July 2014doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0863r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group
Date: 2014-07-14
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Stephen McCann / BlackBerryLtd / 200 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 3XE, UK / +44 1753 667099 /

IEEE 802.11 Plenary Meeting – Session #146

Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA, USA

July14th –18th, 2014

IEEE 802.11Opening Plenary, Monday 14thJuly2014

The chair: Adrian STEPHENs (Intel Corporation) opened the meeting at 10:59Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).

Jon ROSDAHLVice-chair 1 (VC1)CSR

Dorothy STANLEYVice-chair 2 (VC2)Aruba

Stephen MCCANNSecretaryBlackBerry

There are 321 votingand 9 ex-officio members of IEEE 802.11

  1. Approve/modify joint opening agenda(11-14-0736r4)

1.1.Chair: This is the main agenda for the week and shows the allocation of meetings to time slots. There are also some other documents this week to consider, which are on the server.

1.2.Chair: Any modifications to the agenda?

1.3.Comment (C): Please can you delete the TGaq meeting on Wednesday PM 1 please?

1.4.Move to approve the agenda

1.5.Moved Mark Hamilton., 2nd Stuart Kerry

1.6.No objection to the approval of the agenda.

  1. Notices

2.1.There is one IEEE staff member present (Kathryn Bennett)

2.2.Please note that photographs and recording devices are not allowed in these meetings and put cell phones to vibrate please.

  1. Attendance

3.1.Please can you remember to login and register your attendance.

3.2.15 people attended this meeting for the first time out of 203people in the room.

3.3.Secretary: I will run a new member’s meeting today at PM1 today, in room Solana AB.

  1. May2014WG Minutes

4.1.Move to approve the WaikoloaMay2014 minutes document 11-14-0593r1

4.2.Moved: Stephen MCCANN, 2nd: Stuart KERRY

4.3.Following neither discussion nor dissent the minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

4.4.Move to approve the Beijing May 2014 minutes document 11-14-0720r0

4.5.Moved: Stephen MCCANN, 2nd: Dorothy STANLEY

4.6.Following neither discussion nor dissent the minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

  1. Policy and Procedures(11-14-0746r1)

5.1.Regarding patent information, please view for IEEE-SA patent information.

5.2.The VC2 called for essential patents information.

5.3.No statements were made.

5.4.The IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) is considering rules changes to their documents. This will affect the IEEE 802 Operations Manual (OM) and also the Working Group (WG) Policies and Procedures (P&P).

5.5.There are some changes about loss of voting rights that may be of interest to everyone.

5.6.Question (Q): regarding slide #13, does this mean that Plenaries must be face-to-face.

5.7.Answer (A): Yes, and this also applies to interims, as they are also working group meetings.

5.8.There are also changes to the IEEE 802.11 OM, which will be considered during the Friday closing plenary later this week.

  1. Other IEEE 802 PARs for consideration (11-14-0843r0)

6.1.These are the PARs from other working groups that IEEE 802.11 will consider this week. Please note that there are separate meetings to consider these.

6.2.Note: There are two PARs from IEEE 802.11 this week, but these are fairly straight forward changes.

6.3.The major issue to be considered is the state of IEEE 802.24.

6.4.No questions

  1. Announcements (11-14-0738r0)

7.1.Incoming Liaisons(slide #4)

7.1.1.Chair: There are several liaisons coming in this week:

7.1.2.Lat/Long from WBA. Stephen McCann will look after this, during TGmc on Wednesday PM2.

7.1.3.ETSI ERM TG11: Adrian will address their mapping table. It needs to be determined whether the liaison goes through IEEE 802.18 or IEEE 802.11.

7.1.4.Q: I think we already have a liaison with ETSI ERM.

7.1.5.C: Yes, that is just about correct.

7.1.6.ITU-R: Lee Armstrong will look at this vehicle related liaison. Again it needs to be determined whether IEEE 802.11 or IEEE 802.18 replies.

7.1.7.Chair: Can the regulatory group look at this please?

