GK-12 RESIDENT SCIENTISTS Application Form – The University of North Carolina at Greensboro – Page 1 of 7
GK-12 Graduate Resident Scientist 2015-2016 Application
Transforming Minds in a Transitioning Community
* * * Application Deadline: February 5, 2015 * * *
The GK-12 program at UNCG, funded by the National Science Foundation, partners graduate students Resident Scientists (Resident Scientists) from the departments of Biology, Chemistry/Biochemistry, and Geography with teachers and students at Montlieu elementary, Welborn middle, and Andrews high schools, located in High Point, NC. Resident Scientists, teachers and students will form discovery teams to scientifically investigate the biological, chemical, physical, health-related, and socioeconomic effects of changing land use patterns in the region.
Resident Scientists (RSs) and their partnering teachers will work on three primary tasks:
- the development and delivery of inquiry-based lesson plans,
- greater quality and quantity of differentiated instruction, and
- the creation of school-based teams to teach others science concepts and methods.
Resident Scientists will learn to communicate their research to a wide variety of audiences, develop lesson plans, develop leadership skills, enhance their teaching capability, and engage in research activities with students. Teachers will integrate new research into their teaching and learning. Resident Scientists and teachers will participate in professional development activities focused on inquiry-based, science instruction and working with diverse student groups. K-12 students will become engaged in new forms of science learning and research and will be exposed to a variety of STEM careers. For more information please visit the GK-12 website
Summary of RSs’ Responsibilities and Expectations
An average of 15 hours per week dedicated to activities with K-12 students and teachers, including those listed below (10 hours per week in the classroom and 5 hours per week in preparation).
- Complete a required background check with Guilford County Schools
- Understand and implement activities directed toward the goals and objectives of this program
- Partner with K-12 teachers in a classroom to develop activities related to your research discipline
- Meet weekly (45-60-minute conferences) with your K-12 teacher to exchange ideas and plan future lesson activities based on your classroom/subject syllabus
- Submit weekly written reflections and logs on jointly prepared and delivered RS-teacher lessons for classroom or field trip activities; the logs must besubmitted to UNCG personnel each week
- Communicate with your academic advisors on a regular schedule to be determined by your advisor
- Incorporate constructive feedback to enhance instruction and increase personal organization and effectiveness
- Enroll and participate in an independent-study graduate course every semester, including the summer, which includes attendance at monthly GK-12 teacher/Resident Scientists professional development workshops and bi-weekly meetings with PIs for planning activities and communication
- Respond to emails from Project staff within 24 hours.
- Create or modify at least three learning activities, produce written lesson plans associated with each, and implement these lessons in the classroom
- Prepare a final report in the spring semester which details these activities and in which you reflect thoroughly on their implementation
- Participate in GK-12-related symposia and science events and possibly Greenway Day
- Attend one workshop in Augustto develop effective partnerships with teachers
- Participate in ongoing project evaluation/research activities and provide information to the project evaluator, as needed
- Prepare and deliver joint presentations with your K-12 teacher at conferences, workshops or symposia on your GK-12 related activities and experiences (travel expenses are provided by the project). For example, Resident Scientists might join faculty and teachers at a presentation at the North Carolina Science Teachers Association annual meeting.
- Resident Scientists may be asked to attend the annual GK-12 Summit meeting
- Mentor K-12 students as they prepare for science fairs, Science Olympiad and/or Environthon.
This 12-month fellowship begins July 1, 2015 and continues through June 30, 2016. Resident Scientists may reapply for the program for a second year. The National Science Foundation limits graduate students to two years of participation. GK-12 Fellow rewards follow.
- Each Resident Scientist will receive a $30,000 scholarship, beginning July 1, 2015. Additionally, tuition costs for graduate Resident Scientists, up to $10,500 per year, are provided by the grant. Grant funds will reimburse each Fellow for mileage associated with the grant.
- GK-12 stipends are paid through UNCG's Financial Aid Office, and these funds are subject to the financial regulations of that office.
