San Diego, 1995

Analysis/Evaluation Methodology

·  Temporal Characteristics of Work Activity - Gregory Bedny, Essex County College, and David Meister

·  Using Operator Role Theory to Guide Function Allocation in System Development - Dennis J. Folds and Deborah A. Mitta, Georgia Inst. of Technology

·  Comprehensive Guidance for the Evaluation of Human-Systems Interfaces in Complex Systems - Johna O’Hara, William Stubler and William Brown, Brookhaven National Lab, and Jerry Wachtel and H. Persensky, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

·  Building Performance Measures - Edward Connelly, Concord Assoc., Inc.

System Design Methodology

·  User-Driven Product Data Manager System Design - Chris Forsythe and M. Rodema Ashby, Sandia National Lab.

·  Development of a Navigation/Situation Display to Improve Aerial Fire Fighting Safety and Efficiency - Vernol Battiste, NASA Ames Research Ctr., and Michael Downs, Sterling Software

·  The Advising Workbench: Participation-Based Development of a Software Environment to Support Student Advising - Penelope Sanderson, Nick Iozzo, Jason Buberel and Irene Au, U. of Illinoise at Urbana-Champaign

·  Tactical Information GUI Engineering and Requirements Specification (TIGERS): Top-Down HMI Engineering Process - Daniel F. Wallace, John A. Dawson and Clent J. Blaylock, Virto Corp.

Using New Technology and Information

·  Electronic Meeting Systems in Computer-Human Interface Design: A Case Study - Douglas L. Miller, Alton J. Volanth and G. Jonathan Wolfman, Loral Federal Systems, and R. Timothy Mullins, Computer Sciences Corp.

·  Issues of Dependence and Reliance on Technological Advancement: Examples from American Football and Air Traffic Control - Barrett S. Caldwell, Nick C. Everhart, Piyusha Paradkarm and Hyun-Suk Suh, U. of Wisconsin-Madison

·  Group-View Displays for Enhancing Crew Performance - William F. Stubler and John M. O’Hara, Brookhaven National Lab

·  AC-130U Gunship AFT-Scanner Ergonomic Review: Design Solution for Program Office - David F. Wourms and Frank C. Gentner, Crew System Ergonomics Information Analysis Ctr., and Jennifer L. Farrell, Special Operations Forces Development Systems Office


·  Subjective Workload Measurement: An Aid in Evaluating Flightline Maintenance Systems - Laurie L. Quill and David Kancler, U. of Dayton

·  Computer Modeling of a Nuclear Power Plant Operating Crew to Aid in Analysis of Crew Size Issues - Beth M. Plottand, Shelly Scott-Nash, Micro Analysis and Design, Inc., and Bruce P. Hallbert and Angelica L. Sebok, Institutt for Energiteknikk

·  Verification, Validation, and Accreditation of a Soldier-System Modeling Tool - Laurel Allender, Troy D. Kelley, Lucia Salvi, John Lockett, Donald B. Headley, David Promisel, Diane Mitchell, Celine Richer and Theo Feng, Army Research Lab

·  Transitioning Software to the Windows Environment - Challenges and Innovations - Susan G. Dahl, Micro Analysis and Design, Inc., Laurel Allender and Troy Kelley, Army Research Lab, and Richard Adkins, Dynamics Research Corp.


·  Use of a Workload Assessment Tool (CREWCUT) in Systems Development - Barry W. Tillman, Tillman Ergonomics Co., Inc.

·  Alert Management System for the AN/BSY-2 Submarine Combat System: A Prototype for Multioperator Systems - Bary J. Klatsky and Donald J. Robertson, Martin Marietta Corp.

·  Manpower, Personnel, and Training Decision Support System - Lawrence H. O’Brien, Dynamics Research Corp.