7.1.8.Regulatory chair: Yes.

7.1.9.C: This is the same content that we used to update another ITU-R document. So we have something we can re-use.

7.1.10.IETF draft-avula-shwmp-01.txt: Dorothy will address this liaison, as IEEE 802.11 needs to add a code point through the ANA, to identify the protocol. This will be considered in TGmc this week.

7.1.11.No questions

7.2.IEEE 802 Mobile App

7.2.1.VC2: If you are using this online tool, please can you update it, as several changes have now been made.

7.3.Joint Meetings this week(slide #5)

7.3.1.Chair: There are three joint meetings this week as shown on the screen.

7.3.2.C: Regarding the IEEE 802.1 joint meeting, the topic is “portal DS architecture”.

7.3.3.C: The schedule for the joint meeting is not completely confirmed yet as 10:30 or 11am, as IEEE 802.1 and IEEE 802.11 have slightly different start times for meetings.

7.3.4.Regulatory Chair: Please note that going forward the IEEE 802.11 Regulatory group will cover both IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.15 issues.

7.3.5.No questions

7.4.Other IEEE 802 working groups (slide #6)

7.4.1.Chair: This slide should show the agendas of the other working groups.

7.4.2.There are various QR codes to find agenda and schedules.

7.4.3.There is also a way of downloading the same information on your laptops.

7.4.4.If you have an “ics” compliant calendar that this can also be used.

7.4.5.The mobile applications will be the main one to follow.

7.5.September 2014 interims

7.5.1.VC1: There is one interim in Chengdu, China for TGaj work. The registration details are not open at the moment, but should be there by the end of this week.

7.5.2.The other IEEE 802.11 interim for the other groups is in Athens, Greece. Please note that the hotel booking and registration are now open for this meeting. The meeting planner for this meeting will be Aeronix. The hotel early-bird reservation date is coming up soon.

7.6.Attendance (11-14-0843r1)

7.6.1.VC1: Please remember to register your attendance including affiliation for each meeting that you attend.


7.7.1.VC1: Please can you use the local server, to save the bandwidth coming to and from the hotel. Verilan is managing the network this week and there is a IT help desk near the registration desk.. The meeting is now using a secure network only, so that the public does not have access to an open authentication network.

7.8.Breaks and Wednesday Birds of a Feather (BoF)(slide #19)

7.8.1.There will be no social this week, as it has been replaced by a Bird of a Feather discussion. There will be three brief topics discussed. Please start coming along about 6.30pm. Drinks and food will then be consumed whilst the discussions take place.

7.9.Material for the EC (slide #9)

7.9.1.Chair: This slide shows various IEEE 802.11 items for the EC meeting on Friday, assuming that the work is completed this week.

7.10.Changes to working group officers this week

7.10.1.Chair: Jim Lansford is standing in for Clint Chaplin as WNG chair for this week’s meeting.

  1. Status of all groups (11-14-0737r0, 11-14-0743r0)

8.1.The status of each group was presented.

8.2.Some extra notes not covered in the slides:

8.2.1.Editor’s Meeting: This occurs at 7am on Tuesday morning

8.2.2.WNG: There is one meeting on Tuesday morning to consider future topics for IEEE 802.11. There is currently 1 presentation.

8.2.3.JTC1/SC 6: We do need a head of delegation in training for these meetings to replace Bruce Kraemer, so please consider volunteering for this position.

8.2.4.TGax: Nominations are now open for the vice-chair positions and the election for these will occur in September 2014.

  1. Any Other Business

9.1.Meeting recessed at 12:25PDT

Wednesday, 16thJuly2014

IEEE 802.11 Mid-Week Plenary

Presiding chair: Adrian STEPHENS (Intel Corporation) opened the meeting at 10:30PDT

117people present.

  1. Approve/modify joint opening agenda(11-14-0736r7)

10.1.Chair: Any objection to accepting this change to the agenda.

10.2.Moved: Mark Hamilton, Second: Jim Lansford

10.3.No objections, so moved and approved.

