Microsoft Dynamics AX
Project Team Member Role Center Reference for Microsoft Dynamics® AX
The Project Team Member is responsible for tasks such as tracking tasks and activities, entering time and expense information related to assigned projects, and monitoring utilization rates.
Users are assigned to Role Centers based on user profiles, which are sets of default information for a specific role in the organization. Each user is assigned to a user profile, and a Role Center is specified for each profile.
· Default user profile: Project Team Member
· Role Center page name: EPPRojectTeamMemberRoleCenter
Web parts
Role Center pages contain various pieces, or Web parts, that display information. This Role Center includes the following Web parts.
Name / Type / Displayed by default? /Work list / Dynamics Unified Work List Web Part / Yes
My Links / Quick Links / Yes
Project efficiency rate - Employee / Dynamics Report Server Report (chart) / Yes
Project - Actual vs. Budget - Consumption / Dynamics Report Server Report (chart) / Yes
Project Total Budget Cost - Project / Dynamics Report Server Report (chart) / Yes
Quick links
Quick links Web parts display links to forms, reports, list pages, and Web pages, including Enterprise Portal pages. By default, links to Enterprise Portal pages are not displayed in the Microsoft® Windows® client for Microsoft Dynamics AX, unless otherwise noted. You can modify this display setting. For more information, see the Applications and Business Processes Help in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
This Role Center includes the following quick links, which are displayed in the My Links Web part.
· Time entry - Links to the Time sheet page in Enterprise Portal (Project > Projects > Actions > Enter hours on a project); note that this link is displayed in the Windows client, even though it links to an Enterprise Portal page
· Expense entry - Links to the Manage Expenses page in Enterprise Portal (Employee Services > Manage Expenses); note that this link is displayed in the Windows client, even though it links to an Enterprise Portal page
Work list
Work lists display alerts, Workflow work items, and activities that you can act on or need to be notified about. You can use this list to view the status of these items and see when action is required.
Dynamics Report Server Report Web parts display Microsoft SQL Server® Reporting Services reports that provide information from the Microsoft Dynamics AX database or from cubes that are set up in SQL Server Analysis Services.
Depending on how the information was created, drilldown functionality might be included so that you can view more details about the data. If the information is displayed from a cube, the cube will need to be refreshed before the information in the report or KPI will be refreshed.
This Role Center includes the following reports.
Employee Utilization report
This report compares the actual utilization with the budgeted utilization based on the efficiency hours and deviation for a project over time. The utilization that is compared is for the employee who is logged on.
Type of Reporting Services report / Selection criteria / Displayed from a cube? / Drilldown available? / Displayed by default? /Chart / N/A / Yes, Project / No / Yes
Project Actual vs. Budget Consumption report
This report compares the actual consumption with the budgeted consumption and the deviation across two or more projects. The report displays a maximum of the top five projects, based on consumption deviation.
Type of Reporting Services report / Selection criteria / Displayed from a cube? / Drilldown available? / Displayed by default? /Chart / N/A / Yes, Project / No / Yes
Total Budget Cost report
This report shows the total budget cost over time for assigned projects, and the top 10 projects based on the total budget cost are displayed.
Type of Reporting Services report / Selection criteria / Displayed from a cube? / Drilldown available? / Displayed by default? /Chart / Forecast Model
The project filter displays projects that you are assigned to or associated with. / Yes, Project / No / Yes
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