Logan Square Neighborhood Association


Founded in 1962, LSNA is a non-profit, multi-issue, grassroots membership organization that unites a diverse group of institutions, residents, and other stakeholders to address the challenges facing our community. Serving the multi-ethnic communities of Logan Square, Avondale, and Lathrop Homes, LSNA’s mission is to unite institutions and residents to build and protect an excellent place to live, work, play, raise children, run a business, and worship.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with LSNA. Please complete the form below so that we know which staff to direct you to. Please be advised that we are developing this process, and opportunities will fluctuate depending on the workload of our program staff. Thank you for your understanding. We hope to utilize your talents soon.

Please type or print clearly

Name: ___________________________________________ Date:_______________________________

E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________________

Street Address: _______________________________________ City: ________________________

State: ___________ Zip code: _________________________ Phone: ___________________________

Age (optional): ________ Race/ethnicity (optional): ____________ Languages: __________________

What days/times are you available to volunteer? ____________________________________________

I am interested in (check all that apply):

 Supporting LSNA’s youth organizing work

 Volunteering at the annual congress in May

 Volunteering at a monthly Citizenship Workshop

 Participating in community gardening for the Paseo Prairie Gardens

 Office tasks - stuffing envelopes, assisting with mailings as needed

 Joining the Housing and Land Use Committee

 Joining the Health Committee

 Graphic Design (brochures, newsletters, flyers, etc.)

 Joining the Immigration Committee

 Teaching a Class or Skill at a community school (Background checks are required).

(What type: _______________________________________________________)

 Registering, tutoring or mentoring children during evening CLC hours (Background checks are required.)

 Helping with fundraising efforts (selling raffle tickets, developing strategies)

 Helping plan special fundraising events

 Connecting LSNA to a foundation at a company or business where I work to be eligible to receive a donation (Name: ______________________________________________________________)

Please share any special interests, skills, certifications, talents, experience that you may have.


What is the main motivating factor propelling you to want to volunteer with LSNA?

