Feds: Ex-U.S. attorney didn’t give Whitey immunity

By Laurel J. Sweet
Monday, October 22, 2012 - Updated 7 hours ago
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Award-winning court and crime reporter Laurel J. Sweet has been featured in the ABC miniseries "Boston 24/7" and the 9-11 documentary motion picture "Looking For My Brother."

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Federal prosecutors responding to requests for detailed information on the late former U.S. Attorney Jeremiah O’Sullivan by James “Whitey” Bulger’s defense team say O’Sullivan testified that he never gave immunity to the mobster, in the first court papers to name a top fed with regard to Bulger’s license-to-kill claim.

Since dropping the bombshell this summer, Bulger lawyer J. W. Carney Jr. has refused to identify who he intends to prove gave immunity from prosecution to the accused killer of 19 men and women when the case goes on trial in March — and he wasn’t talking yesterday. A pretrial status conference is set for this afternoon.

A letter to Carney from prosecutors Brian Kelly, Fred Wyshak Jr. and Zachary Hafer filed Friday in U.S. District Court states they have turned over to him a “detailed synopsis of all O’Sullivan’s daily logs and rough notes” as part of the “substantial material” he has requested from O’Sullivan’s tenure as head of the New England Organized Crime Strike Force and U.S. Attorney in the 1970s and 1980s. O’Sullivan died in 2009 at age 66.

Prosecutors, who have scoffed at the immunity boast, noted in the letter that “O’Sullivan himself testified under oath before Congress he never extended immunity to either James Bulger or Stephen Flemmi,” Bulger’s longtime partner in crime. O’Sullivan was called before the House Committee on Government Reform in December 2002 during its probe of the DOJ’s use of murderers as informants. O’Sullivan conceded to the panel, “You got me,” when confronted with a memo he’d written indicating he knew Bulger and Flemmi were involved in race-fixing at Suffolk Downs in 1977 but were never indicted


? 00

my best friend's ex-wife made $17345 a month ago. she works on the laptop and got a $462900 condo. All she did was get fortunate and put into use the advice revealed on this site

Posted 5 hours ago Reply Link Abusive


? 00

Of coarse not, can you spell a detailed synopsis, you are painting a picture of a cover-up of facts not in writing.
Mr. O'Sullivan has passed, hard to know exactly was exchanged, what was in fact agreed too, Hard too Know Exactly, and a detaled Synopsis is not exactly putting windex on a dirty window.

Posted 2 hours ago Reply Link Abusive


? 00

The word immunity is I believe a legal term, and yet immunity also suggest an agreement with someone lets say caught in the middle of to forces.
One side is the Feds., the FBI, who was the opposing force, the Italian Mafia perhaps, who was the one caught in the middle, the Irish from Boston, lets say represented by many some not in gov't. and those in Gov't..
Sometime deals are struck for lest than heritage and sometimes heritage is enough.

Posted 1 hour ago Reply Link Abusive


? 00

Dead men tell no tales. Convenient. Wasn't John Connolly the intermediary between Bulger and FBI? He's alive and available.

Posted 23 mins ago Reply Link A


? +1-1

This is not a case that needs to be dealt with in 300,000 pages of material, and in fact, shows the feds likely have more to hide than they are revealing.
Another FBI snow-job right in front of our eyes.
Their "way" is to fillibuster until Whitey dies, and Whitey's way is to live as long as he wants. Cops and Robbers, that's all this is, except the cops are dirty and the robbers are just telling it like it is. Funny turnaround, eh?
And how many millions of dollars did it cost us to "float" the Bulger family this year?
Maybe the suits are newer, but this FBI seems no different from Hoover's...and the "gang" is the gang, doing all they want to do because their prosecutors are as bad or worse then they.
The feds need one murder to presecute, and if that fails they can do another, instead of pulling 300,000 pages of wool over the public's eye.
When the feds are dirty, who are we going to call..."Ghostbusters?" Seems as if the ghost of Hoover is alive and well. And we'll read the book about today's FBI in 20 years after this chapter is all over. And it'll be just as revealing as Hoover's was.
At least now in MA one can get a sex change if that "glove" fits. At our expense, of course.

Posted 2 hours ago Reply Link Abusive


? +2-1

The feds probably did give Bulger & Flemmi a pass on fixing races and gambling and even extortion, drug running, but not murder, no one gets a pass on murder.

Posted 1 hour ago Reply Link Abusive


? +20

I say he dies of natural causes before he receives any conviction. Stay tuned......

Posted 1 hour ago Reply Link Abusive


? 00

turn him loose in the jail yard. let his friends tal to him

Posted 54 mins ago Reply Link Abusive

woodduck replying to markbel

? 0-1 your Doctor and tell him your medication needs to be changed. You're an idiot...

Posted 49 mins ago Reply Link Abusive

markbel replying to woodduck

? +10 early for your shift at Center Plaza this morning?
No doc, no meds, Agent Woodduck. In fact I see with pretty good 20-20 vision that the only thing 300,000 pages of info do is screw up a case.
What do you see? A legitimate case? True justice? Or maybe you ought to re-assume the position of "working" under the chairwell of the CM's desk...he'll be in soon.
Puleeeze...defend 300,000 pages, or Whitey. (Or this state and te feds corroboration, for that matter....)
Or call benpango22 and seek out the job that's posted first in this thread you are enhancing so well. They're looking for ignorant people it seems, or just people who respond to sleazy marketing. Seems Whitey has you! Must pay well.