- Opportunities to attend science education conferences, locally and nationally
- Opportunities to work collaboratively in interdisciplinary science/science education teams on projects that will make a difference for K-12 students and the neighborhoods in which they live
Selected Resident Scientists must be available for one summer workshop.An August workshop, just prior to the beginning of the Guilford County Schools Academic year, will be designed to develop the teacher/RS partnership and lessons that can be used in the classroom that both enhance teaching and learning and incorporate each RS’s research interests. The time will be used for teams to develop extensive plans and goals for the coming academic year. In addition, during the summer months, Resident Scientists will be expected to help create materials to sustain our legacy.
To apply, you must be a US citizen, US national, or permanent resident.
The application includes:
• a completed signed application form
• a Statement of Purpose (described below)
• two letters of reference
• Statement of Commitment by your faculty advisor
Please attach a copy of all postsecondary transcripts (unofficial transcripts will be accepted).
John J. Lepri, Ph. DLynn Sametz, Ph.D.
Associate ProfessorProject Director
312 Eberhart Building414 Eberhart Building
Greensboro, NC 27402 Greensboro, NC 27401
phone: (336) 334-4132phone: (336) 256 0077
email: mail:
Send completed applications to:
John Lepri
312 Eberhart Building
Greensboro, NC 27402
phone: 336-334-4132
Selected applicants will be notified by early March.
DUE DATE: Thursday, February 5, 2015, 5pm
Resident Scientist 2015-2016 Application Form
Please Print Clearly or Type Contact Information:
YourName: ______UNCG ID number ______
Mailing Address: ______
City, State, Zip ______
Cell/Home Phone #______
Residence and Citizenship Information:
___ Resident of North Carolina
___ Resident of another state
___ US Citizen
___ US National
___ Permanent Resident
I am a graduate student in the Department of ______
Current Degree Sought: ______
Ultimate Degree Sought: ______
Education Background (include all post-secondary):
Institution / Major / Degree / Credits / DatesPlease attach a copy of all postsecondary transcripts (unofficial transcripts will be accepted).
Statement of Purpose:
Please write an essay that summarizes your educational and career objectives and why you should be considered for a GK-12 scholarship. The essay should be no longer than 2 pages. In your essay, you must address the following questions:
1. Why do you want to continue to participate in the GK-12 program?
2. What qualities do you feel you possess that make you a good mentor for K-12 teachers and students?
3. What do you see as some of the challenges of effective K-12 science education?
4. In which specific disciplines, e.g., environmental science, chemistry, geology, physics, etc., do you feel
most qualified to teach and provide expertise to K-12 teachers and students?
5. How will you help to create and further the GK-12 legacy with our partnering schools?
6. Are you willing to work at any grade level? Do you have a preference?
* * * application continues on following page * * *
Please list two (2) individuals from whom you have requested a letter of support. Please provide these individuals a copy of the application form (including Resident Scientists’ responsibilities) and have them submit their letter and/or form to the address listed. It is up to you to ensure that these materials are submitted. If you are currently enrolled at UNCG, one of these must be your current research supervisor. Note: Research supervisors or other faculty members are strongly encouraged to join and support Resident Scientists in their K-12 partnership activities as time allows (this commitment should be included in the letter of support).Please ask your references to send these forms to John Lepri by February 5, 2015.
1. Please list your faculty advisor and provide your advisor with a copy of the entire application.
Faculty Advisor: ______Department: ______
Advisor’s contact information: email and phone______
2. Name and Contact Address for second person that will write a reference letter (address, email, phone)
I certify that all general information given on this application is complete and correct. I also agree to the responsibilities of a GK-12 Fellow as described in this application, including participation in required meetings, seminars, and workshops.
Signature of Applicant Date
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro is committed to equality of educational opportunity and does not discriminate against applicants, students, or employees based on race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, or disability.
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro regards discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation to be inconsistent with its goal of providing an atmosphere in which students, faculty and staff may learn, work and live. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro values the benefits of cultural diversity and pledges to students, prospective students, faculty, staff and the public that it will defend pluralism in the academic community and welcomes all men and women of good will without regard to sexual orientation.
DUE DATE: Thursday, February 5, 2015, 5pm
GK-12 Resident Scientist 2015-2016Reference Form
Request for Reference
Under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, this applicant will have access to the information provided below unless he/she waives such access.
