RAC – Value of Research Task Force
Meeting Minutes
/ September 24, 2009 /Time
/ 1:30 p.m.Facilitator
/ Mara Campbell / Scribe / Donna C. LinnenbrinkSubject / RAC Value of Research Task Force Conference Call Minutes
Attendees / Mara Campbell, Jerry Hicks, Chris Jenks, David Kuehn, Wes Lum, Beth Miller, Ann Overton, Dale Peabody, Calvin Roberts
Action Items from July 22, 2009, Meeting
Action Item /
Follow-up Report
Distribute draft marketing piece to task force for feedback. Brochure is anticipated to be complete no later than October 2009 / We expect the brochure (500 copies) back from the printer on October 8. Copies will be taken to the AASHTO Annual Meeting. Copies will also be given to Susan Martinovich for distribution at the AASHTO Board of Directors’ meeting. Copies will also be distributed at the 20-24 panel meeting and at the SCOR meeting in November. A pdf of the brochure will be available soon that will distributed via email to the RAC list serve indicating that hard copies are being provided to their CEOs at the AASHTO Board of Directors’ meeting. / Mara CampbellCreate a “Deploy It” plan for SCOR to approve that incorporates an action plan of strategies and target audiences to ensure Report 610 is fully deployed across all the states. / Discussion occurred regarding various distribution methods to ensure NCHRP Report 610 is fully deployed. A webinar was discussed as a possible method to disseminate this information. Ann will draft a primer that identifies the different webinars and other venues to be used to deliver the message, the target audience to engage, and the timeline for sending e-mails to the target audience. She will distribute the draft to the group with comments due by October 15. Ann, along with Mara, will then present the final document as an action item at the SCOR meeting in November. / Ann Overton
Discussion regarding the e-mail announcing any communication led to the conclusion that Sandra Larson or Susan Martinovich would be the appropriate persons to send the e-mail after they have vetted the “Deploy It” plan. It was noted that AASHTO maintains list servs for distribution of information to specific groups. Ann Overton indicated this should be an agenda item on the NTPAW annual meeting in 2010 since this will be a long-term effort.
E-mail Mia Zmud regarding list of states/agencies to participate in Guidebook pilot. / A list of states interested in participating in the Guidebook pilot was submitted to Mia Zmud .Ms. Zmud selected Minnesota and the FHWA to participate in the pilots. / Mara Campbell
Obtain feedback, clarification, and suggestions for the SCOR to improve their Strategic Plan. Then, submit the combined comments to SCOR leadership / Dale reported that he did not receive any additional feedback from task force members. Initial feedback was provided to Sandra Larson at the Florida meeting. Wes Lum shared that work continues on the final draft to of the Strategic Plan to present to SCOR. Dale Peabody stated this task force’s assignment was completed. / Dale Peabody
Contact Sandra Larson to add an agenda item to RAC Leadership conference call agenda regarding assessing the value of research. / Mara brought up the issue that an item needed to be added to the Leadership Agenda to obtain direction on how RAC leadership wants the Value of Research TF to move forward with assessing the value of research. There are other task forces working on this same issue and everyone wants to make sure the efforts of the Value of Research TF is focused and not duplicated but other TF’s. Mara said she would discuss this with Sandra and Rick. / Mara Campbell
Obtain all the High Value of Research presentations from Randy Battey that was presented at the Annual Meeting. Package those into a document and post on line and also distribute to Research managers via CD.
Distribute compiled high value research projects to regional public relations representatives for use as a marketing tool. / Information has been received from Randy Battey. Preliminary discussions as to format have been held. Dale has agreed to take the lead on this project. He asked if some of the photos and graphics from the CEO marketing piece would be available to use on this project. Chris Jencks will forward the images he has to Dale. Dale then asked when the TF would like for this to be completed, and the TF agreed that it should be completed by the end of October so it can be posted on the web and distributed to peers. Dale agreed to the time frame. / Dale Peabody
Key Points Discussed
No. / Topic / Highlights1. / Update from Communicating the Value of Research / The CEO piece has been completed and it appears to be very well received. In addition, the TF is focusing on helping get Report 610 distributed and communicated to a variety of audiences. (Reference the action items above).
2. / Update from Assessing the Value of Research / Awaiting additional guidance from RAC Leadership before proceeding. It was suggested that the TF offer suggestions to the RAC Leadership instead of waiting on them to provide direction. Mara will compile and bring forward some ideas and suggestions to ensure the TF moves forward without duplicating efforts with other TF’s.
3. / Update from Support for SCOR Action / Mara reported that this task force has accomplished the goals set out in the current strategic plan. At TRB meeting in January, the TF will revisit this issue as the new and revised SCOR strategic plan should be final by that time.
4. / Task Force Chair Meeting / There is a task force chair meeting on October 7 that Rick Collins is coordinating. Mara will be out of the office that date and requested someone participate in this call for her. Its 2-3 p.m. CST. Dale Peabody offered to participate in this call.
5. / High Value of Research Process / Dale Peabody reported that he was working on a process to document the high value research on an annual basis. The TF discussed a variety of ways to continually assure the high value of research project information was updated. Dale offered to update his process document and send it to Mara for presentation at the SCOR meeting. It was also suggested that the high value of research session similar to the session at the 2009 RAC session be added to every Annual RAC meeting. Everyone agreed that the region hosting the summer meeting or this TF ensure that this session be added every year.
6. / Wrap up and Next Steps / Next conference call is scheduled for November 19, 2009 from 1:30 – 2:30 CST.
Action Items
No. / Action Item /
/Target Date
1 / Ensure the CEO Brochure has been distributed and a link posted on the internet and link sent to all RAC members / Mara Campbell / October 30, 20092 / “Deploy It” Plan created to submit and present to the SCOR / Ann Overton / October,15, 2009
3 / Prepare a list of suggestions and/or recommendations the TF can work on regarding “Assessing the Value” of research / Mara Campbell / November 15, 2009
4 / Create and post a compilation of High Value of Research examples from the Annual Meeting / Dale Peabody / October 30, 2009
5 / Prepare the “process” for keeping the High Value of Research fresh to RAC / Dale Peabody / November 15, 2009