So how much does it cost to raise a baby? Raising a child is big bucks! In fact, it is about $300,000, over a quarter of a million dollars by the time they are old enough to move out of the house.
Students will be able to determine rough estimates of the costs of having and raising a baby for a year.
o Baby Cost Worksheet (2)
o Print out two for each group, one for estimations and one for actual costs,
Have students estimate how much it will cost to raise a baby for a week, month, and year.
2. Have students check sale ads, Internet, and local discount stores for actual costs.
3. Have students figure how much they would need to earn per hour to afford to have a baby.
4. Have students think about costs not listed that would be associated with having a baby, going to the doctor, toys, books, cereal, food, juice, medicine.
Baby Cost Worksheet
Amount / Item / Cost / Weekly/ Monthly/YearlyCare For Mom and Baby
1 per day / Pre-natal Vitamins
Hospital Costs
Health/Safety Items
1 / Baby Groom Kit – Hair brush, comb, clippers, scissors
1 / Digital Thermometer
1 / Humidifier/Vaporizer
1 / Nasal Aspirator
1 / Medicine Dropper
1 / Toothbrush
1 / Baby Monitor
1 / Safety Gate (per stairway)
10-15 / Drawer latches
15-20 / Outlet Plug Covers
1 / Newborn Bathtub
10-12 / Baby Washcloths
1 / Bath Tub Ring
1 / Faucet Protector
2 / Hooded Towels
2 per month / Baby Wash/Soap
2 per month / Baby Lotion
1 per month / Baby Oil
3 per month / Petroleum Jelly
1 per month / Baby Powder
1 per month / Cotton Swabs
1 per month / Diaper Rash Ointment
1 per month / Spray Disinfectant
2 per month / Mild laundry Soap
1 per month / Bleach
Nursery Items
1 / Crib
1 / Crib Mattress
4-6 / Fitted Crib Sheets
4-6 / Baby Blankets
2 / Crib Pads
10-12 / Receiving Blankets
1 / Mobile
1 / Crib Activity Centre
1 / Change Table
1 / Change Table Cover/ Pad
1 / Cradle or Bassinet
Diaper Items
2 per month / Box Baby Wipes
1 / Large Diaper Bag
10-12 per day / Disposable Diapers
1 / Diaper Pail
For Mom
1 / Breast Pump
10-12 per pack / Washable Nursing Pads
2-3 / Nursing Bras
Bottles and Formula
4-6 / 4 oz Bottles
4-6 / 8 oz Bottles
4-6 per day / Bottle Liners/inserts
1 / Bottle Brush
10-12 / Baby Bottle Nipples
4-6 / Cloth Bibs
4-6 / Plastic Bibs
12 oz per day / Formula Concentrate/Ready to Feed
Other Items
2-3 / Pacifiers
2 / Pacifier Holder
1 / Infant Car Seat
1 / Toddler Seat
1 / Combo Front/Back Carrier
1 / Stroller
1 / Play Yard/Pen
1 / Swing
1 / Doorway Jumper
4-6 / Rattles
10-12 / Books
4-6 / Onsies
3-4 / Hats and Booties
4-6 / Sleepers
4-6 / Gowns
3-6 per month / Outfits
2-4 per month / Socks
1 / Coat
2 / Warm Suits
Grand Totals:
What other costs do you think we have missed here?