A Programme-Focused Approach to Assessment and Feedback (PFAAF)

Project Team meeting, 9th May 2016 2016, 10.30am in room 5.B.14 Sighthill

Fiona Smart, Department of Learning & Teaching Enhancement (Convener)
Charlotte Chalmers, School of Life, Sport & Social Sciences
Marie Daly, Student & Academic Services
Susan Dawkes, School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Care
Jenny Dean,ENSA
Monika Foster, The Business School
Julia Fotheringham, Department of Learning & Teaching Enhancement
Mark Huxham, Department of Learning & Teaching Enhancement
Mary-Ann Kennedy, School of Arts & Creative Industries
Cathy Lambert, Director, Student & Academic Services
Myrna MacLeod, School of Arts & Creative Industries
Robert Mason, School of Engineering & The Built Environment
Katrina Swanton, Quality & Standards
Kimberly Wilder, Department of Learning & Teaching Enhancement
Amy Bostock, Department of Learning & Teaching (Project support)
Rojan Subramani, Alison Varey, Maxine Wood

1 / Welcome and introductions
The Convener welcomed Team members to the meeting and noted apologies.
2 / Notes from the last meeting – 7 March 2016
Matters Arising:
(2) Work stream 4 (staff development)The Convener confirmed that either Mo Andrews or April Edwards from the Employability and Opportunities team would join this work stream.
(3c) It was noted that BA (Hons) Communication, Advertising and PR will be the second programme in the School of Arts and Creative Industries to undertake TESTA.
Actions from the last meeting are on the agenda for discussion at today’s meeting.
3 / Project update and work stream review
The Convener stated that, following a review of all strategic projects within the University, it has been decided to incorporate two previous projects into the overarching PFAAF project as follows:
  • The Online Module Data Capture, Descriptor and Approval Process (ModCap) project will be brought fully into work stream 1;
  • The eServices for Students: Coursework Submission, Receipting and Feedback project will create a sixthPFAAF work stream (in respect of course work submission and receipting) and integrate the feedback aspect into work stream 3;
  • Aspects of the Developing an Online Academic Quality System project will be brought into PFAAF, including deliverables concerned with programme and module design, approval and delivery.
These changes have necessitated revision to project timeframes which are in the process of finalisation.
4/5 / Work stream membership / engaging students
The expansion of the project has also led to a review of work stream membership. The Team discussed and agreed the following changes. Work stream updates are also included below:
Work stream 1 (online module descriptor)
Julia Fotheringham will co-lead this work stream with Cathy Lambert. It was agreed that membership should include a representative from the Student Support Service, an academic representative from each School, and student representation.
Action:Seek academic representation from each School (follow-up expressions of interest already received). Feedback outcomes to PFAAF School champions.Also consider student representation with help of Jenny Dean in ENSA. [Cathy Lambert / Julia Fotheringham]
Work stream 3 (assessment and feedback practices)
Action:Mark Carver to liaise with Jenny Dean in ENSA about finding student representation for this work stream.
Work stream 4 (staff development)
Action: Convener to discuss possible leadership of this work stream with Bridget Hanna in the Department of Learning & Teaching Enhancement (Julia Fotheringham will no longer lead this work stream as she has agreed to co-lead work stream 1). It was agreed that engaging and consulting academic staff would be vital for this work stream. Therefore, the leader of this work stream should seek academic representation from each School.
The Team agreed that training could also be provided for staff in the professional services between September and December 2016, although this would depend on project timelines.
Student development / communications
The Team discussed the need to communicate with all students and provide them with development opportunities in relation to the changing assessment and feedback practices at the University (in particular, formative assessment). The use of Moodle and hard-copy publications were discussed. It was also noted that changes to definitions / guidance resulting from this project would have implications for University documentation such as programme handbooks and the Student Charter.
Action:Check that student communication is included in the project timeline being developed by Brent Hurley (Principal’s Office). Give consideration to it becoming a separate work stream.[Convener]
Work stream 5 (Assessment & Feedback Handbook)
Actions: Work stream members to meet to scope the work.
Consider alignment of key definitions/guidance inthe Handbook with other University documentation and how to ensure that all resources are accessible [Mark Huxham]
Work stream 6 (e-submission and e-receipting of coursework)
Complete work stream membership and give thought to student involvement [Steven Logie]
6 / Work stream 3: update on data gathering for TESTA
Mark Carver stated that the assessment experience questionnaire was being launched today. All Programme Leaders taking part in TESTA have been sent links to an electronic survey to forward to their students and it is also available on Moodle. The deadline for completion of the survey is 26th May, before students receive any of their own assessment feedback. Some groups of students will complete a paper survey on campus.
While some focus groups with students may take place over the summer period, the majority will take place in September. It was noted that the TESTA methodology is being applied in pragmatic way to take account of trimester dates and student availability.
The Convener thanked Kimberly Wilder in the Department of Learning & Teaching Enhancement for creating an online version of the paper-based TESTA survey.
7 / Defining formative assessment
The Convener tabled a paper which set out the proposed University definition of “formative assessment” which is based on the key assessment and feedback principles and relevant literature. She explained that this followed a decision taken by the Project Board in March 2016 to influence change to assessment practices (specifically promoting a greater emphasis on formative assessment) through guidance and policy rather than through regulation.
The proposed definition draws on the TESTA[1] definition and part of the QAA Code of Practice on formative assessment. The expectation is that it will inform the planned programme of staff development and will be adopted through all programmes during 2016/17.
It was noted that this definition will be taken to the University’s Learning and Teaching Committee on 18th May for endorsement.
8 / Pedagogic underpinning of formative assessment
Mark Carver presented a short summary paper which provided a rationale for the different parts of the University’s proposed Formative Assessment definition, with links to the research literature. [This is now available on the Project intranet site]
Project Team members agreed that this was a very helpful and accessible paper which could be used for staff development purposes. The Team discussed producing a glossary to accompany the definition, in order to clarify some of the terminology for students.
9 / Communications update
A Bostock informed the Team that the Dean of Learning & Teaching’s video, which provides an introduction to the project, has now been produced and will be uploaded to the intranet news page in the next week. The news story will link to the project’s intranet site which is now live.
The Convener gave the Team an overview of the intranet site and invited Members to suggest ideas for its further development which included:
  • Information / data from the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Care on its use of the TESTA methodology
  • “Talking heads”, for example on the pedagogy behind formative assessment
  • Examples of practice from Schools
  • Frequently Asked Questions for staff
  • Project timelines / deliverables
Action: A Bostock to continue to develop the project intranet site in line with the suggestions from the Team.
10 / Date and time of next meeting: Monday 13th June 2016, 2pm in room 5.B.14 Sighthill


[1] TESTA’s definition of formative assessment: as mandatory, with no mark/grade attributed; where feedback is provided.