FY 2017 Request for Proposals for

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Acts Part A

Non-Medical Case Management Services

Issued: Wednesday, November 1st, 2017

Submission Date: Thursday, November 30th, 2017 by 4:00 p.m. CST

RFP Narrative Workbook

AIDS Foundation of Chicago

200 West Jackson Blvd., Suite 2100

Chicago, IL 60606


(312)-784-9052 fax


RFP Forms Narrative Workbook Instructions

AFC provided a separate MS Word file “RFP Narrative Workbook” and “RFP Forms Workbook”. Use these documents to format your proposal submission.

Workbook Formatting

Delete the Workbook title and instruction pages included in this workbook. DO NOT submit these pages. Section Breaks are included at the end of each narrative section. Page numbers were inserted for your convenience.

Proposal Formatting

The following table lists required forms and appendices for this RFP. Be sure to follow the formatting guidelines on pages 8-9 of the RFP.

This WorkBook is formatted with 1” margins. These can be adjusted in accordance with the RFP formatting guidelines. Insert your narrative response directly AFTER each section question. DO NOT remove section header boxes. Do not exceed the page limits of that section.

Table 7. Required Documents

Sections / Proposal Section Order
Title Page / Title Page
Table of Contents / Table of Contents
Section 1 / Agency Experience
Section 2 / Target Populations
Section 3 / Cultural & Linguistic Capacity
Section 4 / Program Description/Scope of Services
Section 5 / Non-Medical Case Management
Section 6 / Payer of Last Resort
Section 7 / Agency Collaborations
Section 8 / Quality Management
Section 9 / Technology & Systems Capacity
Section 10 / Budget Justification
Appendix 1 / Internal Revenue Service 501(c)3
Appendix 2 / Articles of Incorporation
Appendix 3 / Organizational Chart
Appendix 4 / Relevant agency certifications and licenses (if applicable or leave blank)
Appendix 5 / Client Demographics Template
Appendix 6 / Program Work Plan Template
Appendix 7 / Resumes & Job Descriptions for Key Staff; Relevant staff certifications and licenses
Appendix 8 / Memorandum of Agreement Matrix (for joint proposals and agency linkages)
Appendix 9 / Most recent financial statement or independent audit, OMB Circular A-133 Audit

Ensure that your Proposal Title Page is the first page of your narrative. The title page is not scored.



Section 1. Agency Experience (4 pgs. maximum) / Maximum Points: 12

Provide narrative addressing the following:

  1. Describe the agency’s overall mission and scope of services; and how these are applicable to the proposed services.
  2. Describe the agency’s experience providing care and prevention services to persons living with HIV/AIDS (and sub-populations); and how the agency’s service portfolio achieves the goals of the HIV treatment cascade. Include the number of years of experience the agency has in providing any Ryan White services.
  3. Describe the agency’s management and infrastructure capacity to provide administrative and executive support including program implementation, and fiscal, grants and information systems management.
  4. Required Form(s): No required RFP forms. Various appendices required. Refer to Table 7.



Section 2. Target Population Needs (4 pgs. maximum) / Maximum Points: 12

Provide narrative addressing the following:

  1. Describe the needs of the target population including current epidemiologic data, the health care and supportive service needs including barriers to care, and health disparities, socioeconomic conditions, linguistic needs, other co-occurring conditions like substance abuse, mental health; or special accommodations required by the target population. Include a discussion on the geographic areas in which the target population resides/accesses services. Use relevant agency data to describe the population.
  2. Describe the methods by which the target populations HIV/AIDS and supportive service needs are identified include how your agency identifies emerging trends or shifts in needs.
  3. Required Form(s): Target Population Template. Various appendices required. Refer to Table 7.



Section 3. Cultural & Linguistic Capacity (4 pgs. maximum) / Maximum Points: 15

Non-medical case management services are expected to be sensitive to the unique cultural and socially diverse profile of the target population. Provide narrative addressing the following:

  1. Describe how the make-up of the proposed program’s direct service personnel are reflective of the target population with regard to ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.
  2. Describe the agency’s ability to provide services to non-English speaking, deaf, blind, or other individuals with disabilities or individuals with co-occurring health issues like substance abuse and mental health.
  3. Discuss the extent to which the target population is involved in the development of the proposed programor provides on-going input into the implementation of services. Describe if the target population is involved in the governance of the agency. If you have a client advisory board, describe how the group is supported by the agency, advisory group operations, scope of work and outcomes.
  4. Discuss any innovative or successful activities your agency has undertaken to improve its cultural or linguistic capacity.
  5. Required Form(s): No RFP forms or appendices required.



Section 4. Program Work Plan/Scope of Services (10 pgs. maximum) / Maximum Points: 33

Describe the scope of the proposed program for the non-medical case management services. This section must align with the Scope of Service/Work Plan. Maximum points include sub-category sections. Provide narrative addressing the following:

  1. Describe how the proposed program’s design, operation, and administration will meet needs and resolve barriers to service linkages and retention in care (e.g. staffing, hours, child care, transportation, etc.).
  2. Describe how clients are identified and enrolled including the intake process; how clients are assessed, linked to care, referred to other services and are reassessed with the goal of viral load suppression.
  3. Describe the agency’s ability to determine RW or Non-RW service eligibility for individuals presenting with co-occurring health/behavioral issues.
  4. Describe the approach by which the non-medical case management will build the self-sufficiency of clients and success rates in transitioning clients through stages of the HIV treatment cascade.
  5. Describe any proposed or future innovations in the design or delivery of this service to more effectively address the needs along the HIV treatment cascade. Include a discussion on how these innovations/process improvements will be implemented and monitored for quality assurance.
  6. Required Forms(s): Program Description / Scope of Work Template. Various Appendices required. Refer to Table 7.



