Time :
Points :
Fee :
Level : / Thursday 6 September 2012
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm
2.5 CPD points
Intermediate level, for delegates who have prior knowledge of the subject area
* This course is an approved RME elective course / Venue :
Language : / Joint Professional Centre
Unit 1, G/F, The Center,
99 Queen’s Road Central,
Hong Kong
Course objective:
Every solicitor should be aware of the Solicitors’ Accounts Rules and related regulations for dealing with and recording client’s money. This course aims to give an overview of the rules and regulations on accounts that are essential to solicitors’ practice. Live working examples will be used to illustrate their applications.
About the course:
· The sources of law for accounting of client’s money.
· Procedure for solicitors’ accounts.
· Solicitors’ Accounts Rules
· Live working examples, on Microsoft Excel, from the speaker, of entries in a client ledger, in accordance with the Solicitors’ Accounts Rules and examples of common pitfalls.
· Other examples, worked on Microsoft Excel, based on questions from the floor.
· What are the changes to the Ordinance relating to gross fee income from accountants.
· Problems encountered with gross fee assessment.
About the presenter:
AB Nasir, Principal, Nasirs®
Mr. Amirali B. Nasir is a solicitor admitted in Hong Kong, England and Wales and the Dubai International Financial Centre, practicing under the name and style of NASIRS ® (formerly AB Nasir & Co.) since 1992. His principal areas of practice are dispute resolution and commercial law. His is a Council member of the Law Society of Hong Kong, Chairman of the Law Society’s Guidance Committee, Chairman of Guide Working Party and a contributor to the Hong Kong Civil Procedure (White Book). He is a regular speaker on risk management, civil procedure, ethics, solicitors’ accounting, mediation and Islamic finance. He is the external examiner for the PCLL solicitors’ accounts course and appointed, by the Chief Justice, on the Panel of the Notaries Public Disciplinary Tribunal.
Enrolment Conditions:
1. Enrolments will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis.
2. Places cannot be reserved by facsimile. Registrations will only be accepted upon full payment of the course fee and receipt of the registration form.
3. If you cannot attend a booked course, written notification must be received by the Academy at any time before the date of the booked course and then you may either: 1. transfer your booking to a replacement delegate; or 2. transfer, up to 3 times, your booking to another Academy course of same value within 6 months of your written notification. If you still cannot attend the booked course after you have utilised the 3 transfers of your booking, no further transfers will be allowed and the course fees paid will be forfeited unless notice of cancellation is received in accordance with the cancellation policy.
4. Notice of cancellation of a booking must be given so that it reaches the Academy not less than seven (7) days before the date of the course and is subject to an administration fee. This fee is presently set at HK$100. Cancellations received after this time will not be accepted - the registration fee will remain payable and shall under no circumstances be refunded. Registrations are transferable to another person at any time before commencement of the course provided that the Academy is notified in advance.
5. If the course becomes full and you wish to have your name entered onto the waiting list of this course, please complete the enrolment slip and return it to the Academy together with the payment of the appropriate course fee. You will be notified before the date of the course if we are able to offer you a place at the course. A registrant whose enrolment is unsuccessful will receive a refund of the appropriate course fee.
6. Please click here for the Bad Weather Policy.
7. Please click here for the CPD Attendance Policy which applies to those who wish to claim CPD points from the Law Society of Hong Kong.
8. The Hong Kong Academy of Law reserves the right to alter the contents, speaker(s) or otherwise of this course, or cancel this course.
Enrolment Slip:
Re: Solicitors’ Accounts, Thursday 6 September 2012 (060912L)
To: Hong Kong Academy of Law, 3rd Floor, Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux Road Central, HK
(Attention: Mr. Dan Yiu / Ms. Grace Lee - Tel: 2846 0587/ 2846 0585; Fax: 2846 8801)
Name: Mr./Ms.
(full name as on identity card or practising certificate or trainee solicitor contract)
Occupation: I am (please tick as appropriate)
a Solicitor a Barrister a Trainee Solicitor
(others, please specify) :
Solicitor No: Year of admission: Trainee: First/Second year (if applicable)
(if applicable) (if applicable)
Company/Firm: Position:
Tel: Fax:
I enclose a cheque made payable to “Hong Kong Academy of Law Limited” for $ _ _ in payment for the above course.
I have read and accepted the Enrolment Conditions attached to the course flyer.
Signature: Date: