Advanced Placement United States History

Due Date: 5 one-page decades summary due each week. ALL DECADES MUST BE IN BY May 9, 2016

Instructions: The Decades Paper Project is to be completed entirely on an individual basis, unless otherwise stated for particular sections. Except for in-class group assignments, you may not share work on any part of this assignment. All work must be written in your own words and done exactly as listed in the contents. It is a long assignment so be sure to not put it off until the last moment. The decades covered will be from the 1600s to 1990.

Tips: · All decades must be written out or typed and printed by YOU.

· Learn as you work.

· Do not pad your responses.

· Use standard font size 12, Times New Roman, single spaced.

The Caveat: ª There are various sources you may use, but there are no shortcuts.

ª  You will be held accountable for all that is compiled into your project.

Specs.: A) Each decade narrative must contain terms, which you are to bold.

B) Each narrative must be one FULL page, unless denoted as a double section.

C) You will give a title for each summary.

Contents: 8 You will choose 1 category from each row to complete your one page decade. See Terms List

8 Thesis statement highlighting the Social/Cultural significance of the Decade. Terms list.

8 Thesis statement highlighting the Political/Ideological significance of the Decade. Terms list

8 Thesis statement highlighting the Economic significance of the Decade. Terms list

8  You must vary you choices. You may not choose the same category for most or all of your decades summaries.

Decades: The decades are not literal 10-year decades. Refer to the chart List of Summaries which delineates the timeframes for each summary. Note that several of the summaries are double summaries.

List of Summaries

Volume One

Economic / Social / Political / Individuals
Up to 1775* / 1600s / Up to 1763 / Up to 1763
1775-1790 / 1700-1775 / 1763-1787 / 1763-1783
1790-1860* / 1790-1860* / 1787-1800 / 1783-1800
1790-1836 (Banking) / 1820-1860 (Slavery) / 1800-1828 / 1800-1810
1830s-1880s (Railroads) / 1860-1877* / 1828-1840 / 1810-1828
1860-1877* / 1865-1900* / 1836-1860* / 1828-1840
1877-1900* / 1860-1877 / 1840-1850
1877-1900 / 1850-1860

* Double Section

List of Summaries

Volume Two

Economic / Social / Political / Individuals
1900-1920 / 1900-1920 / 1890-1909 / 1900-1910
1920-1929 / 1920-1930* / 1909-1920 / 1910-1920
1929-1945 / 1930-1945 / 1920-1932 / 1920-1932
1945-1960 / 1942-1990* (Women) / 1933-1941 / 1932-1941
1961-1980) / The Fifties / 1942-1960* / 1941-1960
1980-1992 (Reaganomics / The Sixties / 1945-1974 (Civil Rights) / 1960-1968
1993-Present / The Seventies / 1960-1868 / 1968-1980
The Eighties / 1968-1980 / 1980-1992
1980-1992 / 1992-Present

* Double Section