2014 Summer Reading Assignment for Incoming Seventh Graders

Honors Students

North Penn School District

Reading Assignment for students coming in to seventh grade Honors English

Stargirl Summer Reading Assignment

You are required to read two books for summer reading: Stargirland a book of your choice.

Below, please find the steps needed to complete the required summer reading assignments for students entering Seventh grade Honors in the North Penn School District.

Please note,your summer reading work is an individual assignment. While you are encouraged to discuss the reading, your responses should be completed independently.

  1. Obtain a copy of Stargirlby Jerry Spinelli.
  2. Obtain another book of your choosing.
  3. Preview the assignments prior to reading each book.
  4. ReadStargirlfirst.
  5. Complete the assignment forStargirl. Your work may be word-processed or handwritten.
  6. Read the free choice selection book.
  7. Complete the assignment for the second book. Again, your work may be word-processed or handwritten.
  8. Bring a hard copy of the completed assignments to school on the first day class meets.

Before you readStargirl, please respond in writing to the following :

(Each should be a minimum of 150 words and handwritten neatly OR typed)

  1. Research the meaning of your name in a baby book and/or by asking your parents. Write about why or why not the meaning fits who you are as a person.
  1. Consider how social status can affect the happiness of a person. Write a brief journal type entry about how your own acceptance in a group might affect who you are and how happy you will be at your middle school in the coming school year.

As you read~

This novel is about the courage of non-conformity. Look up the meaning of “conformity” and “non-conformity”. Consider the way Stargirlstands out from the rest of the students at Mica High School.

Use the chart below to track the actions that reveal her individuality and the responses from those directly affected by her actions. You may download the chart to word process your notes.

After you read~ Read and think about the following quotation:

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” ~ Edith Wharton

A. Summarize the quotation in one sentence.

B. How does this quotation summarize the main idea of the novel?

(minimum of 150 words)

C. Relate the quotation to your own life. (minimum of 150 words)

In complete sentences with examples from the text, list actions which reveal Stargirl’s individuality. / In complete sentences, list responses to Stargirl’s actions by others.