CIS 895 – BRUEProject Plan Version 1.0

Project Plan


Behavioral Reverse Engineering using UML as

Eclipse plugin

Version 1.0

Submitted by Sri Raguraman

CIS 895 MSE Project

Department of Computing and Information Sciences

Kansas State University

Table of Contents

Task Breakdown

Inception Phase

Vision Document

Project Plan

Software Quality Assurance Plan

Simple Prototype

Architecture Design Plan

Revisions of Project Plan and Vision Document

Formal Specification

Test Plan

Architecture Inspections

Project Coding

Project Documentation

Cost Estimate


Architecture Elaboration Plan

Revision of Vision Document

Revision of Project Plan

Architecture Design

Development of Prototype

Test Plan

Formal Technical Inspection

Formal Requirements Specification

Summary of Changes

Version # / Date / Changed By / Summary Log
1.0 / Sep 14, 2006 / Sri Raguraman / Initial draft of document

List of Figures

Figure 1: Project plan for BRUE (please zoom for clarity)

List of Tables

Table 1: COCOMO adjustment factors

Task Breakdown

Inception Phase

The inception phase will concentrate on the project’s overview and requirements. This phase will include the following deliverables –

  • Vision Document,
  • Project Plan,
  • Software Quality Assurance Plan, and
  • a simple prototype of the software.

Each of the four works will have to be approved by the committee before any further progress on the project.

Vision Document

This document will include the project’s critical requirements. It gives a listing of the current requirements and labels each requirement as “Critical”, “Non-Critical”, or “Future”. Requirements include validation rules and the proposed framework for the project. The introduction to this project includes its goals and purpose. It includes graphical models that are used to describe the framework, and use cases to illustrate the functionality.

Project Plan

This document will include a timeline for the project and a cost estimate for completing this project. Cost estimates will be developed using the COCOMO estimating methodology. All activities involved with this project will be associated with milestones outlined within this document according to the modern software process. This process includes the following phases: Inception Phase, Elaboration Phase, Production Phase, and the Transition Phase.

Software Quality Assurance Plan

This document will include an outline of required documents. To ensure software quality, practiced standards and conventions will be monitored and followed. This document will outline project reviews and the responsibilities of those associated with the project.

Simple Prototype

A simple prototype will be developed to demonstrate at least one aspect of the software. It will demonstrate some of the critical requirements outlined in the Vision Document. This is completed to demonstrate feasibility or to illuminate risky project requirements.

This phase will be complete once the supervisory committee has approved the above four artifacts.

Elaboration Phase

The elaboration phase will concentrate on the project’s architecture. This phase will include the following deliverables –

  • Architecture Design Plan,
  • Revisions to the Project Plan, and the Vision Document,
  • Formal requirements specification,
  • Test Plan, and
  • Two architecture inspections.

Architecture Design Plan

The Architecture Design plan will include appropriate UML diagrams such as class diagrams, use-case diagrams, and sequence diagrams, but is not limited to those named here.

Revisions of Project Plan and Vision Document

Appropriate changes that were suggested by the committee at the end of phase one will be made to the Project Plan and Vision Document.

Formal Specification

The formal specification will include at least one function of the software to be specified using OCL in USE.

Test Plan

The test plan will include a complete testing procedure for the project. This will include test suites and appropriate procedures for reporting and correcting failed test.

Architecture Inspections

Fellow MSE students will perform two architecture inspections at Kansas State University. Their feedback will be documented and presented.

This phase will be complete once the supervisory committee has approved the above five artifacts.

Production Phase

The production phase will include project implementation and testing. This phase includes project coding and documentation.

Project Coding

Project coding will consist of all committee approved and designated tasks to be coded and developed. Both unit testing and integration testing will be performed throughout coding. Test cases will be developed according to the project requirements outlined in the project’s Vision Document.

Project Documentation

All aspects of this project will be documented. JavaDoc will be generated to exemplify coding structure and explanations. A post-test document will be drafted with all results of the test plan. It will also include the solutions or corrections to the case of test failure. A user manual will be completed and will include a description of project installation, software usage requirements, and software usage.

This phase will be completed once the supervisory committee has approved the project coding and documentation deliverables.

The Gantt chart below gives a schedule for the completion of the above-defined tasks for each phase. (You can increase the screen view size in percentage to view this clearly). The shaded area is the non-working time period.

Title / BRUE Project plan
Project Start / 8/15/2006
Project Finish / 5/4/2007

Figure 1: Project plan for BRUE (please zoom for clarity)

Cost Estimate


This model is based on Barry Boehm's Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO). This is the top-level model, Basic COCOMO, which is applicable to the large majority of software projects. This is a simple on-line cost model for estimating the number of person-months required to develop software. The model also estimates the development schedule in months and produces an effort and schedule distribution by major phases.

