Pre-Term Minutes
June 13-15, 2014
Call to Order: 8:40 a.m.
O Canada
Kin Song
Moment of Silence for Departed Kin
In attendance: Allen, Cathleen, Corie, Dan, Adrian, Cameron, Susan, Margo, Kelli, John, Angela, Tera, Kirk, Hillary, Glenn, Amber, Tom, Kim, Susan
With Regrets: Jacquie, Pat, Don, Denea (attended by Skype for portions of the meetings), LeAnne
Address to the Chair: Govs Cathleen & Allen, & All you Young Gunz !
Introductions/ The Full Games
- Went around the table and completed introductions of attendees
- Susan outlined the Full Games
Sgt. At Arms – Have been chosen secretly
Rules of Order – Cameron Kemp cause he’s smart and lawyery
Parking lot to be established – Edmonton Kinsmen have asked about purchasing a couch from the Sergeant.
Additions to the Agenda - FLC
Approval of the Agenda – Motion by Cameron that agenda be accepted as presented; second by Kim Bedry
Deputy Governor’s Reports & Goals:
Zone A
- As reported
Zone B – Angela Jenkins
- A lot of projects scheduled. Beaumont should be chartering a Kin Club soon
Zone B - John Tse
Zone C
- As reported
Zone D – Tera Blake
- Innisfail will be keeping previous executive as they are struggling with membership
Zone D - Kirk Blake
- Completed Red Deer Installations
- Zone has strong clubs but they do not have a lot of contact with the district
- Ponoka is slowly getting more involved
- Dues are questioned by some of the older members but they are limited to what they see dues give them because they do not participate
“0” Zone – Hilary Thorne
- Calgary doing a joint installation which adds to the social contact within the zone
“0” Zone – Glenn Head
- Some clubs did not get back to Glenn so that will be a potential worry
Zone F- Amber Standen
- Milk River is launching a Kin club which will meet 30 minutes prior to the Kin meeting (PARKING LOT ITEM: check with National around regulations with respect to Kin Kid Associate clubs)
Zone F – Tom Simpson
- New to the team and has not been able to connect yet. Adrian spoke to what has been happening in the zone
Zone G – Kimberly Bedry
- Spruce Grove increased from 4 to 9
- St. Albert is working on house rules and bylaws
Zone G –Dan Dunajtschik – As reported
Speaking skills for DG’s – Sean Libin
- Thanked each member of the team for taking their Kin career a step higher and entering the political world of Kin Canada; this step can be tremendously rewarding
- District Council can be rewarding and can also be trying as you expose yourself to some criticism
- Don’t be afraid to stir up debate and open up dialogue; but do this carefully; don’t sugar coat but don’t burst bubbles either
- Communication is a fundamental piece of the job of being on District Council
- Sean will answer any questions around communication
- Sean spoke to changing views of clubs, challenged DG’s to identify what is truly important about club participation outside of a community level (i.e.: is it truly important to get clubs to attend District Convention or is it important to get them to meet minimum requirements and support them to meet their community’s greatest needs?), shared personal experience of club interclub visit to Drumheller with DG Bob Lang
- Subtle way of opening dialogue is to ask the club what their challenges are
- Use club visits as a fact finding mission, information gathering opportunity
- Be careful in how you ask questions and what you ask
- Sean asked DG’s what worries/thoughts they have:
- How do you engage a club that doesn’t really care about process – recommended that you might have to skirt around the club and find the one person that cares or buys in and work through them; some clubs have presidents who spend more time making sure that their clubs have a good time and do projects instead of focusing on protocols and forms
- Do you see this group as ……. – recruitment efforts within Kin at a district and national level have never been known to pay dividends; you gain members by going out and asking guys to come to a meeting; if we could clone Cameron Kemp and Doug Anthony we’d have no membership issues; District makes big dividends by ensuring there is a solid culture of fun, freshness and solidness that trickles down; do I think that District will recruit a member? Probably not. Do I think that District has the power to retain members? Absolutely. D4 is arguably the proudest district in the Association.
