
Unit 1

Part A

  1. She found it on the Internet.
  2. She read it in her friend’s journal.
  3. She watched it on television.
1. (A) M: How did you hear about the president's decision?
W: I read about it online.
Q: Based on the conversation, how did the woman learn the information? /
  1. Working on a boat.
  2. In a foreign country.
  3. In the next town.
3. (B) W: I haven't seen your brother lately. Where is he these days?
M: He took a job overseas.
Q: According to the man, where is his brother?
  1. It is ugly.
  2. It is terrible.
  3. It is wonderful.
2. (C) W: What do you think of the view from here?
M: It's totally amazing!
Q: What does the man think about the view? /
  1. The nearest desk.
  2. A piece of wood.
  3. A special journal.
4. (C) W: Have you seen the ship’s log anywhere?
M: I think it is in the desk.
Q: What is the woman asking the man about?

Part B

  1. Check out these new sunglasses!
  2. No, I’m not really keen on going to the theater.
  3. I want to figure out how it works.
  4. Of course.You can always rely on me to help you.
  5. No, I have never heard of him
  6. Just make sure you keep it up to date.

1. (C) A: Why do you keep playing with that old machine?

2. (B) A: Would you like to see a movie tonight?

3. (D) A: Are you sure you can help me with my homework again?

Part C

Picture #1

1. What is the woman doing in bothpictures? She is writing a journal entry.

2. What is the technical name for what the woman is doing in picture B? She is blogging.

3. Based on the information in picture A, where does the woman plan to go the next day? She plans to go to a foreign country.

Unit 2

Part A

  1. She looks very beautiful.
  2. She doesn’t look very attractive.
  3. She looks very scared.
1. (A) M: You look gorgeous!
W: Thank you.I’m going out for a nice dinner.
Q: How does the man say that the woman looks? /
  1. A pill.
  2. A drink.
  3. Something to eat.
3. (A) M: I have a really bad headache.
W: Here, take this tablet.
Q: What does the woman give to the man?
  1. He hopes she isn’t hurt.
  2. He hopes she leaves fast.
  3. He hopes she will be better soon.
2. (C) W: I can’t believe I did this to my ankle!
M: I hope you recover quickly.
Q: What does the man tell the woman? /
  1. He is happy for her.
  2. Someone else should have gotten the award.
  3. She had the right to get the award.
4. (C) W: I’m so happy about winning this award!
M: Well, you deserved it.
Q: What does the man say about the woman’s winning the award?

Part B

  1. Rest up for now.
  2. You have to get through these exams before you can go on holidays.
  3. Only every now and then.
  4. Will you follow in your Father’s footsteps?
  5. Of course. It is Christmas, after all.
  6. Yes. I willbe singing that night, in fact.

1. (C) A: How often do you get to travel?

2. (F) A: Are you going to the concert?

3. (E) A: Will you buy gifts for your family?

Part C

Picture #1

1. Who is the woman in this picture? She is a nurse.

2.Where is this scene taking place? In a hospital.

3.How do you think the man in the bed feels? Very afraid.

Unit 3

Part A

  1. She feels that she cheated Betty.
  2. She feels guilty for saying bad things.
  3. She feels bad for saying it in public.
1. (B) M: You said a lot of bad words to Betty.
W: I was so unfair. I wish I hadn’t made her cry!
Q: How does the woman feel? /
  1. He wasn’t smart at all.
  2. He came up with the idea.
  3. He is out of the question.
3. (B) W: What a great idea! Whose is it?
M: George thought of it all by himself.
Q: What is true of George?
  1. Lying on a beach and swimming in the ocean.
  2. Thinking about where to take their vacation.
  3. Coming back home from a relaxing trip.
2. (A) W: What are you doing this weekend?
M: My wife and I are going on a two-week vacation!
Q: What might the man and his wife be doing next week? /
  1. She wants him to date her in disguise.
  2. She feels guilty for saying no to him.
  3. She is afraid to be seen in public with him.
4. (C) M: We can do something else if you don’t like movies. Please go on a date with me!
W: The truth is … I don’t want people I know to see me with you.
Q: How does the woman feel about the man?

Part B

  1. Yes. You might say that he’s really masculine.
  2. No. I don’t think you want to be an entrepreneur.
  3. She’s not guilty at all. I disagree with you.
  4. I’m sorry, but that is out of the question.
  5. That’s silly and it isn’t true about either of them.
  6. Right, so he’s most likely a vegetarian.

1. (D) A:If I promise to do better, can I re-take the test?

2. (E) A: Jane isn’t smart. I know that because her sister isn’t.

3. (A) A: Mr. Smith is so tall, strong, and handsome!

Part C

Picture #1

1. What are the friends doing? They are eating a meal of beef, in a restaurant.

2. What might be true of the Indian girl? She may be a vegetarian, or she may simply not want to eat beef.

3.How do the friends of the Indian girl probably feel? They probably feel guilty for eating beef and not thinking of the girl’s diet.

Unit 4

Part A

  1. He is annoying.
  2. He is talented.
  3. He is attractive.
1. (C) M: What do you think of Max?
W: He’s very handsome.
Q: What does the woman say about Max? /
  1. It has many offices in Taiwan.
  2. It does business all over the world.
  3. It is only known in Asia.
3. (B) W: Have you heard of Apple computers?
M: Of course. That’s a huge multinational company.
Q: What does the man say about Apple computer company?
  1. It has done well.
  2. It hasn’t been successful.
  3. It has made a new CD.
2. (A) W: John’s band has gotten really popular.
M: Yeah. After all their hard work, they’ve made it.
Q: What does the man say about John’s band? /
  1. Stop hurting the man’s feelings all the time.
  2. Stop thinking about other people’s business.
  3. Stop thinking about her problems so much.
4. (C) W: I have no money, no talent, and no luck.
M: Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Q: What does the man tell the woman to do?

Part B

  1. Don’t worry; it has multilingual subtitles.
  2. But it’s a great opportunity!
  3. He’s very charming, isn’t he?
  4. Yes, we are planning a secret surprise.
  5. She speaks Italian and Spanish fluently.
  6. Owing to the rain, the picnic was cancelled.

1. (D) A: Will you have a birthday party for Mom?

2. (B) A: Bill doesn’t want to go to school in Canada.

3. (A) A: This is a Japanese movie. Are you sure we can watch it?

Part C

Picture #1

1. What does the money probably tell us about the man? He is successful.

2.What does the woman probably think of the man? He is handsome (or, he is charming).

3.What do the books probably tell us about the man? He is multilingual. (or, he speaks several languages fluently).

Unit 5

Part A

  1. It is not really a secret at all.
  2. It was written in a special language.
  3. The man should understand it easily.
1. (B) M: I can't understand the message you sent me.
W: That's because I wrote it using a special code.
Q: What does the woman say about the message she wrote? /
  1. Go to a different restaurant.
  2. Ask the cook for some special sauce.
  3. Tell the cook that he did not like the food.
3. (C) W: The food at this restaurant is terrible.
M: I know. I'm going to leave a complaint with the cook.
Q: Based on the conversation, what is the man going to do?
  1. They make movies.
  2. They make sushi.
  3. They clean the streets.
2. (A) W: Who are all those people across the street?
M: I think they are a film crew from Japan.
Q: What is the job of the people across the street? /
  1. An amazing statue.
  2. A fancy building.
  3. A beautiful forest.
4. (B) W: Look at that! Isn't it amazing?
M: It sure is. I've never seen a palace like that before.
Q: What are the speakers looking at?

Part B

  1. Yes, I heard about it this morning.
  2. She is certainly in for a surprise.
  3. The plot thickens!
  4. I believe that he signed Jack Carter on.

E.I plan on going to the Louvre next week.

