Monday, June 21, 2012 6:45 PM in the Step Room

Present: Annita Wozniak, Bob McNallie, Scott Stewart, Craig Pringle, Carla Bonsignore, Shannel Trudeau-Yancey, Brett Stousland

Absent: Ndidi Yaucher, Jane Teasdale, Lucy Lofts, Mike Fedorov

Guests: Ian Gaylor, Tessa Lambe


CKCS is a public education option for parents, students and teachers in the Verona Area School District where students develop strong learning skills and a broad base of knowledge through the use of proven educational materials and programs in a safe and structured environment.

  1. AUDIENCE –none


A. Calendar/Contact Update and future meeting dates:

Next GC Meeting: April 16th, 2012 at 6:00p.m.

  1. Update from PRT-No meeting over the summer; they did meet to introduce new members.
  2. Update from PASS-April 25th was the last meeting of the school year.
  3. Previous meeting minutes approved. Scott approved, Annita seconded. Vote YES: 5Vote NO: 0, ABSTAIN: 0


Verona Area Core Knowledge® Charter School

Director’s Report – June 21, 2012

1. Operating Budget
2011-12 Operating Budget attached (page 1).
Carryover of about $337. Specific figure will be available from central office about August 1st, 2012

2012-13 Operating Budget attached (page 2).

Projected Enrollment for 2012-13 as June 21, 2012 (attached page 3).Set for 414 students coming in to the 2012/2013 school year.
3.Hiring Committee Update
MS Special Education – District Hire.
Briana Lenzinger was offered the position and she accepted. Briana has a degree from UW-Oshkosh in elementary education and special education. She has one year of experience in SE and two year of regular education teaching at North Fond du Lac.
Elementary Special Education Assistant – District Hire.
Britany Schumacher has resigned to move to Green Bay. Suggested position be posted in mid-July with hiring offer in early August.
4.Replacement for mystudentdirectory - Factors to consider in my opinion:
-Liberal sending plan.
-Email addresses of between 500-1000.
-CONFIDENTALITY (email addresses will not be sold or used by others)
-Able to create sub-groups.
-Multiple users.
-Web based.
-Easy uploading of email addresses using Excel or similar program.
-Notice of “kickbacks”.
-Attachments allowed.
-Clear identification that the email is coming from CKCS.
-Is not identified as SPAM
Services I have read about-
PTO Today (parent express mail) – youtube video about it at:

Constant Contact and Brett also mentioned looking into Google Apps.

5.Upcoming Dates –
July 9th – Summer Schools start (MS and ES)
July 9th – Governing Council at 6:45 pm in Room 102
August 13th – PRT at 6:00 pm in LMC
August 13th – Governing Council at 6:45 pm in Room 102
MS and ES Registrations:
Thursday – August 16th – 11 am to 7 pm
Tuesday – August 21st – 7 pm to 2 pm
6.Board Meeting Briefs
May 21 and June 8 –
Strategies Priorities and Goals – Version 2 being considered.

  1. MS Math Programs: Bob reviewed that CKCS is looking to improve math scores, in particular for 7thinto 8th grade students. We have been looking into the possibility of purchasing Saxon Math Program-not remediation, but more intense programming to strengthen weak areas. It is roughly around $1157. Would like the GC present a motion to pass this into the new school year budget. It is a one time fee. We have used Alex Math in the past but Chris is recommending the Saxon. Hope would be to purchase and readjust our budget to cover the expense. The kids are struggling with number sets, etc. and this program could address that need. Vote to approve requesting funds from PASS: Annita made a motion to request $1157 from PASS, Bob seconded. Vote Yes-5, Vote No-0 Abstain-0
  2. Discuss Draft Management Plan (Dir/District)-PASS requests delay until August
  3. Funding Requests-Math Ad Hoc, Social Studies (funded):Chris wrote some grants and was able to receive some funding.
  4. Review and approve Community Rep Description: Annita reviewed the document and changes that have been made based on previous recommendations. Description was developed so that Community Representatives have a more specific role serving on the GC Committee. Scott made a motion to approve the document. Shannel seconded. Vote Yes: 5, Vote No: 0, Abstain: 0
  5. Review and approve PEGG:Intention was to educate and recruit help from parents at CKCS. The GC determined that it was too long and contains more information than needed. Annita and Carla will work on this more and make some edits to share. Hope would be that this is completed by August to share with parents at registration. Annita reviewed the draft of changes that she developed. Bob also stated that he feels the teacher needs to be the “sales person” to recruit parent volunteers.
  6. Review and approve 2x2 marketing piece:The GC decided that this wasn’t urgent but is something we will want to improve upon. FDT would like to use this with summary of results, graphs, etc. GC discussed whether this would need to updated regularly. To keep data current, we will want to update it potentially annually. Annita reviewed some of the edits that she and Chris have made regarding content.
  7. Schedule PASS/GC Board meeting retreat-sometime in July? GC discussed the value of learning the ins and outs of serving on a board. Discussion around price, quality, purpose, etc. was held. There are also online resources as well that would be valuable to review. Brett stated that he would look into options for board training on operation, etc. Bob agreed that this would be a valuable goal. GC will reevaluate at the July meeting.
  8. Summer-Outreach Efforts:Number for enrollment looks sufficient so outreach demand isn’t a priority for the 2012/2013 school year. Outreach committee meeting will be held in November, 2012 to review next years outreach needs.


  1. Committees Updates – Budget,Hiring
  2. K-8 Teacher Representative – routing of committee agendas to staff using My Student Directory. Carla is now on board serving as the teacher representative.
  1. OLD BUSINESS (5 min)-Consider ad-hoc teacher committee for maintaining integrity of CK/DI program 2/larger class OR teacher participation on FDT to fund and maintain program integrity.
  1. ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS-Discuss BRMS/CKCS Working Agreement for 2012/13 (July/Vote August), Discuss Draft Management Plan (July/Vote August), Election of officers (July), Annual report/AYP to district, GC volunteers for Registration Table and K-8 Orientation (PEGG-July), GC Goal Suggestions, 36 month calendar highlights, committee options, technology planning committee (establishing a 1,3,5 year plan), CK accreditation process and costs.
  1. NEXT REGULAR MEETINGJuly 16, 2012 at 6:00pm