Health, Safety and Environmental management
oversight for the ITER Worksite
Call for Nomination
The purpose of this Framework Contract is toselect one provider recognised for his expertise in the provision of health, safety and environment management (HSE) supervisionand coordination on large construction worksites.
The duration of the Framework contract shall be3 (three) years. The IO may exercise the option to extend these services for a maximum of two additional periods each of three years corresponding to new stages of work to be performed and which will be defined upon result of the previous stage.
This Framework Contract will be implemented by means of “Task Orders”, intended as freestanding “HSE oversight for the ITER Worksite” Orders signed by the Supplier and the IO. Each Task shall be regulated by a Task Order, signed by the Contactor and the IO.
The IO as Site Owner has a global responsibility on ITER site; where the construction of the ITER facility is on-going; the ITER Worksite will encompass several independent worksites managed by various building owners (notably Fusion For Energy, the ITER European Domestic Agency) and common areas and other worksites directly managed by the IO. The objective of the contract is to provide the IO during the construction and assembly phase with overall safety and environment protection oversight services.
Scope of work :
The scope of the services to be provided in the frame of the contract includes:
- General HSE supervision on the ITER Worksite:
General Health Protection and Safety Coordination between the different building owners
Environmental Impact management
Emergency response management
HSE coordination with Office buildings areas for interface management
- Health Protection and Safety Coordination and Environment protection in the common areas of the ITER construction site, considered as a specific worksite (IO being the building owner), and in all worksites under direct management of the IO.
- Preparation and drafting of the safety management plans and protocols for Assembly phase, to be implemented in the buildings handed over to the IO.
Selection Criteria shall be basedon the capability of the nominated company/entities to demonstrate their :
- Relevant experience in same field
- QA system
- Technical and engineering capability
- Capability to provide a number of available consultants, engineers, technicians adequate to the tasks
- Organisation ability
- Financial capability
In addition, a fluent professional level is required in English and French languages (spoken & written) as well as demonstrated knowledge in French regulations in relation with the scope.
The tentative timetable is as follows:-
Call for Nomination4thJuly 2011
Call for Pre-qualification (if needed)July 2011
Call for TenderAugust 2011
Tender submission15 September 2011
Start of Contract1stDecember 2011
First Task OrderJanuary 2011
Additional Information
Participation is open to all legal persons participating either individually or in a grouping (consortium) which is established in the European Atomic Energy Community. A consortium may be a permanent, legally-established grouping or a grouping, which has been constituted informally for a specific tender procedure. All members of a consortium (i.e. the leader and all other members) are jointly and severally liable to the ITER Organization.
The consortium groupings shall be presented at the tender submission stage. The consortium cannot be modified later without the approval of the ITER Organization.
More information on ITER Organization Procurement process can be found at:
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