Newport-Mesa USD Adult Education
STEP into N-MUSD Adult School
~ prepared and confident! ~
Substitute Teacher Essentials Packet
STEP into N-MUSD Adult School
~ prepared and confident! ~
Table of Contents
Note to N-MUSD Adult School ESL teachers:
These are my examples. To easily edit the information, select the table cell you want to change (triple clicking on the cell) and type YOUR information. Easy as that!
Table of Contents / Page 1Substitute Teacher Instructions (Delete my info & insert yours.) / Page 2
Our Mission and Beliefs / Page 3
Today’s Lesson Plan (Delete my info & insert yours.) / Page 4-5
Time Fillers / Page 6-7
More Online Resources – Recommended by N-MUSD Adult School / Page 8
Daily Journal – Beginning ESL / Page 9
Daily Journal – Intermediate/Advanced ESL / Page 10
End-of-Class Reflection (for students) Attachment 2 / Page 11
End-of-Class Feedback (for substitute teacher) Attachment 3 / Page 12
Substitute Teacher Instructions
Teacher: / Martha Rankin / Level: / Beginning Low / Room: / Room 114School: / BESST Center / Phone: / 949.515.6996 / Fax: / 949.515.6745
Class hrs: / 6:00-9:00pm / Break: / 7:30-7:45pm
Where Things Are
Lesson Plans: / In the main office, my mailbox labeled “Rankin”Room keys: / Class should be open when you arrive; go to the main office if your door is locked.
Teacher Manual(s): / All-Star 1 Teacher Edition on my desk
Attendance Folder: / In the main office, my mailbox labeled “Rankin”
Photocopy Machine: / In the main office
Class Supplies: / Whiteboard markers, pens, paper…in desk drawer, class sets of books on bookshelf
For additional help, contact this teacher: / Mandi, extension 5616
Reliable students that can further assist you: / Lizbeth Gomez, Sergio Ramirez
Emergency drill and evacuation procedures: / On clipboard in hanger by door entrance
Staff Restroom: / By office…you’ll need a key to access it. Ask Larry.
Teacher lounge: / In main office
Our Mission and Beliefs
Our mission is to provide lifelong educational opportunities and services which address the unique needs of individuals and communities by providing adults with the knowledge and skills necessary, including technology, to participate effectively as citizens, workers, parents and family members, and be contributing members of the local and global community.
At NMUSD Adult School, we believe that all students are capable learners and leaders. We engage and motivate our students to succeed by using these persistence-building strategies (from Strategies for Increasing Motivation).
ü We make students feel welcome and supported.
ü We ensure that classroom expectations for performance and behavior are clear and consistent.
ü We work to build quality relationships with students.
ü We break large tasks into a series of smaller goals and reflect on our progress.
ü We promote mastery learning. "When a student completes an assignment that does not meet the expected criteria, give her or him one or more opportunities to tackle the task again, with guidelines on how to achieve the desired result" (Dev, 1997).
ü We evaluate student work and offer immediate, clear, and constructive feedback.
ü We evaluate students based on the task, not in comparison to other students.
ü We prepare our students to succeed in our interconnected 21st Century world.
ü We celebrate the learning process!
Today’s Lesson Plan
As students come in to class, they will sign in on the sign-in sheet attached
to the clipboard by your door. You will call roll and bubble attendance 3 times:
ü 30 minutes after start of class
ü 15 minutes before break
ü 15 minutes after break
For Sub: / Time: / Activity: / Instructions:¨
Comments: / 6:00-6:20pm / Daily Journal / 1. Students copy “cloze” activity (Attachment 1) from whiteboard into their notebook and add the missing information.
2. Walk around to correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
3. Call students to board to complete blanks.
Comments: / 6:20-6:30pm / Read Daily Journal / 1. Read the completed Daily Journal aloud, sentence by sentence, and have students repeat after you. Check pronunciation.
2. Choral read the entire Daily Journal together.
3. In pairs, students practice reading aloud their daily journals to each other. Walk around to check pronunciation.
¨ / 6:30-6:40pm / Take Attendance / 1. Bubble for the first hour.
Comments: / 6:40-7:15pm / Core Textbook / 1. Ask students where they left off in their core textbook: Pages __ - __ (follow manual)
2. Circle the room to check progress.
¨ / 7:15-7:30pm / Take Attendance / 1. Bubble for the second hour.
¨ / 7:30-7:45pm / Break / 1. No food/drink in the classrooms.
For Sub: / Time: / Activity: / Instructions:
Comments: / 7:45-8:00pm / Number Recitation / 1. Recite cardinal numbers together.
2. Recite ordinal numbers together.
3. Check number fluency by doing mental math (i.e.: “What is 2 plus 8 divided by 2?”) Congratulate the first student to get the answer!!
¨ / 8:00-8:10pm / Take Attendance / 1. Bubble for the third hour.
Comments: / 8:10-8:30pm / Core Textbook - continued / 1. Finish pages __ - ___
2. Circle the room to check on progress and evaluate work.
Comments: / 8:30-8:40pm / Alphabet Recitation / 1. Recite alphabet forwards and backwards.
2. Check oral letter recognition by spelling out a code (i.e.: You are a terrific class!) Who will be the first to crack the code??? Drum roll, please!