  1. Call for Essential Patents

11.1.Call for essential patents


  1. CAC (Chair’s Advisory Committee)

12.1.Reminder about the CAC meeting at 19:30 on Thursday. Need to consider documentation for the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) meeting on Friday. The room is Solana AB

  1. Announcements

13.1.Reciprocal Credit with IEEE 802.19

13.2.The CAC decided that reciprocal credit from IEEE 802.19 should be removed, as they are no longer a TAG, but a WG.

13.3.However, for the one IEEE 802.19 meeting this week that discussed some IEEE 802.11 issues, there will be reciprocal credit.

  1. IEEE 802.1CF (OmniRAN) Introduction(11-14-0940r0)

14.1.This document is a short introduction into IEEE 802.1CF, which was previously known as OmniRAN.

14.2.Q: Since you have items for the IEEE 802 wired groups and also IEEE 802.11, what will happen at the Interim meetings in September.

14.3.A: Hopefully we can find some IEEE 802.11 time slots in September, so that we can have further discussions.

14.4.Chair: Please can you ask the IEEE 802.11 ARC group for a review of the IEEE 802.1CF work. I think the work is complementary.

  1. Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA) Liaison (11-14-0886r0)

15.1.Several interesting topics are currently going on within the WFA based on IEEE 802.11 specifications and amendments.

15.2.The next meeting is in Berlin in October 2014.

15.3.Q: Can you give some more detail on the automotive item

15.4.A: At the moment, it’s a market segment activity which is trying to determine whether future work is required within the WFA.

15.5.C: On the 13th October there will be an automotive summit in Berlin. It is open to everyone, not just WFA members.

  1. IETF Liaison (11-14-0777r0)

16.1.The next meeting is next week in Toronto.

16.2.Q: Is there any update on the ITS IETF activity?

16.3.A: No, but there is a Birds of a Feather (BoF) for this next week at the IETF

  1. Room Changes (11-14-0736r7)

17.1.TGak, ARC and IEEE 802.1Qbz on Thursday morning is a joint meeting

17.2.The 802.11 & 802.15 regulatory group would like to release Thurs AM1

17.3.TGai would like 3 slots, Wed PM2, Thurs AM2 and PM2

17.4.TGah would like to cancel PM today, to be replaced by TGax

17.5.JTC1 has finished for the week.

17.6.Chair: All these are possible.

  1. IEEE 802 and IEEE 802.11 Operations Manuals feedback (11-14-0746r2)

18.1.VC2: This is a summary of comments from both the IEEE 802 and IEEE 802.11 Operations Manuals (OM).

18.2.No questions on the IEEE 802.11 OM

18.3.Chair: The ePoll can’t be configured for different types of “Abstain”. So it is possible to select an incorrect type of abstain for IEEE 802.11 business. I also not that the IEEE 802 OM says “may be lost” and not “shall be lost”. However, I propose not to change anything at the moment.

18.4.Q: regarding letter ballot re-circulation, the instructions say that votes are carried forward. I’ve always assumed this.

18.5.VC2: Yes, you are correct and the text does say “excepting re-circulation ballots”.

18.6.VC1: However, if you do not vote on an initial letter ballot, you can then vote on a subsequent re-circulation letter ballot.

  1. Update on PAR feedback (11-14-0897r0)

19.1.VC1: This is a summary of comments received on the PARs which will be considered at the EC meeting on Friday afternoon.

19.2.C: Regarding the 802.22 PAR, ITU_R and ITU-T also recognize “SOS” as an internal symbol for emergency situations.

19.3.Chair: There will be additional feedback from IEEE 802.22 on Friday and this will come up for discussion at the EC.

19.4.Q: Regarding the IEEE 802.1AEcg, is this to standardize services or the devices?

19.5.VC1: That’s a good point. Thank you.

19.6.VC1: There is a typo in this slide deck, which will be corrected.

