Teacher: Debey Tillerson Week of: Oct 30-Nov 3 2017 Subject: History 11 Period: 4, 7 subject to change as needed

MON / Evaluate the transition of the US from an agrarian society to an industrial nation prior to WWI. / COS #11-1
Ch 8 S4 Analyze the spread of mass culture at the turn of the century. Cite examples.
GR chart
/ Announced last week….
Vocabulary is due tomorrow for Quiz!
Ch 8 Test Wednesday / ·  Teacher observation
·  Classroom participation

Vocabulary quiz / Study for test / ·  Teacher observation
·  Classroom participation
·  Quiz
WED / Turn in vocabulary….

Test Ch 8 / Honors class will complete the DBQ portion of the test tomorrow… / ·  Teacher observation
·  Classroom participation
·  Test
4th : DBQ test portion
7th: Primary source: Talented Tenth / 4th: Primary Source:
Talented Tenth / ·  Teacher observation
·  Classroom participation
·  Honors:DBQ
·  Primary Source
Ch 9 Progressivism
Identify the 4 goals of Progressivism and cite examples / ·  Teacher observation
·  Classroom participation

You should read for understanding every day to be prepared for the lesson. I will go over the planned lessons for the week every Monday and offer the opportunity for you to take a picture of the plans for that week. They are also available on the website. Please understand they are subject to change slightly due to various factors. I strongly suggest the use of a student planner to organize assignments and keep track of due dates.

Frequent absences cause academic problems for students. There is a process in place for checking missed assignments. Students have access to the weekly lesson plans and the weekly agenda is written on the board. Only excused absences qualify for make-up work and students must turn in excuses within 3 days.

FOCUS Activities are daily bell-ringers that either connect to the previous lesson/HW, or direct student thinking for the lesson of the day. These activities are usually timed beginning with the tardy bell. FOCUS books remain in the classroom and may not be taken home. Students are expected to follow format exactly and complete within the allotted time. Students with excused absences do not have to make up the activities and they do not count against them. Activities on unexcused absences may not be made up. All activities will result in a test grade for the nine weeks. Look for the FOCUS book grade at the end of the nine weeks.