Application for Conducting Research

in Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS)


Research is understood to include all studies of educational programs in which pupils, teachers, principals, records, buildings, equipment, and other school facilities are used for the purpose of securing new information about educational and related programs.

Persons wishing to conduct research in the Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) must make their request in writing. This includes persons employed by the MPS. The research must:

a)  Provide direct benefit to the MPS.

b)  Be approved by the principal(s) and teacher(s) of any classroom to be involved.

c)  Assure that the results of the study are shared with the appropriate school personnel, parents and participants upon request.

Research request forms to conduct research in the MPS are attached and may be downloaded or obtained from the:

Research, Evaluation and Assessment (REA) Department

807 N.E. Broadway St., Third Floor

Minneapolis, MN 55413

Phone: 612 668-0570

The request will be reviewed and a written response will be sent to the principal investigator typically within 4-6 weeks (see page 4).

All applications must be received in the REA Department before the 15th of the month prior to the month in which you wish your application to be reviewed. For example, to be reviewed in November, your application must be received in the REA Department by October 15.

Requests to conduct research must be co-sponsored by a MPS administrator*. The co-sponsor MUST:

a)  vouch that the research will contribute to the Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS),

b)  assist with any necessary coordination during the conduct of the study. All research requests must obtain the building principal’s approval in writing from each participating school before submitting to the REA Department.

* An example of a MPS administrator sponsor would be a district level department director. A school principal may sponsor research only in a single school sample project, if appropriate. Direct questions concerning sponsorship to the REA Department.

11/17/03 MPLS Research Approval Process

Revised: 10/28/09 2

Other Conditions

·  Persons conducting research in the MPS must guarantee the anonymity of individual children, schools, and school personnel in reporting the results, unless written approval is obtained from the parents of participating children, from the school principal, or the school personnel involved. (See attached data privacy act.)

·  Final approval of any study will not be made until all measurement instruments have been reviewed and approved.

·  Publications emanating from studies in the schools should acknowledge the contribution of the MPS unless requests to the contrary are made, or unless the identification of the system would jeopardize future research efforts or school programs.

·  If applicable, MPS approval will be contingent upon Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval. The REA Outside Research review committee is aware that the IRB may require MPS research approval prior to granting IRB approval. The review committee will issue a letter stating that the letter can be used as verification of your project’s approval. However, researchers may not begin conducting research until REA has received a copy of your IRB approval letter. A current copy of the IRB approval letter must remain on file in the REA Department for the duration of the study. A copy of both your REA approval letter and MPS completed application to conduct research must be forwarded to your University’s IRB.

·  Upon completion of the study, a copy of the final report should be sent (electronically, if possible) by email to the contact person listed on the bottom of page 5 of the application, and also to school principal(s). If your project spans one year or less, only the final report will be required.

·  For projects lasting more than one year, at the end of each project year, a progress summary report is required. Please submit all reports to the REA Department.

·  Failure to comply with the above stipulations places the researcher at risk for continuing to conduct research within the MPS or approval of future projects.

Administrative Charge

All research projects are assessed a non-refundable $25.00 processing and administration fee to help defray the cost of reviewing and tracking projects. Please make your $25.00 fee payable to Minneapolis Public Schools and attach (do not staple) it to your application. Applications will not be processed until the administration fee has been received. Please send in an original and 3 copies (total of 4 copies) of each application (copies should be double sided, if possible). Additional charges may be incurred if approved projects require additional REA personnel time to provide data (e.g., merging test score files, extracting student demographics, etc. from the mainframe computer system). These data-management tasks will be charged at a rate of $50.00 per hour. Applicants will need to arrange payments before data will be released.

All applications to conduct research or to request data must be submitted prior to the MPS spring break to be considered for the current academic year. The review process will resume at the end of August prior to the opening of school the following academic year.


Research Review Process

Research Defined (taken from Best and Kohn, 1998)

Research is defined as the systematic and objective analysis and recording of controlled observations that may lead to the development of generalizations, principles, or theories resulting in prediction and possibly control of events. Major elements of research include:

·  Accuracy of observation

·  Generation of a hypothesis that gives focus to the investigation

·  Sampling methodology (a deliberate selection of participants or observations)

·  Measurement procedures that are operationally defined

Research in its basic form attempts to develop theories by the discovery of broad generalizations or principles. Often careful sampling procedures are employed to extend the findings beyond the group or situation studied. Applied research contains many of the fundamental research properties. However, its purpose is to improve a product or process through the testing of theoretical concepts in actual problem situations. Action research places an emphasis on the here and now. Its purpose is to improve school practices and at the same time to improve those who try to improve the practices.

The Research, Evaluation, and Assessment Department acts as the designee for approving all proposed research studies, surveys, and internal evaluations within the Minneapolis Public Schools. As a district we welcome the opportunity to collaborate, conduct and implement ongoing research that will benefit the lives of our students and staff. However, as a district it is also important to ensure that our employees and students are not subjected to ancillary requests that do not have a direct or lasting benefit to the MPS. Therefore, as an REA department, we are establishing a multi-tiered approach to review research requests within the MPS.

Minneapolis Public Schools reserves the right to review each research proposal and to consider:

(a)   the rights and welfare of the students and public school employees involved,

(b)   the appropriateness of the methods used to secure informed consent,

(c)   the balance of risks and potential benefits of the investigation, and

(d)   the appropriateness of the research design and methods, including descriptions of the psychometric properties of the instruments (validity and reliability) or how properties will be determined.