19.7.VC1: regarding the Smart Grid TAG charter change, the description of their proposed working group can be found in document: 24-14-0015r0

19.8.Q: I understand that the TAG’s role is to advise the EC on Smart Grid technology. It does have a single subject focus. However, the focus within their charter change document appears to be broader and I’m concerned that they could cover other new technologies.

  1. Secretaries Guide (11-14-0910r0)

20.1.Q: Are names necessary in minutes?

20.2.Secretary: Motion movers and seconders yes, otherwise not. I usually list the names of all attendees as an annex of any minutes.

20.3.VC2: IEEE 802 OM says ‘do not include’ names.

20.4.VC1: remember that minutes are to give an indication of the debate.

20.5.C: IEEE requirement for LoA should be added.

20.6.C: Perhaps this should be included in the OM.

20.7.A: Guidelines in the section 10 and Appendix B.

20.8.Chair: please can the secretary compare the IEEE 802 OM with this slide deck.

20.9.C: On whom does the legal responsibility lie for the minutes?

20.10.Secretary: I shall take that question to a higher authority.

  1. Reconfirmation of WG liaison officers(11-14-0738r3)

21.1.C: Please note that the liaison to IEEE 802.18 needs to be added.

21.2.Chair: I move to approve this list of liaisons.

21.3.No objections so moved and approved.

  1. Working Group Motions

22.1.Regulatory SC (11-14-0744r0)

22.1.1.To request the IEEE 802.18 RR-TAG prepare the response to the ITU WP5A liaison in document “18-14-0048-00-0000-annex-19-working-document-toward-a-preliminary-draft-new-recommendation-itu-r-m-v2x”, request for data on IEEE Std. 802.11p, by copying the appropriate M.1450 information into the attached table (Table 6), as discussed in the Regulatory SC meeting on Tuesday, July 15, 2014.

22.1.2.Moved by Rich Kennedy on behalf of the 802.11/15 Regulatory SC

22.1.3.C: I have a friendly amendment to chair the text of the motion please.

22.1.4.To request the IEEE 802.18 RR-TAG prepare the response to the ITU WP5A liaison in document “18-14-0048-00-0000-annex-19-working-document-toward-a-preliminary-draft-new-recommendation-itu-r-m-v2x”, request for data on IEEE Std. 802.11p, by copying the appropriate M.1450 information as discussed in the Regulatory SC meeting on Tuesday, July 15, 2014.

22.1.5.Second: Peter Ecclesine.

22.1.6.Q: I think the voting results from the IEEE 802.11 and 802.15 Regulatory Standing Committee should be shown.

22.1.7.A: This motion was done by consensus.

22.1.8.C: It appears that the motion doesn’t read correctly.

22.1.9.For: 66, Against: 0, Abstain: 4 (Motion passes)

22.2.Straw Poll September 2016 meeting (11-14-0738r3 – slide #15)

22.2.1.Do you agree in Sept 2016 for the 802 Wireless Interim to meet in Daejeon Korea instead of a Europe location

  • This means the Wireless Interim will be meeting in Asia in 2015, 2016 and 2017.
  • Only if we can get the very attractive financial deal that is anticipated because of both city and corporate sponsorship.
  • Facility is great, transport from Incheon is easy, and there are 400 guest rooms within a 2 minute walk, 90 of them at $80 or less and the rest in the low to mid 100s.
  1. Q: So there will be two meetings in Asia in 2016.
  2. A: Yes
  3. C: We don’t appear to be visiting Europe very often.
  4. Chair: The non -North American meeting should be in Asia or Europe each year.
  5. Q: How far is Daejeon from Seoul airport?
  6. A: There is now a high speed rail between these locations. It takes about 1 hour.
  7. Q: Are we planning to go to Asia in 2017?
  8. Chair: Yes, I think we are. So I’ll ask the meeting planners to consider Europe in 2017 instead.
  9. Yes: 21, No: 38, Abstain: 25

22.3.Straw Poll regarding the “Get 802 Program”(11-14-0738r3 – slide #17)

22.3.1.Do you support the get802 program?

22.3.2.Q: If we say ‘no’, then what happens? The benefit appears to be those outside of IEEE 802.

