Subject: Maintenance Advisory Message (MAM), TACOM Control No. MAM 07-012, Regarding TIRE CHAINS, NSN 2540-01-498-8821, AUTHORIZED FOR USE ON ALL STRYKER vehicles with model number M1126 Infantry Carrier Vehicle, LIN J22626, NSN 2355-01-481-8575; M1133 Medical Evacuation Vehicle, LIN M30567, NSN 2355-01-481-8580; M1134 Anti-Tank Guided Missile, LIN A83852, NSN 2355-01-481-8576; M1130 Command Vehicle, LIN C41314, NSN 2355-01-481-8573; M1132 Engineer Squad Vehicle, LIN J97621, NSN 2355- 01-481-8570; M1131 Fire Support Vehicle, LIN F86821, NSN 2355-01-481- 8574; M1129 Mortar Carrier A (Dismounted), LIN M53369, NSN 2355-01-481- 8578; M1129A1 Mortar Carrier Vehicle B (Mounted), LIN Z00131, NSN 2355- 01-505-0871; M1127 Reconnaissance Vehicle, LIN R62673, NSN 2355-01-481- 8572; M1128 Mobile Gun System, LIN M57720, NSN 2355-01-481-8577; M1135 Nuclear Biological Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle, LIN N96543, NSN 2355-01-481-8579. Equipment Density of 1916 Stryker's.

1. Distribution: This is a "Maintenance Advisory Message". Request MACOM Commanders retransmit this message to all subordinate Commands/Activities.

2. Issue: There two PEWAG tire chains listed for the STRYKER in your -10 AAL. One set of chains are more expensive then the other as indicated below. The vendor (PEWAG) indicates, that NSN 2540-21-914-

4252 is .05 mm chain links and WILL NOT fit on the STRYKER and is used on the LAV APC. NSN 2540-01-498-8821 is .08 mm chain links and are made with a higher grade material they will last longer and fits on the STRYKER. The NSN's are as follows:

NSN 2540-01-498-8821, $440.24, Unit of issue, Pair (PR), STRYKER

NSN 2540-21-914-4252, $99.46, Unit of issue, Each (EA), LAV APC

3. User Actions: Our STRYKER manuals have listed in the AAL, NSN

2540-21-914 4252 which is incorrect and should be deleted from your -10 AAL. NSN 2540-01-498-8821 should be listed. If the correct NSN is listed in your manuals AAL, no change is required. If no chains are listed, then you need to add NSN 2540-01-498-8821 to your -10 AAL.

A. The following are the TM's effected:

TM 9-2355-311-10-2 (ICV) NSN needs to be added

TM 9-2355-321-10-3 (MGS) is correct

TM 9-2355-311-10-10-2 (NBCRV) is correct

TM 9-2355-311-10-3 (MCV-B) incorrect need to add correct NSN

TM 9-2355-311-10-7 (ATGM) NSN needs to be added

TM 9-2355-311-10-4 (CV) NSN needs to be added

TM 9-2355-311-10-6-2 (ESV) NSN needs to be added

TM 9-2355-311-10-9 (FSV) NSN needs to be added

TM 9-2355-311-10-8 (MEV) NSN needs to be added

TM 9-2355-311-10-5 (RV) NSN needs to be added

B. Unit Commanders, contact your local TACOM Logistics Assistance Representative (LAR) or your State Surface Maintenance Manager upon receipt of this message for assistance. For assistance in locating your TACOM LAR, see paragraph 6C.

4. TACOM/PM Actions: None.

This information has been provided to the appropriate agencies and will be incorporated in a future P.S. magazine article and a copy has been forwarded to AEPS for posting (link indicated below). The TM's have been updated to reflect correct information.

5. Supply Status: None.

6. POCs:

A. Equipment Specialist, Kendall Whitehead, Comm (586-532-6703), .

B. PMO maintenance POC is Mr. Ron Ford, Comm (586-532-6706) .

C. To find your TACOM Logistics Assistance Representative (LAR), you must be a registered user in the Army Electronic Product Support (AEPS) database. If you are a registered user, click on this link:

Then select the appropriate region; i.e. CONUS, Europe, Far East, and SWA.

Select the location nearest you and click on a name. This will give you a LAR's name, DSN and commercial phone number, email address, and photo. If you are not a registered user, request access at the public page: click on "Access Request Form"

and follow the instructions for obtaining an AEPS userid. If you don't have access to AEPS, you can also obtain this information by contacting the TACOM Senior Command Representative (SCR) for your area.

CONUS-East Region includes all Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve Units in Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and FORSCOM. CONUS-East SCR can be reached at DSN 236-6921, Commercial 910-396-6921.

CONUS-West Region includes all Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve Units in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, California (south of San Francisco), Arizona, Utah, Montana, and Wyoming.

CONUS-West SCR can be reached at DSN 737-0263, Commercial 254-287-0263.

Pacific Region includes all Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve Units in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska, Hawaii, California (north of San

Francisco) and Guam, Pacific SCR can be reached at DSN 357-2991, Commercial 253-967-2991.

Europe Region includes all Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve Units in Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, Luxemburg, Italy, Bosnia, Kosovo, and Macedonia. Europe SCR can be reached at DSN 314-375-3461, Commercial 01149 621-487-3461, in Germany, 0621-487-3461.

Far East Region includes all Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve Units in Korea, Okinawa, Kwajalein, and Japan. Far East SCR can be reached at DSN 315-721-7101, commercial 011-82-2-2270-7101.