the highest honors of the organization are being bestowed on you. Our state has faith and confidence in your ability to lead the organization forward. The pledge of your office signifies your willingness to do this. Please repeat after me.”
All officers: “I will, to the best of my ability… faithfully perform all the duties… of the office to which I have been elected.”
President: “You have heard the pledge your officers have made. It is important that you support them in the performance of their duties.
“Will the president-elect step forward? President, . The office of president is one of great responsibility. You will want to be firm, impartial, considerate and a friend to all members. As the region’s incoming president, are you familiar with your duties?”
President-elect: “Yes, I am.”
President: “Will the incoming officers please step forward? As outgoing officers we ask you to remember that real leadership strength comes through cooperative efforts. We are confident the organization will continue to grow under the leadership these new officers will provide. To emphasize the importance of working as a unit, we will now relinquish our pins, the symbols of our offices, to the new officers.” (Outgoing officers present newly elected officers with their pins)
President: Hands gavel to president-elect. “By giving you this gavel, I now relinquish the presidency of the Region , Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.
New President: (May give a short speech or read appropriate prose or a poem) “My hope is that this coming year will bring us close to the realization of our Creed in both thought and action. Will everyone please rise and join us in repeating our Creed.”
We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
We face the future with warm courage and high hope.
For we have a clear conscious of seeking old and precious values,
For we are the builders of homes,
Homes for America’s future.
Homes where living will be the expression of everything that is good and fair;
Homes where truth and love and security and faith will be realities, not dreams.
We are the Family, Careers and Community Leaders of America.
We face the future with warm courage and high hope.
President: The Region meeting, Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is now adjourned.
Installation Ceremony
Region Association, Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
Incoming president stands between the VP of Programs and Achievement.
Incoming officers line up behind the officer they are replacing.
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15 13 11 9 7 5 3 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 17
1 x(mike)
1. President
2. Vice President of Programs
3. Vice President of Achievement
4. Vice President of Community Service
5. Vice President of Correspondence
6. Vice President of Finance
7. Vice President of Membership
8. Vice President of Parliamentary Procedure
9. Vice President of Projects
10. Vice President of Public Relations
11. Vice President of Records
12. Vice President of Recreation
13. Vice President of STAR Events
14. Vice President of STAR Events
15. State Officer
16. State Officer
17. State Officer