General SCHOOL
Telephone Directory
Main Office/Early Warning .604-668-6602
Fax. 604-270-8278
Richmond School Board Office 606-668-6000
Bell Schedule
8:40 A.M. Bell
8:45 Morning Classes Begin
10:25 – 10:40 Recess
12:05 – 12:50 Lunch
12:45 P.M. Bell
12:50 Afternoon Classes Begin
2:38 Students Dismissed
(604) 668-6602
If a child is going to be absent, parents are requested to call 668-6602 before 8:45 in the morning. This will assist the school secretary, who phones the homes of absent students if the school has not been notified. Your cooperation is essential to make this system operate successfully. Thank you!
Mission Statement
B.C. Ministry of Education
“The purpose of the British Columbia school system is to enable learners to develop their individual potential and to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to contribute to a healthy society and a prosperous and sustainable economy.” – Mandate for the School System Province of B.C., January 27, 1989
Mission Statement – Thomas Kidd School
Thomas Kidd is a school where children feel safe, respected, included and encouraged to be life long learners. We follow the S.H.A.R.P acronym for social responsibility and we work to build a supportive community and positive learning environment. We value critical thinking, creativity and innovation as we question, discuss, practice and assess. Together we seek to understand each other and our ever-changing world.
Thomas Kidd is a strong learning community that
is built upon a communicative and collaborative partnership between staff, students and parents. We want families to feel well informed, welcomed, included and connected to their child’s school.
Communication at Kidd occurs in many different ways:
1) Questions, concerns or conversation about your child or the school are welcomed. We want your voice to be heard. If you need to meet with a teacher or Ms. Wong, please call the school at 668-6602 to arrange an appointment.
2) Classroom teachers frequently send class newsletters home previewing upcoming events and learning activities.
3) Students in grade 1 to 7 use student planners and these provide an opportunity for home/school communication.
3) The Thomas Kidd School Newsletter provides important information for parents monthly, and a calendar of events for students goes home each month.
4) Upcoming events for each week are posted on the TV display in the front hall.
5) Our school website is also current with our school newsletter. It also includes important information about upcoming events, classroom teachers’ web pages, our school handbook, learning goals for this school year, PAC information, a message from the Principal and links to other educational websites.
Is sick… Leave a message on the school answering machine. Phone 604-668-6602 before 8:45 a.m. Remember, you will be contacted by the school secretary if you have not notified the school of your child’s absence.
Is absent… Send a note for the teacher as a follow-up to the phone call.
Is moving… Let the office know as soon as possible so the necessary forms can be completed.
Loses items… Check the lost and found bin near the front office.
Experiences a lengthy illness… Notify the office.
Wants to use the phone… Ask for permission. Please remember this use is for special circumstances only, not for making social arrangements.
Has an appointment… Send a note to the teacher so your child can be dismissed at the required time.
Brings lunch… Lunch is eaten in the classroom. Children go outside to the playground at 12:05 to play and come in at 12:30 to eat. If you are dropping off a lunch after 8:45 it should be placed on the table conveniently located in the hallway by the office so that students are not disturbed in their classrooms.
Forgets lunch ...Students can phone home. Sometimes other students will share their extra food.
Wants to talk to Counselor/Nurse.... Contact the Counselor through the office. Contact the Nurse through the office, or contact the Richmond Health Department at 604-233-3150.
Our school currently has 31 computers with internet access in our lab. Classes are scheduled to use the computer lab each week. Students learn to use technology to enhance learning in all curricular areas.
Bicycles may be ridden to and from school and parked in the designated area. Bicycle safety rules should be followed at all times - including wearing bicycle helmets!
The school cannot assume responsibility for bicycles. Students should keep them locked.
Supervision of students during times when they are not in class is the responsibility of teachers or adult supervisors. Before school, beginning at 8:30 am one staff member is responsible for the supervision of students on the grounds and the remainder of staff monitor those students in the building; at recess two teachers are on duty and during lunch two adult supervisors are on duty. Parents are encouraged not to send children to school before 8:30 am. unless there is a scheduled, supervised school activity.
