Northern, Yorkshire and Humber Directors of Information
IG Sub Group
(And SIGN for Y&H SHA)
Minutes of the Meeting held11thMarch 2011
Viking Hotel, Goole
Attendees:Heather Cook (HC– Chair)Carl Starbuck (CSB)
Anne-Marie Field (AMF)Michael Goodson (MG)
Jenny Williams (JW)Roy Underwood (RU) Rachael Smith (RS) Mick Lawton (ML)
Michael Jarvis (MJ)Roger Crick (RC)
Iain Twedily (IT)Dawn Foster (DF)
Sue Meakin (SM)Bet Rudge (BR)
Narrisa Leyland (NL)Johnny Chagger (JC)
Chris Plumstead (CP)David Hoar (DH)
Fred Woodruff (FW)Wendy Harrison (WH)
Jane Grayson (JG)
Apologies:Catherine Howard (CH)Carolyn Sampson (CS)
Katie Hyde (KH)Ray Dyson (RD)
John Wolstenholme (JW)Lisa Wilson (LW)
Kath Allen (KA)Catherine Nicholson (CN)
Jim Carroll (JC)Nicola Smith (NS)
Barry Jackson (BJ)Tony Hammond (TH)
Peter Wilson (PW)
1 / ApologiesApologies were received as listed above.
2 / Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on Friday 11thFebruary 2011were agreed as a correct record.
3g / Matters Arising
‘Pre-Meeting’ for Specific Issues
It was agreed that this meeting would continue on the less formal basis of BJ being available from 11.30am to speak to delegates in Goole hospital canteen.
With regards the reported incident of laptops being stolen that were part of diagnostic equipment, which were not encrypted – RU has asked for a screen dump from the system.
National Learning Management System (NLMS)
The IGTT Refresher Module became available via NLMS on Monday 7th March 2011. Delegates noted some issues with content and thishas been reported to the NLMS team by CSB. CSB agreed to feedback any response that he receives.
Overseas Data Processing
It is noted that some organisations may be claiming a ‘Not Relevant’ exemption for IGTK 8-209. Due to the nature of ESR out-of-hours support, it may be that some personal data is being viewed (and hence ‘processed’) overseas. It was agreed that material provided would give adequate assurance for those organisations who felt this was overseas processing.
Records Management and Organisational Change
A working group has been established to look at the issues arising out of the abolition of the SHAs and PCTs and the creation of new bodies. MG, our lead on this working group, noted that there had been no further meeting but agreed to keep the group updated on any future progress.
It was noted that a .pdf document available on the National Archives website entitled ‘Machinery of Government Change’ formed the basis of most of the discussions during these meetings. The document is very informative and provides a road map for managing public sector organisational change – moving records and knowledge between departments / organisations, and confirmed the point that the receiving organisation needed to communicate its ‘data controllership’ to its acquired customers.
Single Sign On (SSO)
The Informatics Team in North East Lincolnshire Care Trust Plus have now completed work on this project. BJ has circulated an update in his March IG Newsletter. Conclusions are that SSO will not be a suitable solution for them to implement at this time. Delegates wanting further information on this are asked to contact BJ.
Caldicott Guardian Request
Carried forward - KA had forwarded an FOI to CfH to request a list of Caldicott Guardians in our area. This information has been denied and declared exempt under Section 40, personal data. KA has appealed this decision and has agreed to keep the group updated. / CSB
4b / SHA Update (SIGN)
BJcirculated the Information Governance Newsletter March 2011 to the group. In his absence delegates were asked if they had any specific queries on the content of the newsletter.
Transforming Community Services (TCS)
NL asked if organisations would be required to sign a new SoC and obtain a new organisational code following TCS. It was clarified that - If organisations are amalgamated into an existing organisation they will also be amalgamated into the existing‘parent’ organisational code, but, if organisations are to becomea stand-alone entity they willbe given their own organisational code.
Any further questions on the ‘newsletter’ following this meeting are asked to be directed to BJ.
5c / IG Toolkit Version 8
IGTK Training Requirement 112
The communication circulated informing members that a further 3 months has been allowed for IG Training compliance was noted. It was confirmed that if staff completed their training within this extended 3 month period their ‘pass’ would be relevant to next year’s IGTK submission figures.