Section 5. Non-Medical Case Management (10 pgs. maximum) / Maximum Points: 15

Before responding to the Non-Medical Case Management services review section “Changes to the Case Management Model”.

Non-Medical Case Management (Refer to Funded Service Category Section X page 7)

Respond to the below questions on non-medical case management program implementation.

  1. What is your agency’s definition of self-sufficiency?
  2. How will your agency identify clients who are self-sufficient to enroll into this program?
  3. How will your agency assess for self-sufficiency over the timeframe the client is enrolled in program?
  4. If there are changes in a client’s life that causes them to be deemed not self-sufficient, what steps will be taken to address client needs?
  5. Describe how you will ensure that clients have access to a full range of case management services, including non-medical, medical and intensive services.
  6. What steps will be taken once client’s needs are taken care of, to discharge client from the non-medical case management system, and how will your agency communicate entry back into the system if other needs arise?
  7. How will your agency increase visibility of this new service category in the community?



Section 6. Payer of Last Resort (4 pgs. maximum) / Maximum Points: 18

All agencies receiving Ryan White funds are expected to maximize other sources of funding for services provided and referred to when available. Provide narrative addressing the following:

  1. Describe the different types of insurance coverage utilized by the population currently being serviced and the types of HIV services offered by your agency. Discuss how the Affordable Care Act (including Medicaid and the marketplace) has/will impact service provision and unduplicated service delivery to the target population.
  2. Describe how your agency assures that clients are enrolled in all possible public or private insurance or benefit programs, and how they maintain enrollment (e.g., Medicaid redeterminations).
  3. Describe how your agency provides services to people who do not enroll in services, despite documented vigorous efforts by the agency to encourage clients to enroll.
  4. Required Form(s): No RFP forms or appendices required.



Section 7. Agency Collaborations (4 pgs. maximum) / Maximum Points: 15

In response to the HIV treatment cascade and to reduce gaps in service, AFC encourages respondents to establish linkages with other area service providers to create a safety net of services for the target population. Provide narrative addressing the following:

  1. Describe your agency’s collaborative partnerships, including the type of service provider, the specific linkage process, as well as the linkage services provided.
  2. Describe the mechanisms for ensuring tracking and sharing of client data with collaborative partners.
  3. Describe how your agency measures the effectiveness of linkages with other collaborative partners. Also describe actions taken to improve linkage processes.
  4. Describe the process for ensuring eligible clients receive appropriate and on-going HIV-related medical care, treatment and other support services NOT provided by your agency and/or program.
  5. Required Form(s): Memorandum of Agreement Matrix. Various appendices required.



Section 8. Quality Management Technical Assistance (4 pgs. maximum) / Maximum Points: 24

Describe the milestones and methodology for evaluating program success in achieving the goals of the HIV treatment cascade. Provide narrative addressing the following:

  1. Describe the agency’s quality improvement plan to evaluate, monitor and adjust the delivery of program services. Include specific outcome indicators for the proposed program.
  2. Explain how program effectiveness is measured. Describe program metrics, measurements, tools, data collection methods, and the Provide Enterprise system. Also list program and client outcomes.
  3. Describe how data is used in making program decisions.
  4. Describe strategies to solicit consumer feedback to improve program processes and service delivery.
  5. Describe how personnel effectiveness and performance is measured and training or corrective action plan required to ensure the highest level of service quality.
  6. Required Form(s): No required forms.



Section 9. Technology & Systems Capacity (4 pgs. maximum) / Maximum Points: 15

Agencies are required to adhere to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements to secure confidential client information. Refer to the AIDS Confidentiality Act for more information Provide narrative addressing the following:

  1. Describe how the security and confidentiality of client-level data will be maintained. Discuss the agency’s efforts, systems and staffing to maintaining security, privacy and integrity of client data.
  2. Describe all the data collection software and systems used. Include access by case managers and supervisors to the database, e-mail and Internet.
  3. Describe available technical support, including how frequently the agency’s Information Technology (IT) staff or consultants are available to consult with case management staff.
  4. Required Form(s): No RFP forms or appendices required.



Section 10. Budget Justification (4 pgs. maximum) / Maximum Points: 3

The budget section outlines the format for the required 12-month program budget justification and line item budget proposal. This RFP will cover some but not all costs of a comprehensive case management program. Therefore, agencies must demonstrate in their budget narrative that expenses are adequately covered by other sources beyond AFC grant funding. Refer to the Allowable and Unallowable cost categories sections for common terms. Provide narrative addressing the following:

1.Describe the agency’s fiscal capacity and stability to manage the proposed service categories.

2.Discuss the agency’s demonstrated capacity to operate on a reimbursement basis. Non-medical case management services will be reimbursed on a monthly basis.

3.Describe any audit findings reported in the recent financial statement or OMB Circular A-133 Audit and how those findings were resolved through a corrective action plan.

Required Form(s): Proposed Budget Template (case management agencies only); most recent financial statement or OMB Circular A-133 Audit

NOTE: It is a legislative requirement, as defined through Ryan White, that funds may not be used to make direct payments to recipients of services. Funds may not be used to make payment for any item or service if payment has already been made or can reasonably expected to be made under any state compensation program, any insurance policy or any federal or state health benefits program or by an entity that provides health services on a pre-paid basis. (42USC 300ff-15(a)(6)). Funds may not be used to supplant third-party reimbursement.