Thomas Kidd Elementary School is located at 10851 Shell Road – in the general area of where the Thomas Kidd family resided some time after 1874.
Thomas Kidd was born in Ireland in 1846. At the age of seventeen he sailed to New Zealand where he served three years as a volunteer in the Maori War. He then left for California where he was both a rancher and a logger. In 1874 he arrived in Victoria and some time later settled here on Lulu Island, when the delta was still undeveloped.
Mr. Kidd was very much a part of public life. He served as Councillor and Reeve of the newly-formed Municipality of Richmond. He was elected to the provincial legislature in 1894 and retired in 1902.
He was not only an avid reader but also a very creative writer. His “History of Richmond,” together with some of his poems, was published in 1927.
We, at Thomas Kidd Elementary, have the honour of attending a school which bears the name of a worthy pioneer, conscientious public servant and a man of many talents.
Our Teacher-Librarian, Ms. Spearn, works with classroom teachers to help children learn to access information enabling them to become lifelong learners. Throughout the school year, students will work as a whole class or in small groups in library research activities connected to classroom studies.
The Thomas Kidd Library Resource Centre is open:
Before school 8:30 – 8:40 am
During the school day 8:45 – 2:38 pm
After school 2:38 – 3:00 pm
Books are generally on a one-week loan. Students are responsible for replacing lost or damaged books.
Parents and children are encouraged to make use of the school Library Resource Centre. As well, Ms. Spearn welcomes volunteer help from parents throughout the school year.
To ensure the safety of students, it is important that parents who drive their children to school follow the outlined directions for traffic and parking:
Please use the NO PARKING/ DROP-OFF lane.
Stop for no longer than 5 minutes to allow your child to climb in and buckle up.
Do not stop and wait.
Do not leave your vehicle while parked in the drive-through lane.
Please use the parking stalls at the north end of the parking lot along Maddocks Road.
Park your vehicle facing Shell Road to eliminate the chance of backing into students or vehicles using the drive-thru lane.
Do not park with your vehicle facing Maddocks Road.
Learning Goals for 2015/2016
1. To improve student understanding of, and competency in, mathematical skills.
2. To continue to enhance growth and shared understanding in Social Responsibility with a focus on contributing to and participating in the classroom and school community in a respectful and responsible manner.
3. To improve students’ abilities to express their thoughts, opinions and ideas fluently in speaking and writing.
(information available at publication deadline)
Principal Ms. Huey Wong
Secretary Mrs. Janine Toda
Teacher Librarian / Resource Teacher
Ms. Ann Spearn
Classroom Teachers:
Mrs. Laura Birarda
Mrs. Cheryl Burian
Mrs. Tara Clifford
Mrs. Suzanne Luchene
Mr. Russ MacMath
Mrs. Penny Nakamoto
Miss J. Neschki
Ms. Diana Wood
Educational Assistants:
Mrs. Jenny Chavez
Mrs. Sylvia Cheng
Mrs. Carrie MacMillan
Mrs. Sharon Newman
Ms. Kemi Nordstorm
Mrs. Tiffany Volk
ELL / Learning Assistance:
Ms. Huey Wong
Ms Ann Spearn
Miss Connie Yiu
Instrumental Music Teacher: Mr. Spencer Day
Counselor: Mr. Jim Reid
Speech/Language Mrs. Heidi Lipetz
School Nurse: Mrs. Julie Stuart
Noon Hr Supervisors: Mrs. Kit Chang
Mrs. Christena Docherty
Building a Socially Responsible Learning Community at Thomas Kidd
The SHARP acronym stands for our five core values that help guide our decision-making at Thomas Kidd. Being SHARP means being:
These values were chosen by the staff, students and parents of Thomas Kidd as actions that we believe make Kidd a special learning community. These are core values we want to foster, teach, value, acknowledge and celebrate each day at Thomas Kidd. Our SHARP program is really a way of thinking about social responsibility that is based on three main principles:
1) We need to teach social skills, social responsibility and pro-social behaviours.