- Discussion around clubs (i.e.: Drumheller) when there are signs and opportunities for District support and engagement before clubs deteriorate to the point where they are in danger of folding; challenged that the way we run FLC, Zones, Districts are the way we become a viable, credible and relevant resource to clubs
- We have a responsibility to share knowledge, resources, funding and to bridge the gap between those who have and who haven’t drank the “red and white kool-aid” without putting people off – communicate concisely, don’t overload with emails, make forms and responses easy (self-addressed stamped envelopes, email PDF signatures, go the extra mile to make responding easy)
- It is important to get out the clubs and let them know what is out there without making them feel offended about their chosen level of participation
- Lack of engagement at a club level does not always mean that the club does not give a shit, it just might mean that they are comfortable letting other people govern and lead the Association (compared to the PC membership)
- Sean offered to help DG’s at any time
- Minimum standards: pay dues, submit roster, complete insurance and reporting forms – if they don’t they can’t operate under the Kin brand
- How many DG’s talked to Club Presidents? – recommend contacting prior to visit, helps pave the way for a positive reception
- How do you inspire people, motivate them, pump them up? - be prepared, have notes, give a “state of the union” when speaking to clubs, you get to give Life Memberships, you’re going to have an awesome time, you have support of District, National and others
- The Kinettes are leading the Association right now – they outnumber at Conventions, they outnumber Kinsmen in many ways, they are outnumbering in leadership, Kinsmen can learn much from the Kinettes right now as they are kicking ass in the Association
- Adrian recommended saving information and email once in a while (i.e.: mail out folder), don’t forward everything, give points of action, give deadlines, label urgent emails that require immediate responses
- Sometimes you’ll have to spoon feed clubs
Kin Kollege- Dean Faithfull
- Not designed for Kin who are brand new or for Kin who are very experienced
- Designed for Kin who have some knowledge and experience and want to learn more about the Association
- Council won’t be attending in order to allow for space for club members
- Some concern raised about exclusivity in Kin Kollege organizing committee and facilitators; suggestion to open involvement in committee to ensure that people who do not already have relationships with members of executive have an opportunity to be engaged
- Need to be thoughtful of space given facility
- Cathleen clarified that facilitators are from the National board
- Registrations already include Lethbridge, Stampede City, Coaldale, Wetaskiwin, Spruce Grove and more
- Want registration from all over the district
- Last year had a registrant from Fort McMurray
- Dean announced that he and Susan will be running for Vice Governor’s next year
Executive Reports & Goals:
Coordinator – Susan Dickson
- Reminded everyone to please remember pink National t-shirts
- Reminded everyone that this weekend is about having fun and learning so it is hoped that everyone enjoys the games planned
Vice Governors – Corie Brand and Dan Gosse
- As Printed
Treasurer – Shawn Morton
- Budget as presented
- Shawn will be looking for online bank transfers as opposed to checks
- Requested that expenses are submitted in a timely manner
The Full Games Challenge
Budget Reports:
Kinette FLC – October24-25, High River
- Robin Platz presenting on behalf of High River Kinettes
- Motion by Susan to approve 2014 Kinette FLC budget, second by Hilary, all in favour, carried; contract signed and accepted
Kinsmen FLC – October 24-25, Brooks
- Keith Bidyk and Shaun Veroba presenting on behalf of Brooks Kinsmen
- Motion by Dan to accept 2014 Kinsmen FLC budget, all in favour, carried; contract signed and accepted
Council in attendance
Education ideas – Kinsmen
Education ideas - Kinettes
Conduct review of past FLCs- pros and cons
- The format of both FLC’s was positive
- New ideas for education did not come forward
- People enjoyed the amazing race and the education within the meetings
- Idea of having video feed to join the conferences was discussed; positive feedback from that last year and would like to do again
DLS Recap
What worked well?