The research application review process is based on the following rubric rated on a scale of 1 to 5 (with 5 being highest).

1. Relevance to the current needs and interests of MPS 5 = Highly Relevant

2. Quality and technical adequacy of the design 5 = Clear/Adequate

3. Quality and technical adequacy of the instrument(s) 5 = Appropriate/ Adequate

4. Appropriateness of the data analyses 5 = Appropriate

5. Feasibility of data collection methods 5 = Appropriate

6. Disruption of instruction and administrative duties 5 = Not Disruptive

7. Evidence of writing and research competence 5 = Highly Evident

8. Potential for violation of participants’ privacy & rights 5 = Low Risk

No research may be initiated within the district without formal written approval from the

Director of REA.

Risk/Benefit Screening Process

All research proposals are subject to a screening process. This may occur at two levels, depending on the scope of the project and degree of risk involved. An initial screening is completed within the REA department to determine scope and whether there is potential for low, moderate or high risk to students, staff, or the district. A district-wide review board selected by the REA department may review selected research proposals. Criteria used to determine scope and risk are listed below:

·  District-wide in scope (i.e., includes numerous schools or areas)

·  Documentary via film, television, or general periodical (non-peer reviewed)

·  Highly sensitive in nature (i.e., controversial or topic area of concern)

·  Create a risk or cost to students, staff, or district that goes beyond its mission to teach and protect

·  Time or labor intensive likely to interfere with instructional time

·  Cost-benefit not directly tied to District Initiative Agenda

These criteria are only examples and are not intended to be an exhaustive list of issues related to determining the level research risk. Thus, additional criteria may be used to evaluate level of review such as, whether or not the research proposal has a MPS sponsor (department interest, staff, administration, etc.) or investigator’s previous track record in conducting research in the district.

A district-wide review board will meet as needed to review and discuss selected projects. Meetings chaired by the director of REA will be held to discuss the merits of the study, benefits to the district, and design and methodological concerns. REA staff will handle all responses to the research proposals.

If the research request is not referred to a district-wide review board, it will be handled solely by the REA department. The Director of REA will make the final recommendations for approval or disapproval. The general turnaround time for proposals internally reviewed by the REA department is 46 weeks.

Please submit a concise, yet thorough response to the following questions (please include page numbers):

1.  Title and purpose of study.

2.  When do you plan to start your study? What is the estimated total length of time in months you will be conducting research in the MPS district?

3.  How will this study benefit the MPS?

4.  Research Design Summary. What do you plan to do? You MUST include detailed information about your research questions, instruments (including any available validity and reliability evidence), sampling and data collection methodologies, and proposed quantitative and/or qualitative analyses relevant to the research questions. Samples of instruments MUST be provided and may include assessment tools, survey questions, observation forms, and interview questions. Finally, describe any task(s) students or staff will be asked to complete.

Describe procedures you will use to secure and acknowledge informed consent of all participants, including active or passive consent. If passive, please provide a rationale. Please attach copies of any letters. Outline how subjects will be identified and criteria used for recruitment, who will make the initial contact with subjects, and whether or not inducements will be used to secure participation. Please be aware that MPS is comprised of many diverse cultures and languages. We recommend translation of instruments and consent forms.

5.  List any known risks of the proposed investigation to students, staff, or the district.

6.  Are there any other requests you are making of the MPS and/or the REA Department (database extractions, training, review, evaluation, provide sample populations)?

7.  List all funding sources and budget for your study.

8.  Date and copy of IRB approval letter and IRB application. A copy of your IRB application is necessary if IRB review is in process. MPS will not allow study to begin until we have an approval letter on file.

Please attach additional documentation to elaborate or clarify your study.

Send requests with all required information and a $25.00 processing fee payable to Minneapolis Public Schools to:

Eric Vanden Berk, Ph.D.

Minneapolis Public Schools

REA Department

807 N.E. Broadway St.

Minneapolis, MN 55413

(612) 668-0573 office

(612) 668-0575 fax


Research, Evaluation and Assessment

Date: File No.: ______

Researcher’s Checklist

Submitted to: Director of Research, Evaluation & Assessment

Submitted by:

Research Proposal:
Short Title:
Principal Investigator(s):
Researcher’s Checklist
Statement of how research will benefit Minneapolis Public Schools
MPS administrator/sponsor and/or principal’s signature (if applicable)
Assurance of anonymity of MPS students & staff
Copy of “Informed consent” letter to study population/parents
Outline of research design with sampling and data collection methodologies
Proposed Analysis plan
Time Line described
Copies of measurement instruments
Signature of advisor(s)
Approval letter from University Human Subjects Committee (IRB)
Copy of IRB application
Funding sources
$25.00 processing fee
An original plus three (3) copies of your complete application package

Research Request: Approved or denied Date: ______

Signature: ______

Research Request

Street / City/State / Zip
Telephone Number / E-mail
Fax Number
Is this study part of your work for a degree? / Yes / No
If Yes, check the following:
Ph.D. / Ed.D. / M.A./M.S / Undergraduate / Other
University or College
Date of IRB Approval
Advisor’s Name / OR
Advisor Telephone Number / If approval is pending,
date of IRB application
Applicant’s Signature/Date
Advisor’s Signature(s) - For All Students/Date
Minneapolis Public School Co-Sponsor’s Signature/Date Print Name and Department
Principal’s Signature/Date Print Name and School/Location
(Required for all buildings that participate. Add additional signature pages or letters of support as necessary.)

11/17/03 MPLS Research Approval Process

Revised: 10/28/09 2