F. The lead actor and actress, of course.

1. (F) A: Which of the actors will receive the most money for this movie?

2. (A) A: Did you know that there was a big earthquake in Japan yesterday?

3. (D) A: Who did the President hire as his assistant?

Part C

Picture #1

1. What is the job of most of the people in this picture? They are part of a film crew.

2. What kind of building can you see in this picture? It is a palace.

3. What is the director probably handing to the policeman? A permit.

Unit 6

Part A

  1. Give the man a disc.
  2. Give the man a card.
  3. Play an instrument.
1. (A) M: Would you mind passing me that CD?
W: Sure, no problem.
Q: What is the woman going to do? /
  1. DVD’s.
  2. Electronics.
  3. Second-hand things.
3. (B) M: Wow, you look so happy today!
W: I know! I just bought a new TV, phone and computer!
Q: What kinds of things did the woman buy?
  1. In a noisy room.
  2. In the same room.
  3. In a separate room.
2. (C) W: What’s wrong with you?
M: You snore too loudly. I think I need to sleep in a different room.
Q: Where should the man probably sleep? /
  1. It was easy.
  2. It was tough.
  3. It was long.
4. (B) W: I feel so tired after that bike ride today.
M: I do too. It was difficult going up all those hills.
Q: What sentence best describes the bike ride?

Part B

  1. It’s much better compared with the old one.
  2. I think I’d rather just watch TV.
  3. I’m lined up with the good guys!
  4. Me neither, so we’ll have to wait and see who gets the best score.
  5. It’s because history is repeating itself.
  6. I like all kinds of electronics.
  1. (D) A: I have no idea who will win the game today.
  2. (B) A: I think we should go for a hike today!
  3. (A) A: How is your new camera?

Part C

Picture #1

1. What is one name for all of the things sold in this store? Electronics.

2. What is the man holding in his hand? A disc.
3. What is happening in the store? There is a big sale.

May Senior Unit 7 Test

Regan Tyndall


Passage 1

My name is Tatsuya, and I’m a Japanese businessman. Speaking frankly, I love sweets and I eat them as often as I can. While this might be fine for Taiwanese, here in Japan some people feel that men who eat desserts in public aren’t masculine. It’s a problem for me because I need to eat with my boss and coworkers on a regular basis. I simply cannot order cakes with them and still be looked upon as a “real man.” Given this, you can imagine how pleased I was to discover a new restaurant, started by a local entrepreneur, which serves sweets in disguise. The restaurant serves cakes that look like fast food, meaning that now I can eat all the sweets I want while maintaining my dignity. When the newspaper printed an article about this place, I heard my coworkers talking about it and learned they are as fond of sweets as I am.

Passage 2

Takeshi Kaneshiro’s multilingual expertise has made him a star. Born in Taiwan to a Taiwanese mother and a Japanese father, Takeshi has a mixed cultural background and his classmates made fun of him because of this. Consequently, his family enrolled him in the TaipeiAmericanSchool, where he mastered English. Takeshi’s handsome features landed him a contract with an entertainment agent, and yet it was his language ability—he is fluent in no fewer than 5 languages—that allowed him to find acting jobs in Hong Kong, where he succeeded in part because he speaks Cantonese. In the mid-1990s, Takeshi’s Japanese fluency led him to be cast in a Japanese TV drama, which made him a celebrity in yet another market. Takeshi’s English skills have also helped his cross-cultural appeal; some of his films have been very popular in the West. Takeshi’s unlimited cross-cultural success of Takeshi is largely due to his multilingual expertise.

