Frontier High School

English Syllabus

Mr. Woolstenhulme

Rm. 624

Ph: (661) 829-1107


Frontier Website:

Google Classroom:

Period 3: 11imm6

Period 5: m3x19m

Period 6: cmqtcrt

Period 7: 5hppx6

Class Rules:

●  Be respectful: Show respect by speaking and acting with courtesy. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

●  Be responsible: Be prepared with assignments, and complete required work on time. Accept responsibility for your actions. Make smart choices.

●  Be Productive: Come prepared to each class ready to learn and participate. Have a clear focus and concentrate on your goals.

●  Be Safe: Be safe from undergoing or causing hurt, injury, or loss.

Policies and Procedures:

●  Warm Ups: At the start of many classes, there will be a warm up or journal on the board that students will respond to. Each response should be at least half a page to receive full credit for the warm up that day. You will keep these warm ups together until they are to be collected (generally every 5 to 10 warm ups).

●  Restroom Pass: I will uphold Frontier’s 10/10 policy. Students will not leave the first or last 10 minutes of class.

●  Materials: Students will be expected to arrive to class with the appropriate materials.

●  Seating: There will be a seating chart, and students will be expected to sit in their assigned seats; otherwise, students risk being marked absent.

Expect to:

●  Complete writing projects/papers.

●  Read, annotate, and respond to several short stories and non-fiction passages

●  Have vocabulary/reading comprehension tests

●  Complete a research project and perform a speech

●  Learn and have fun!

Homework Policy:

Homework will almost always be an extension of class work. There will be special projects that will require some time spent on them at home. I will give ample warning for any such projects.

Turning in Work:

Work is to be turned into the bins below the windows.

Late Work:

Late work will be accepted for the current quarter for partial credit at my discretion. There is a bin specifically marked “late work” on my desk. All late work with the assignment name on it will be turned in there. If late work is turned into the bins below the windows, it will not be graded. If you turn late work in through Google Classroom, you must send me an email because Google does not send a notification for late assignments.

Returned Work: All returned work will either be handed back or put into the bin below the windows. Nothing will be thrown away. If you believe an error has been made in your grades, it is the students’ responsibility to check the bin.

Absence Policy:

It will be the students’ responsibility to find out what work they missed while absent using Google Classroom and/or the weekly agenda written on the north wall. I update Google Classroom as often as possible so that students are not missing out on any information.

Extra Credit Policy:

Extra credit is a privilege. I will determine extra credit assignments/points and will inform students of these opportunities throughout the semester.


All tardies will be documented. If this becomes a recurring problem, a parent/guardian will be contacted and further disciplinary action will take place.

Grading Policy:

I will use objective based grading, meaning that students will be graded based on how well they have mastered the objectives during the quarter.

●  90-100% A

●  80-89.9% B

●  70-79.9% C

●  60-69.9% D

●  0-59.9% F


60% Classwork/Homework

25% Tests & Quizzes

10% Final

5% Participation and Professionalism

Semester Grading: 1st Quarter: 45%

2nd Quarter: 45%

Semester Final Exam: 10%

Writing Policy:

Students intentionally OR unintentionally plagiarizing:

Will be required to rewrite and properly cite information within the assignment or the grade will result in a zero.

I look forward to spending the rest of the 2017-2018 school year with you and I hope you do too! If there is anything that I can do to help you, please do not hesitate to talk to me!