It is noted that the CfH Training results cannot be transferred from one organisation to another, although the training undertaken on the NLMS system can, as this is uploaded into the ESR system enabling transfer of training records.
Dentist and Pharmacy Engagement with the IGTK
It was acknowledged that some PCTs have been engaging with dentists and pharmacies by delivering presentations on the basics of IGTK submission etc.
IG Toolkit Scores
The group asked around the table what the expectations were for March 2011 IGTK final scores. Severaldelegates reported that they did not expect to achieve level 2 on all requirements and would therefore be reporting Red / Unacceptable for their 2011 IGTK submission.
HC informed delegates that during the morning NYHDIF meeting, members had raised the same issue and had given a similar indication.
As the deadline approaches it is acknowledged that a significant number of organisations are likely to be reporting Red and the consequences of this are, as yet, unknown.
Following submission we will await CfH’s response with interest.
6 / Confidentiality, Data Protection and FOI
Data Protection
An issue has been raised whereby Children’s Centres have had requests forwarded for medical information on 2 year olds. CfH have been consulted and they had advised not to disclose this information, although the local Public Health Authority are now exerting pressure to disclose. Delegates agreed that the release of such information would be in breach of the DPA unless Schedule 2 & 3 conditions permitted the release.
7 / Data and IT Security
No issues raised.
8a / Group E-mail Log
Following a point raised with Chair of our February meeting regarding finish times, CSB circulated a communication to members of the groupto clarify the following:-
As agreed by delegates andreflected in the minutes of our March 2010 meeting, the end time of meetings are not fixed. It has been agreed that meeting finish times are flexible in order to accommodate both growing attendance and to support the agenda as required.
Finish times will no longer be reflected in agendas or minutes. Papers will state a start time only.
Delegates with other commitments or extended journeys are free to leave as their priorities dictate. (Please leave discreetly and respect the ongoing discussion).
BJ has communicated his availability in his SHA IG role. He will be available from 11.30am to speak to delegates in the Goole Hospital canteenuntil meeting start time (1pm). Alternate arrangements if the venue changes.
BJ is also happy to speak to delegates after the meeting.
9b / AOB
NLMS IG Training Reports
Problems have been noted in that there are 2 separate reports available from the system which record:
a)completed training modules
b)passed module assessment
If an individual takes the assessment without completing the relevant training modules first, their training is recorded as ‘incomplete’ (even if the assessment has been passed).
It has also been noted that the system sometimes crashes and does not record the pass completion.
Some delegates advocate asking staff to ‘print screen’ when they have finished the training as evidence of completion. CSB added that users should ensure that they are exiting the system in the appropriate way as this may be a cause of the data loss. It was mentioned that those responsible for IG training might consider writing their own local instructions for the training and build in any known issues as part of the guide.
Transforming Community Services
With regards PCT’s moving to other organisations and the need to movepatient data, the ICO maintains that receiving organisations will need to notify all patients individually about their data being transferred from one organisation to another legal entity, in line with Data Protection Act requirements. National Archives guidance also recommends that all customers should be informed, although, there is an understanding within the DoH that reasonable steps may be, for example, issuing a press release.JG agreed to circulate a press release that had been issued by her organisation – as an example to the group.
JG noted that her organisation had been looking at the possibility of ‘piggy backing’ onto a door-drop mailing planned by the local council. Intentions are to get a data transfer notificationfeatured as anarticle on their door-to-door leaflet mailing.
It was clarified that, for staff transferred under TUPE etc, the same principles apply in that staff will need to be individually notified about their data being transferred from one organisation to another. Organisations need to check that this is in contracts ie “your records, including ESR/electronic records, will now be held by the new organisation” etc.
Recipient organisationsare responsible for communicating any changes of data controller to patients / staff and other data subjects.
It is noted that because there are so many organisations merging and de-merging, there may be a delay for a slot when ESR records can be transferred – for organisations to be aware. / JG
The date of the next meeting is:
Friday 8thApril 2011, 1.00pm
Goole and District Hospital– Lecture Room
** Pre-Meeting from 11.30 in The Canteen **