Posted 40 mins ago Reply Link Abusive


? 00

\"J. W. Carney Jr. has refused to identify who he intends to prove gave immunity from prosecution to the accused killer\"
\"O’Sullivan was called before the House Committee on Government Reform in December 2002 during its probe of the DOJ’s use of murderers as informants.\"
During the upcoming 2013 House Committee the questions that will be asked will be, who in the DOJ has licenced informers to kill for them, or using Informers as Murderers. Not to different than what role Whitey played for these Gangsters masquarading with Badges & Robes, while others carry titles.
WorthingtonGate ... CONNECT ALL THE DOTS!

Posted 25 mins ago Reply Link Abusive

CharlieOnTheMTA replying to markbel

? 00

There can be no justice in this case and even the retribution will be thin gruel when the BPD and state cops and feds who enabled Whitey's reign of terror are allowed to broom their involvement. The whole lot of them need jail time, not just Whitey. Then, perhaps, we can say that justice has been served. I don't see any appetite for that kind of effort.

Posted 19 mins ago Reply Link Abusive

clambelly replying to hoopfan

? 00

NO ONE GETS A PASS ON MURDER? WAKE-UP, my nephew was USED to MURDER by the FED's during the 2002 Congressional Hearings that would have even EXPOSED Robert Mueller and MANY Civil-? self-service gangsters --- Christa Worthington on Cape Cod! Martha Coakley got her start as an AUSA under Mueller, and John Kerry played on Mueller's High School Hockey team - Mueller was Captain.
Licence to KILL?
Try CoIntelPro Domestic Terrorism .. this IS THE NASTASI.
WorthingtonGate ... Connect ALL the dots .. It's the all NEW Winter Hill Gang!

Posted 4 mins ago Reply Link Abusive

markbel replying to CharlieOnTheMTA

? 00

You are SO right, and it all comes down to who is at the top of all of it.
Did you see 2016 yet? The US is this 200 year-old snot in the world that's 5000 years old... Heck, Christianity is only 2012 in that regard.
In the big picture who Whitey killed means nothing, and those who got paid off, or are continuing to be paid off are just fine. This case, like many, has all been planned just needs to be played per the script that's written by political moves. The key people will be taken care of and will shaddup about it. Nothing new there.
The only thing that's for sure, pending the appeal, is that if Whitey wants a sex change he can get it here in MA, and the Bulger family will also be fine, paid by the taxpayers.
We need leaders with morals and common sense who will use the ability to clean the US from the basement up first, then worry about how the roof and exterior look. Obeying common laws would be a start. The Consitution has never failed us, the a**holes who are under oath to uphold it do...because it pays better.
Nice to hear from ya Charlie.

Posted 1 hour ago Reply Link Abusive

markbel replying to markbel

? 00

Please forgive my error in spelling ConsTitution.

Posted 1 hour ago Reply Link Abusive

CharlieOnTheMTA replying to clambelly

? +10

With the BPD closing less than one third of all homicides in the city of Boston, it sure feels like a lot of murderers are getting a pass. And even when they close a cold case, it is 35 years too late and they conveniently pin the blame on a dead guy, so nobody actually gets punished for the crime. But hey, we have the safest details in America because we don't use flagmen and the cops can afford vacation homes on the Cape or in Humarock so God is in Heaven and all is right with the world.

Posted 1 hour ago Reply Link Abusive

CharlieOnTheMTA replying to markbel

? 00

2016: Obama's America was an eye opener. We're in a world of hurt, for sure. Check this out if you want to read about Obama's brilliant investments:
In the meanwhile, the Chicoms are quietly buying up gold like crazy. It looks like they want to launch a gold-backed renminbi. Care to take a guess where that leaves the US?

Posted 1 hour ago Reply Link Abusive


? 00

Thanks for the discourse Charlie: I'm not sure if a Muslim society is worse than what we have emerging 3rd world entity.
Of course if I were a woman, or a man that likes, respects and appreciates women, I'd want many reforms before I feel going in that direction is positive....
If we have a choice.
Middle class white guys impoverished and pummeled by corrupt courts.
Entitled women gaining posessions and money for nothing short of an entitlement that will be REALLY short lived in a lesser society.
Many American women are unfit to work and undereducated, just like Allah likes them...and with the above taken from them will be very upset.
The diminshing middle class in general.
Kids brought up for 2-3 generations to think thay'll call mommy if somebody shoots at them, or worse, takes their video games away....
And Dad? Dad's just a jerk, anyways.... (Good values)
And American courts (that used to be guided by a Constitution) that feed into all of it with the forced erosion of our society., the money maker..the feeding trough...anything BUT a means to raise the values and standards of the US...
Want Obama? Make sure you see 2016. Obama's the guy who likes the poor better than the middle class, like all good vote-seeking Dems. Want Poindexter? The guy who likes the rich more then the middle class?
Good luck everybody!!!

Posted 25 mins ago Reply Link Abusive


? 00

Yeah and lemme know when Elvis gets here..

Posted 1 min ago Reply Link Abusive

Straub replying to clambelly

? +10

Oh yes, murderers do get a pass, whether it's configured that way by corrupt badges or via ineffective policing.
What's also really disgusting is that the Feds and police have repeatedly given Ed Mackenzie a pass unconcerned with the fact that MacKenzie repeatedly brutalized young girls in South Boston and the surrounding area, then to cover their tracks there have been various news stories that have insulated and help to cover for MacKenzie too.
It seems that within the course of this trial, in order to get a conviction, the Feds are going to have to break the very rules they assert Bulger's handlers broke in what constitutes acceptable usage of informants.

Posted 14 mins ago Reply Link Abusive