We need to teach students appropriate ways to interact with others. It is not good enough to tell a child not to do something; we must teach the child what they can do instead.
For example, SHARP allows us an opportunity to teach kids how to play Safely on the playground, and also some language and a frame of reference to come back to when debriefing unsafe behaviours.
2) We want to catch students being "good." This approach builds from strengths, provides a vehicle for positive interactions, and recognition for what students are doing well. Importantly, it provides a chance to have a conversation about something very specific that a child did well.
For example, when a child is SHARP, we can say, "I like the way you asked the new student in your class to join you in a game at recess. That was really Helpful" or "You were being very Respectful when you sat facing me and put your hand up to answer my questions. Thanks for being SHARP." These conversations reinforce and celebrate the hundreds of positive things our students do each day. This feedback is far more important than the cards they get - because these little talks provide students with very specific guidance on how to be socially responsible in our community.
3) Social responsibility is a developmental process and is learned behaviour. We don't expect that two year old children will be able to share toys easily and we do not expect that children in the K- 7 years are always able to make good choices when working with others. Just as children learn to read and write, they also learn how to make friends, solve problems peacefully, understand another person's point of view, and to care about the community and world in which they live. And just as some children develop skills in reading and writing quite quickly and some need extra help, some children pick up these social skills easily and naturally while others need small group work and even one- on-one assistance to develop these social skills and abilities.
An important extension of this thinking is that every behaviour issue is a learning opportunity. We need to ensure that students understand that unsafe, harmful, irresponsible, disrespectful and negative behaviours are not tolerated at Thomas Kidd. But we must also see these actions as a chance to teach a child right from wrong, how their actions impact upon others, how to make amends and how to make good choices in the future.
All Parents/Guardians of students at Thomas Kidd automatically belong and are voting members of the Thomas Kidd Parent Advisory Council (PAC). PAC is dedicated to support and promote the involvement of parents in the education of their children.
The role of the PAC is to promote a spirit of warmth and co-operation within the school community by:
a) welcoming parents and guardians to the school community and activities
· making recommendations to the Principal or designate on school programs and services
b) organizing, in conjunction with the Principal or designate, volunteer programs and activities which support the school
· working with the Principal or designate, staff, parents and community organizations to provide a healthy, safe and supportive environment
c) providing a forum for discussion of educational programs and services
In addition, PAC members work with the Administration and staff to formulate the annual School Performance Plan required by the school District for the Ministry of Education. The School Planning Council (SPC) welcomes the parents to engage in a planning process for continuous improvement to our students’ achievement and performance.
PAC meetings are held once a month and the Principal also attends. This is a time for all parents to hear the latest on happenings at Thomas Kidd, to discuss parents’ ideas and ask questions. Parents also have representation in the Richmond District Parents’ Association, providing a link with other schools in Richmond and B.C.
The contributions of parents are valued and encouraged in the educational life of all our students at Thomas Kidd.
Some of the areas in which parents can contribute include:
· Reading to our students
· Assisting in the library
· Driving and helping to supervise on fieldtrips
· Noon-hour activities
· Hot lunch days
· Special events that happen throughout the
Chairperson Lisa Craker
Secretary Lana Bruce
Treasurer Tanya Tomson
SPC Executive Rep Candy Berg
RDPA Rep Tara Dewerson
Fundraising Nancy McKinstry
2015-2016 Calendar
Tues. Sept. 8 First Day of School
Thurs. Sept. 24 Meet the Staff Event
Mon. Sept. 28 Professional Development Day – School is not in session
Mon. Oct. 12 Thanksgiving Day – School is not in session
Fri. Oct. 23 Provincial Professional Development Day – School is not in session
Tues. Nov. 10 Remembrance Day Assembly
Wed. Nov. 11 Remembrance Day Holiday
Fri. Nov. 27 Professional Development Day – School is not in session
Fri. Dec. 4 Term 1 Report Cards sent home
Wed. Dec. 9 Term 1 Conferences – Early Dismissal at 1:38 pm
Thurs. Dec. 10 Term 1 Conferences – Early Dismissal at 1:38 pm