Applicant, please complete this section:
Name of Applicant: ______
Graduate program currently enrolled in ______
Optional item: I hereby waive my right of access to the material recorded below
Signature of Applicant Date
Respondent, please complete this section:
On a separate page, please state your relationship to the candidate and provide your judgment of this applicant’s qualifications and promise; your perception of the candidate’s intellectual ability, motivation, and capacity for research or for acquiring professional skill; the applicant’s promise for a career in productive scholarship and effective teaching, the quality of previous work; the applicant’s potential for contributing to the GK12 program, and comments on his or her character and personality.
Please complete the following as pertains to this applicant:
Exceptional / Above Average / Average / Below Average / No InformationIntellectual ability
Writing ability
Speaking ability
Academic preparation
Teaching ability
Reference’s Name______
Please send/ email completed reference form to:
John J. Lepri, Ph. D.
312 Eberhart Building
Greensboro, NC 27402
phone: (336) 334-4132
References DUE DATE: Thursday, February 5, 2015, 5pm
GK-12 Resident Scientist 2015-2016Reference Form
Request for Reference
Under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, this applicant will have access to the information provided below unless he/she waives such access.
Applicant, please complete this section:
Name of Applicant: ______
Graduate program currently enrolled in ______
Optional item: I hereby waive my right of access to the material recorded below
Signature of Applicant Date
Respondent, please complete this section:
On a separate page, please state your relationship to the candidate and provide your judgment of this applicant’s qualifications and promise; your perception of the candidate’s intellectual ability, motivation, and capacity for research or for acquiring professional skill; the applicant’s promise for a career in productive scholarship and effective teaching, the quality of previous work; the applicant’s potential for contributing to the GK12 program, and comments on his or her character and personality.
Please complete the following as pertains to this applicant:
Exceptional / Above Average / Average / Below Average / No InformationIntellectual ability
Writing ability
Speaking ability
Academic preparation
Teaching ability
Reference’s Name______
Please send/ email completed reference form to:
John J. Lepri, Ph. D.
312 Eberhart Building
Greensboro, NC 27402
phone: 336-334-4132
References DUE DATE: Thursday, February 5, 2015, 5pm
GK-12 Resident Scientist 2015-2016Advisor Form
NOTE: Research advisors are asked to complete this form AND provide a letter of reference.
Applicant, please complete this section:
Name of Applicant:______
Name of Faculty Advisor and Department:
Contact information: email and phone ______
Faculty Advisor:
Please read and complete this section and return to the candidate PRIOR TO February5, 2015.
Statement of Commitment by Faculty Advisor for NSF GK-12 Fellow Professional Development
Three of the major objectives of the UNCG’s GK-12 program are to (1) equip Resident Scientists, teachers and K-12 students with the essential scientific tools and methods to understand their neighborhoods, (2) to enhance the communication between University faculty and graduate students with K-12 teachers, and (3) provide professional development opportunities for GK-12 Resident Scientists and their teacher partners. These goals require active participation by faculty advisors who can serve as mentors for Resident Scientists. The graduate student listed above has applied for an NSF Graduate Resident Scientistship as a GK-12 Resident Scientist for the 2015-2016 academic year. Resident Scientists are appointed for a 12-month period beginning in July 2015. They are also expected to work independently with teachers to develop lesson activities throughout the year. The applicant has indicated that you are willing to serve as a faculty mentor through your participation in various activities. These would include the following:
- Working with students to present their work in a summer workshop,
- Attending at least one monthly meeting during the academic year,
- Providing guidance to Resident Scientists to help the RS re-conceptualize their area(s) of expertise to be appropriate for k-12 students, and
- Observing the RS in the classroom one time each semester.
The faculty advisor may choose to participate in other activities in addition to those listed above. However, reappointment of the RS is based on the commitment made by the faculty advisor in support of the professional development activities of the RS under this NSF grant. Your signature is an acknowledgement of this agreement and commitment to the GK-12 RS applicant listed above.
Signature of Faculty Advisor Date
Candidate: Please include this form with your application and submit to:
John Lepri
312 Eberhart Building
Greensboro, NC 27402
phone: 336-334-4132
DUE DATE: Thursday, February 5, 2015, 5pm