Buchanan Management Group
Tracking of FSC Certified Products
Buchanan Management Group (BMG) will have a timber contract or timber management agreement executed with the landowner to purchase the timber from FSC 100% tracts. The contract will include the claim, FSC 100%, and the BMG FSC code.
BMG will have a contract and/or purchase order executed with the receiving mill to deliver timber from FSC 100% tracts to the receiving mills. The contract and/or purchase order will include the claim, FSC 100%, and the BMG FSC code.
BMG will have a contract with the professional harvesting contractor who will harvest tracts of FSC 100% timber from BMG group members. The contract will include the claim, FSC 100%, and the BMG FSC code.
The logger will use a load sheet that is completed at the harvest site to monitor all FSC 100% timber harvested. Each load is recorded before it leaves the harvesting job, and the scale ticket number, tons, are added after each load is delivered to the mill. The load sheet will include the claim, FSC 100%, and the BMG FSC code.
All sales and shipping documents (scale tickets, trip tickets etc.) from receiving mills will contain sufficient information to link these documents to the contracts with the receiving mill, landowner, and logger.
Contracts, sales and shipping records, and associated records will be retained for five years.
Professional harvesting contractors harvesting tracts of FSC 100% timber from BMG group members will utilize an in-woods load sheet to record each load. Prior to starting a harvesting operation on a FSC 100% tract, the BMG administrative specialist or forester will issue load sheets to the professional harvesting contractor. The load sheet remains at the tract until it is turned in to the BMG main office. The load report specified the date loaded, time loaded, product, destination, scale ticket number, volume of weight, and driver name.
The professional harvesting contractor will bring the original scale tickets from delivery points and the load sheet to the BMG logging settlement coordinator on at least a weekly basis. The BMG logging settlement coordinator will reconcile the load sheet with the scale tickets. If discrepancies are found they are immediately corrected. Scale ticket information is keyed into BMG’s enterprise database system, and the logger is paid. The logger receives a settlement by load that includes scale ticket number, destination, product, date, and weight. When mill payments are received, the BMG mill settlement coordinator compares the keyed information in the BMG enterprise database system to the settlements from mill delivery points. If any discrepancies are found, the original ticket is reviewed to verify where the discrepancy is, and the discrepancy is corrected. The landowner is paid, and receives a report that lists tract, scale ticket number, destination, product, weight, stumpage rates, and amount paid for each load. Scale tickets, logging settlements, mill settlements and stumpage settlements are held for at least 5 years.
Delivery scale tickets from customers must contain sufficient information to link them to the purchase order and/or invoice. In the event that the receiving mill does not have a purchase order containing all required information, invoices will be generated containing BMG’s Chain of Custody code and all other relevant information.