Miss Tennessee Salute Page Criteria
FINAL deadline for Salute pages –postmarked by April 15, 2017
¨ The price of a full page is $300.00.
¨ Checks can be used for receipts.
¨ Checks should be made payable to the Miss Tennessee Scholarship Pageant. THIS IS NOT A DONATION. Your advertiser is honoring you through the purchase of advertising in the program book.
¨ Let your pages show your personality. Wear different hairstyles and clothes. Model in different poses. Use props. Use headings on your pages. Let the photographer give you different ideas.
¨ All pages must be uploaded to your DropBox folder that has been shared with you from Stacy McIntyre. Please email for any questions regarding uploading to DropBox. A high resolution PDF is the preferred format. If you want to send any other format, please contact Stacy McIntyre.
¨ Proofread all of your copy. We will not proof the salute pages, whatever you send us will be sent to the printer. If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Jane.
¨ In addition to your camera ready ads uploaded to your dropbox folder (in PDF format), please send a print out of each salute page and number your pages according to placement. Example: page 1 of 20, 2 of 20, etc. All of your ads paperwork must be sent in together and in the order you want them printed in the program book.
¨ Identify the receipts to match the correct ad page.
¨ Remember the deadline. The final deadline will be April 15, 2017. The printer will not accept copy after that date.
¨ Can’t think of people to ask? How about restaurants, colleges, tv and radio stations, chamber of commerce, insurance agencies, banks, sororities, friends, you can ask anyone!
¨ The salute pages will be printed in the program book according to number of ads sold.
Send your pages to:
Miss Tennessee Pageant
Attn: Stacy McIntyre
P. O. Box 938
Jackson, TN 38302
Contact Information:
For every page you sell after 4, we will reimburse you $100.00! Example: If you sell 1 or 3 pages, you receive no reimbursement, if you sell 4, you receive $400.00. If you sell 20, you receive $2,000.00
The contestant who sells the most pages will be awarded a $1,000.00 Public Relations Scholarship. The 2013 winner was Courtney Byrd. She sold 41 pages, received $4,100 in cash and a $1,000 scholarship before pageant week had even started.
Miss Tennessee
Salute Page Sales Report
Company Name
Page Number of
$ Amount of Ad Check No.
Date check turned in
When all salute pages are completed, mail to:
Miss Tennessee Scholarship Pageant
Attn: Stacy McIntyre
P. O. Box 938
Jackson, TN 38302
Submit this form with each report of sales. Make additional copies as needed.
Miss Tennessee
Salute Page Sales Receipt
Company Name
Contestant Name
$ Amount of Ad Check No.
Thank you so much for your patronage to the Miss Tennessee Scholarship Program.
Form E04