Comments: / 8:40-9:00pm / End-of-Class Reflection / 1. Students copy and complete the End-of-Class Reflection activity (Attachment 2) in their notebooks.
Comments: / 9:00pm / Dismissal / 1. Students make sure of the following:
a. chairs are pushed in
b. class sets of books are returned (in numerical order, if applicable)
c. class is neat and orderly
2. You make sure to:
a. turn in your attendance
b. complete End-of-Class Feedback (Attachment 3)
Time Fillers
I'd Like to Know You Better
Selected from A Packet for Substitute Teachers
Suitable for Intermediate/Advanced ESL
Tell a student, "I'd like to know you better. Please write a half page for me on this topic":
· If I could do anything for one day, it would be . . .
· If I won a million dollars, I would . . .
· The best time I ever had was . . .
· What I like most in a friend is . . .
· I would like to be an educated/uneducated person because . . .
· What worries me most in the world is . . .
· In my spare time I like to . . .
Riddles Selected from a Packet for Substitute Teachers
1. What goes up and down stairs without moving? Carpet
2. Give it food and it will live; give it water and it will die. Fire
3. What can you catch but not throw? A cold
4. I run, yet I have no legs. What am I? A nose
5. Take one out and scratch my head, I am now black but once was red. A match
6. What goes around the world and stays in a corner? A stamp
7. What gets wetter the more it dries? Towel
8. The more there is, the less you see. Darkness
9. What kind of room has no windows or doors? A mushroom
10. I look at you, you look at me, I raise my right, you raise your left. What is this object? A mirror
11. The more you take the more you leave behind. Footsteps
12. Light as a feather, there is nothing in it; the strongest man can't hold it for much more than a minute. Breath
13. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps? River
14. No sooner spoken than broken. What is it? Silence
Classroom Games
Busy Work Ideas (Selected from Substitute Teaching Tricks of the Trade)
"What if" Talk / Essays
Read a Story
Draw Pictures
Sing a Song (camp songs with hand motions are great for ESL!)
Going on a Lion Hunt
Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes…
Write Story
Crossword Puzzles
Word Search Puzzle(s)
Play Bingo
Play Hangman
Sing a Song
Play 20 Questions
Lessons to Leave Behind When You Get Away! Suggestions from Linda Starr Education World®
· Five-O
Students use logic and deductive reasoning to guess a word. (3-12)
· Bing!
Students combine spelling with a game of chance. (K-12)
· Around the World
Students play a game in which they practice timed math activities. (3-8)
· Think About It!
Students use logic, common sense, and creative thinking to solve a number of word problems. (3-8)
· The Dictionary Game
Students make up definitions for an unknown word and then try to guess the real definition. (3-8)
· Word-zles
Students solve a series of word puzzles. (3-12)
· Fun With Calendars
Students use the sum of four numbers to find dates on a calendar that form a square. (6-12)
· The Million $ Mission
Students figure out whether it is more profitable to start with a penny and double their money every day for a month or to accept $1 million on the first of the month. (3-12)
More Online Resources recommended by N-MUSD Adult School:
Website / URL / Description / Where to LookAdult Education Matters / / NMUSD Adult School electronic learning community We share ideas, information, stories, best-practices videos, resources, lessons and results. / Helpful Sidebar Categories:
☼ Course Outlines
☼ Favorite ESL Websites
☼ New Teachers & Substitute Teachers
☼ Teacher Resources
So You Want To Teach? / / Education for Educators: Classroom management, Motivation, Organization, Stress Reduction / Everywhere! It’s cool. Helpful Article for new folks:
☼ 5 Habits of Highly Effective Teachers
Outreach and Technical Assistance Network for Adult Educators / / OTAN provides electronic collaboration, access to information, and technical assistance for literacy and adult education providers in CA. / You must create a username and password to sign in.
☼ Ed Tech and Media – Video Gallery
☼ Teaching Tools and Resources
Daily Journal
Attachment 1(a)
Suitable for Beginning Low and High:
Today is ______, ______, ___. Yesterday was ______. Tomorrow will be______. Today, the weather is ______and ______. I feel ______today.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
cloudy, sunny, partly cloudy, rainy, hot, cold, cool, warm
happy, exited, tired, nervous, anxious, hungry, enthusiastic, hopeful
Today is Monday, August 25, 2008. Yesterday was Sunday. Tomorrow will be Tuesday. Today, the weather is warm and sunny. I feel enthusiastic today.
Daily Journal
Attachment 1(b)
Suitable for Intermediate and Advanced:
Today is ______, ______, ______. Yesterday was ______. The day before yesterday was ______. Tomorrow will be ______. The day after ______will be ______. The weather today is ______and ______. Today, I accomplished the following things. I ______
______. My goal today in class is to ______
______. I also hope to ______. I feel ______and ______today.
End-of-Class Reflection
(for students)
Attachment 2
Today, we practiced ______, ______, and ______, I learned how to ______. I liked when we ______. It was hard to ______. I hope that we will ______tomorrow.
End-of-Class Feedback
(for substitute teacher)
Attachment 3
Thank you for teaching my class in my absence. Please take a moment to write a brief note summarizing your experience and what the students accomplished today:
Teacher: ______
Next time it would be helpful if: ______
Helpful students: ______
Class Behavior (check all that apply):
¨ courteous ¨ returned promptly after break ¨ remained on task