Boehm says:

“Basic COCOMO is good for rough order of magnitude estimates of software costs, but its accuracy is necessarily limited because of its lack of factors to account for differences in hardware constraints, personnel quality and experience, use of modern tools and techniques, and other project attributes known to have a significant influence on costs”.

Due to these facts, the estimate we find out may not be as accurate, but would give us a rough idea about the schedule of the project.

According to Boehm’s classification, this project falls under the ‘organic’ modes of development. The following equations are used to calculate effort and time:

Effort = 3.2*EAF (Size)^1.05

Time (in months) = 2.5(Effort)^0.38

To calculate effort one needs to estimate the Size and EAF values. The Size is measured in KLOC. The EAF value stands for effort adjustment factor and is the product of 15 adjustment factors. Each adjustment factor is classified as very low, low, normal, high, or very high. The value of each adjustment factor lies within a range and the classification will determine the range chosen for the adjustment factor. The table below lists the adjustment factors and their corresponding ranges.

Identifier / EAF / Range / My Classification and Value
RELY / Required Reliability / 0.75 – 1.40 / Normal / 1.1
DATA / Database size / 0.94 – 1.16 / Very Low / 0.95
CPLX / Product Complexity / 0.70 – 1.65 / High / 1.4
TIME / Execution Time Constraint / 1.00 – 1.66 / Normal / 1.35
STOR / Main Storage Constraint / 1.00 – 1.56 / Normal / 1.30
VIRT / Virtual Machine Volatility / 0.87 – 1.30 / Very Low / 0.9
TURN / Computer Turnaround Time / 0.87 – 1.15 / Low / 0.90
ACAP / Analyst capability / 1.47 – 0.71 / Normal / 0.9
AEXP / Application Experience / 1.29 – 0.82 / Normal / 0.9
PCAP / Programmer’s Capability / 1.42 – 0.70 / High / 0.9
VEXP / Virtual Machine Experience / 1.21 – 0.90 / Normal / 1.0
LEXP / Language Experience / 1.14 – 0.95 / High / 1.0
MODP / Use of Modern Practices / 1.24 – 0.82 / High / 0.95
TOOL / Use of software tools / 1.24 – 0.83 / High / 0.90
SCHED / Required development schedule / 1.23 – 1.10 / High / 1.15

Table 1: COCOMO adjustment factors

The EAF value evaluated to 1.63. We estimated the size to be 8000 LOC based on similar experiences with the tool. The effort evaluates to:

Effort = 3.2*2.5*1.63^1.05 = 13.36 staff months

The time can now be calculated as:

Time = 2.5*13.36^0.38 = 6.69 months

We will not consider the Time we have calculated here because this calculation takes teamwork into account where there are many developers. This project will only have one developer.

The Effort figure may be large for such a project since the COCOMO model is designed for large projects with the involvement of several large teams in an industrial setting, so it tends to over-estimate this value. I would estimate that 10-11 staff months for Effort would be a more realistic value for this project.

Architecture Elaboration Plan

The following documents should be complete before the second presentation is made.

Revision of Vision Document

After the first presentation, changes as required by the committee should be made in the

Vision Document. The major professor should approve these documents.

Revision of Project Plan

According to the changes suggested by the committee after the first presentation, the project plan should be modified to include those changes. These changes might be regarding the cost estimate or schedule. Also an extra section about the implementation plan should be added before the second presentation.

Architecture Design

Based on the use case diagram in the vision document and using other UML diagrams, an architecture design should be developed for the second phase. This design should be approved by the committee before proceeding to the actual complete implantation of the tool. It should also undergo formal technical inspection by two other MSE students.

Development of Prototype

This prototype will include the demonstration of the critical requirements identified in the Vision Document.

Test Plan

A complete test plan will be developed indicating the testing techniques used and the way bugs will be reported and solved. Unit testing, integration testing and system testing will be performed. This will be done to test whether all the requirements specified in the vision document are met or not.

Formal Technical Inspection

Raj Nathan and San Solai, two other MSE Students will review the architecture design produced by the developer and submit a report on their findings.

Formal Requirements Specification

The component responsible for rendering sequence diagrams will be specified using OCL. The tool used will be USE (UML-based Specification Environment). This will include operations, such as, hiding / un-hiding lifelines, expanding / collapsing invoked messages, and basic correctness constraints of a sequence diagram, such as, self messages having same source and destination, etc.,