WWFProject Proposal – Improving Natural Resources Use, UdzungwaMountainsNational Park

Project Logical framework analysis
Objectives and Activities / Objective Verifiable Indicators / Sources of Verification / Assumptions
The integrity of the Udzungwa Mountains Catchment is conserved so that it continues to provide vital sustainable goods and services at local, national and international levels.
Reduced pressure and improved utilization of forests, water and land resources on the eastern side of the UdzungwaMountainsNational Park by end of year 2008. /
  • Degraded areas in Vidunda near Kidatu Dam regenerated by 20 % by 2008;
  • Siltation in the Great Ruaha river reduced by 15% 2008;
  • Area with tree cover in the village land increased by at least 20% by 2008 compared to the baseline in 2006
  • Ecological surveys at the beginning and end of the project
  • Socio-economic survey at beginning and end of the project
  • Hydrological reports from RWBO[1]
  • Biological surveys
  • Law enforcement reports from UMNP
  • No dramatic change in current climatic patterns
  • Government and stakeholders maintain commitment to conserve the Udzungwas
  • Capacity and will to enforce laws and byelaws

Output 1: Degradation of Vidunda water catchment adjacent to the UMNP reduced through catchment forest protection, management and restoration. /
  • incidences of illegal logging in adjacent to the park reduced by at least 25% in year 2008
  • village forest reserves established in 3 villages by 2008
  • at least 10% of degraded forest restored by yr 2008
  • at least 5 village buffer zone woodlots established by 2008
  • Survey reports
  • VCC/village governments’ meeting reports
  • district extension officers reports
  • law enforcement reports (TANAPA, police)
  • site visit reports
  • financial resources available
  • local community willing and able to participate
  • political willingness and accountability to support the project
  • TANAPA, forest authorities and other stakeholders willing and able to play their roles efficiently
  • natural and man-made fires are manageable

1.1 Organize environmental awareness and education meetings and workshops in five villages.
1.2 Establish and strengthen at least five village natural resources committees
1.3 Facilitate establishment of at least three village forest reserves (VFRs) (including identification and adjudication of VFRs, survey and mapping, resources assessment, formulation of management plans, facilitation of the formulation and enforcement of village by-laws.
1.4 Establish at least five village woodlots.
1.5 Restore forests in degraded sites (at least 2,000 hectares including tree planting).
1.6 Develop and implement a simple ecological monitoring and research programme in Vidunda catchment.
Output 2: Pilot feasibility study to investigate the options for payment of environmental services is carried out and completed in UMNP. /
  • A study report on water shed services produced by year 2007
  • Stakeholders consensus on the way forward by year 2007
  • study report available in implementers offices
  • Stakeholders’ workshop report.
  • Correspondences with the government
  • stakeholders willing to take part in the process
  • government will ensure the payments for watershed services are made
  • governments timely willingness to review the policies and laws
  • the revenues raised will be ploughed back for environmental conservation
  • clear link between ecosystem and its services appreciated by stakeholders
  • tourists appreciate natural beauty of Udzungwas and willing to pay for visitation

2.1 Undertake study on watershed services.
2.2 Conduct stakeholders’ meeting to discuss the study findings and recommendations.
Output 3: Land use practices compatible with catchment forest protection, management and restoration in Vidunda, Kidatu, Mkula, Kisawasawa, Mang’ula, Sanje and Kiberege Wards on the eastern side of UMNP improved. /
  • land use plans in place for at least 10 villages by yr 2008
  • at least 5 extension officers trained and using new skills by yr 2007
  • By-laws are approved and in use by year 2008
  • Villagers implementing environmentally friendly IGAs by 2008
  • village government reports and meetings minutes
  • maps and land use plans
  • Workshop reports
  • Training manuals
  • Approved by-laws
  • Socio-economic survey reports
  • District council reports
  • support from districts
  • availability of technical staff
  • community support and willingness to participate

3.1 Facilitate preparation and implementation of land use plans.
3.1.1 Conduct adjudication procedures, and socio-economic surveys to establish baseline household livelihood information, land uses and practices and identify site specific income generating activities
3.1.2 Demarcate at least ten village boundaries.
3.1.3 Allocate land for different uses (zonation) in at least ten pilot villages.
3.1.4 Produce land use map, verify with villages and facilitate approval by the Ministry of Land and Human Settlements Development.
3.1.5 Raise awareness on land policy, natural resources and legislation.
3.1.6 Facilitate preparation and implementation of village by-laws.
3.2 Train and support at least five extension officers to help communities use good agricultural practices.
3.3 Facilitate implementation of land use income related activities.
3.3.1 Implement training programmes to support income generating activities.
3.3.2 Establish at least 15 Community Conservation Groups for promoting alternative income generation activities.
3.3.3 Establish strategic partnerships with micro economic organizations.
Output 4: Increased supply of fuelwood and improved utilization of fuelwood efficient stoves. /
  • number of households practicing agroforestry increased by 50% by yr 2008
  • number of trees planted and surviving increased to at least 60% by yr 2008
  • At least 10 tree nurseries established and supply seedlings to communities by yr 2007
  • number of households using energy saving stoves increased by 50% by yr 2008
  • Time used to collect fuelwood reduced by 50%
  • Amount of fuelwood used reduced by 50%
  • number of houses constructed using rice husk burned bricks technology increased by 50% by yr 2008
  • socio-economic survey reports
  • monitoring reports
  • technical progress reports
  • training workshop reports
  • village government reports
  • people are willing to adopt and adapt to new techniques
  • adequate support from village and district governments
  • enough land available for agroforestry

4.1 Develop agroforestry schemes that encourage tree-planting on farmers' land
4.2 Establish private and village nurseries
4.3 Provide agricultural extension services for farmers to implement agroforestry
4.4 Promote and support the use of fuel-efficient stoves
4.5 Conduct awareness programmes on the use of alternative energy sources

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[1] The RWBO and Illovo Sugar Company have reliable data collection and analysis systems that the Project will make use of.