VSA Texas

Side By Side

On-Air Radio Production Internship

With VSA Texas and KOOP Radio

Summer 2016

Application Deadline: April 29, 2016

VSA Texas, the state organization on arts and disability, is looking for young adults with disabilities interested in participating in an internship in radio broadcasting. Participants who successfully complete the 40 hour internship will receive a $75 stipend. Limited space is available!

Participant Requirements

·Have a developmental disability*(see below for definition)

·Must be between the ages of 15 and 22

·Demonstrate an interest in radio broadcasting

·Turn in completed application form

·Turn in a resume of work and volunteer experience

·Turn in two letters of recommendation (can be from teachers, employers, friends, or family)

·Turn in a short audio sample of you talking as if on the radio (Optional)

Have you always wanted to be on the radio as a DJ, reporting the news, interviewing guests, or announcing the next song? We have an exciting new internship that will give you practice in the skills of using your radio voice. You will learn about interviewing, creating show topics, and recording for the radio. You will also learn the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requirements for noncommercial radio as well as broadcast training using an 18-channel Axia console and current generation technology for a real local radio station. Then, we will visit KOOP 91.7 radio studios to see and learn from the programmers live and in action.

*Definition from the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities website - “A Developmental Disability is a severe, chronic disability that begins before the person reaches age 22 and is likely to continue throughout one’s life.”

Schedule: The internship will be held for two weeks, June 13 - 24, 2016, Monday-Friday, from 10:00 am-4:00 pm each day. Our internship will beprimarily in Room 101 of the AGE Building at 3710 Cedar Street, Austin, TX 78705. There will be studio work onsite at the KOOP Radio station at

3823 Airport Blvd, Suite B, Austin, TX 78722.

Participants must be able to attend the full two weeks. Reasonable absences due to illnesses, family emergency, etc. will be excused.

To apply, please send in this completed form, a resume, and two letters of recommendation.

VSA Texas

Side By Side

On-Air Radio Production Internship

With VSA Texas and KOOP Radio

Summer 2016

Application Deadline: April 29, 2016

Name______Date of Birth______


City, State, Zip______

Home Phone______Cell Phone______

Email Address______

Emergency Contact Name & Phone Number


1. What is your interest and experience in Radio programming?

2. Do you have experience interviewing people?

3. If you could interview any living person today, who would it be and what would you ask that person?

4. If you were to create a podcast about a single issue related to disability, what would be the topic you would choose?

5. If you were to create a music show on the radio, what type of music would you like to play?

6. Why should we choose you to participate in this program?

7. What accommodations do you need to make this internship accessible to you?