Part 2

  1. If you had your own blog, what kinds of things would you put in it?
    I would try to write one entry each week, in which I would tell about all of the interesting things I did or experienced during this week. I would also post photographs ofmy friends and me.
  2. Have you ever gone to visit a friend or family member in the hospital?
    My mother was in the hospital once to have her appendix removed. Everyone in my family went to see her just before and after her operation.
  3. Do you like to eat desserts after a meal? What are your favorites?
    I love to eat ice cream after a meal. But other times, it is even better, and healthier, just to eat some fresh fruit at the end of my dinner.
  4. How do you feel about classmates or friends who have one parent from another country? Do you feel such students have an easier or a harder time than those with two Taiwanese parents?
    I usually feel that those students are lucky, because they will easily be able to speak a foreign language and know another culture. However, I also know that people’s attitudes to them depend on which foreign country or culture they share. So it is also quite possible that they will have a harder time.
  5. Movies that deal with religions, or religious figures like Jesus, are often considered controversial. Why do you think this is so?
    This is because religions are so important to many people’s lives. When something is so important, it is difficult for people to accept it in a new form or in a different way. Some also feel that their religion is sacred and should not be the subject of films.
  6. If you were traveling or living overseas for a long period of time, how would you keep friends and family back home informed of what you were doing?
    Of course, I would call my family and write letters and email to friends. But if I could, I would start a special online blog to write about my adventures. On the blog, I would also post photographs and ask friends and family to share news with me.
  7. If you had just left the hospital and you wanted to show your appreciation for your nurse, what would you do for him (her)?
    I think I would ask the staff when my nurse would normally be getting off her (his) shift at work. Then (assuming the nurse is a woman), I would be waiting in the hospital lobby with a large bouquet of flowers to surprise her with.
  8. Have you ever told someone you knew that he/she should or should not eat a certain kind of food? How did that person react to your advice?
    I once told my father that he should stop drinking coffee so often. He was in the habit of drinking coffee right before bed! I told him that this was silly, and it was probably why he couldn’t sleep very well. Eventually, he took my advice and stopped.
  9. Why do you think it is more important nowadays to be familiar with a foreign language than it was in the past? What has changed in the world?
    I think that this is due to the change in world business. In the past, there was not so much international trade and travel. Nowadays, the economies of all countries are closely tied to other countries’ economies . So, knowing foreign languages is more important.
  10. New digital products, such as DVDs, are often designed to work for only one area of the world, or to be compatible with only one computer system. This makes problems for buyers. Why do the DVD and digital companiesmake products like this?
    I wish the companies would make only one product that will work on every system. However, I guess that the reason for this is so that digital products cannot be illegally copied and sold in foreign markets easily. In addition, companies may make more money from working closely with one major computer company, such as Microsoft, than by making a generic product that suits all systems.

Picture:[Place: A Taiwan government office, with the Taiwan flag in the corner.] A Taiwanese man in a suit (with the Taiwan flag on it) stands inside a diplomatic office, facing two visitors from abroad. One is a Japanese woman, wearing a kimono with a Japan-flag on it. The other is an African man in Zulu-clothing with the South African flag on it. The Japanese woman speaks the Japanese characters for ‘Konichi-wa’, while the Zulu man says ‘Sawubona’ (use Roman characters). The Taiwan man looks confused and embarrassed, smiling but clearly not understanding what the two guests are saying.


  1. Where are the three people?
  2. What is the problem for the Taiwanese man?
  3. What kind of person would help these people?
  4. Have you ever met people from other countries and had trouble communicating with them? How did you solve the communication problem, and how did you feel about it?

Answer:(1) The three people are in a government office in Taiwan. (2) The Taiwanese man cannot understand the languages that his guests are speaking. (3) These people would be helped a lot if there were a translator or interpreter there who could understand all the people’s languages( or someone with multi-lingual expertise). (4) Recently, some students at my university were visiting Taiwan to learn Chinese. One could speak English, but the other two spoke Korean and Spanish, respectively. I almost could not communicate with them at all. Luckily, the professor saw our difficulty and came over to translate our greetings and questions. But when we all went to the movies later, it was very hard to communicate! I felt a bit uncomfortable with the lack of communication, but I was glad I had learned some English to help communicate with one of the students.