22.3.3.Chair: Yes.

22.3.4.VC1: Before the ‘Get 802 Program’, everyone had to pay including those in academia. This program really helps with many downloads, and IEEE 802.11 is downloaded millions of times between out face to face meetings.

22.3.5.C: I fully support this. However, I think that $ 450 per year per person, is quite a high price to pay.

22.3.6.Yes: 57, No: 18, Abstain: 5

22.3.7.Chair: I note that in other working groups this straw poll was unanimously in favor.

22.3.8.C: I note that paying the IEEE-SA $60 a year will also provide you access to these documents.

  1. Any Other Business

23.1.Meeting recessed at 12:34PDT

Friday, 18thJuly2014

IEEE 802.11 Closing Plenary

Call to order at 08:02PDT by Adrian STEPHENS (Intel Corporation).

107 people present in the room.

  1. Agenda (11-14-0736r9)

24.1.Any objection to adopting the changes to the agenda.

24.2.Q: Please can you remove the WBA liaison motion item?

24.3.Chair: Yes, ok.

24.4.Move to approve the agenda in document 11-14-0736r10

24.5.No objections, so moved and approved.

  1. Call for Essential Patents

25.1.The meeting is still operating the P&Ps as described on Monday

25.2.Call for Essential Patents and Letters of Assurance (LoA)


  1. Announcements (11-14-0738r3)

26.1.Minutes and documents

26.1.1.Please can everyone remember that minutes, should be completed within 30 days, once the meeting is closed.

26.2.September 2014

26.2.1.There is currently a draft agenda for the September 2014 meeting and there will be our usual CAC teleconference meetings between now and that meeting, in August and early September.

26.3.LoA(slide #21)

26.3.1.Chair: Please note the current LoAs.

26.4.IEEE Store(slide #22)

26.4.1.Chair: everything is currently up to date at the moment.

26.4.2.Please also note that the IEEE 802.11ac is also available through the “Get 802” program.

26.4.3.TGah chair: Please can the IEEE 802.11ah D2.0 be added to the store.

26.4.4.Chair: Yes.

26.5.ISO/IET JTC1/SC6 (slide #23)

26.5.1.This slide showsthe drafts, which will be shared with ISO.

26.6.November 2014 tutorials

26.6.1.Chair: If you have any topics for the November2014 plenary, please can you inform the IEEE 802 Executive Secretary after 6pm today. Also the Executive Committee (EC) meeting this afternoon will discuss whether there should be a further Birds of a Feather (BoF) discussion during the November 2014 plenary.

  1. Removal of Reciprocal Creditwith IEEE 802.19

27.1.Chair: I removed the reciprocal agreement with IEEE 802.19 earlier this week, due to a change of IEEE 802.19’s status. However, as this caused some problems, I have decided to reverse this decision.

27.2.Q: Does this also include IEEE 802.1CF OmniRAN.

27.3.A: Yes.

27.4.Action item: To arrange reciprocal credit for IEEE 802.19 and IEEE 802.1CF (OmniRAN)

  1. Attendance (11-14-0745r0)

28.1.Chair: The attendance is shown in slide #4.

28.2.Slide #6 shows a distribution by country, the US having the largest proportion.

28.3.No questions

  1. Meeting Location

29.1.VC1: Can I have a show of hands to see who is in favor of returning to this location again?

29.2.For: 79, Against: 0

  1. Future Venues (11-14-0843r1 slide #26)

30.1.VC1: This slide shows possible future venues. Please note the early bird cut of dates next week for the September 2014 interim in Athens, Greece.

30.2.No questions.

  1. PAR Review (11-14-0897r1)

31.1.VC1: This a summary of the PAR comments that IEEE 802.11 created this week from the PARs belonging to other IEEE 802 working groups.

31.2.No questions

  1. Treasurer’s Report (11-14-0844r0)

32.1.VC1: This is the July 2014 treasurer’s report. Please note the new format, which is an output from the new netsuite tool.