What would you do different?
District Recap - Provost
What worked well? And not so much ?
What would you do different?
- Discussion occurred around D6 Presentation and how that fit with the rest of the convention
- Council discussed the pros and cons of DG’s sitting at the front as opposed to in the crowd
- Motion by Dan to only roll call those clubs who are in attendance, second by Kim, all in favour, carried
Angela JenkinsQuestion ?
John TseQuestion ?
Executive Reports & Goals:
Secretary – Denea Parker
- Please submit everything on time
- If you have ideas for FLC layouts, themes, etc… get it submitted early
- Word format is best
Membership Director – Adrian Bruce
- Reviewed membership report template and explained what information is contained
- Adrian would like to know where and why we’re losing members but that is not always included in the data
- Need to recruit and retain
- 2nd overall Nationally (2nd to D3)
- Are people coming from one District to another?
- Reinstatements are happening, past members are being attracted back to the Lethbridge club (is this happening elsewhere?)
- Membership retention is really tied to club health
- Official club must have 4 members; to charter a club you need 15; would lowering the charter minimum increase interesting in new charters?
- Concerns voiced about minimum number enforcement (i.e.: Ft. St. John had 3 members for a long time, had we enforced a minimum we would have lost them and now they are 20 strong and contributing back to District)
- When guests visit clubs encourage the club to track that (how many come back, how many join)
- Clubs that don’t currently have a Club Membership Director are encouraged to do so; Adrian would like to connect to Club Membership Directors; wants to form a connection to the Clubs
- For clubs who are unclear about their roles DG’s can encourage presidents to share job descriptions with newly installed Club Executive members
- How do you use your service projects to bring in new members?
- Does the club have in internal mentor to mentor new members as they enter the club and get to know Kin?
Governors – Cathleen & Allen
Tera Blake : Question?
- Social media etiquette
- Communicating on social media, public image, who should set guidelines for public media posting, how do we prevent social media becoming a barrier
- Discussion after Tera spoke included:
- Image: what people see and think we are is what we are to them
- Sometimes social media conversations become confrontational and argumentative
- DG’s are encouraged to make clubs aware of dangers without bringing down a hammer
- Clubs may need to have administrators assigned to social media postings
- Individuals may need to have disclaimers about personal vs club opinions
- “I would like to go on the record”… statements of clarity
- What are acceptable procedures for a club to follow?
- Current executive can decide who has access to social media accounts and can decide who and how those pages will be administrated; some members of the council were of a different opinion and that restricting admin access might cause issues; questions around having only one admin have access; communications position and governors will have admin access
- If you see something that you feel is inappropriate on social media then administrators have the authority to pull comments or posts that are
Kirk Blake: Question ?
Executive Reports & Goals:
Awards: Past Governors
- Pat and Susan will be doing awards this year as Jacquie is moving
- Al and Cathleen will do awards next year
- Discussion was difficult to hear over the video link
Wellness Break
The Full Games
District Foundation Report
- As printed
- LeAnne will attend mid-term
What’s A “Zone Progress Tracker”
National Director’s Report
- No current report
- Conference Calls –
Thirdweek of each month beginning July – What day is best?
Line can be used by anyone, just let us know the date for availability
Calls have long distance charges – check your phone plan
Call in number: 1-760-569-0111 and access code: 1067951
- Dropbox – Forms, Installations, Minutes, Budgets, etc.
- Emails
- Try to avoid forwarding, forwarding, forwarding
- What about posting things to the website and then allowing emails to links?
- Can we count on club presidents to share information to club membership?
- Feedback shared about challenges with presidents forwarding information that has been shared; there is a link breaks; if the information is better and laid out more effectively would it increase interest in the information that has been shared?
- Would expect some backlash if Council was emailing all individual members of the club
- Have to make communication as easy as possible for people to engage
- People need to see the value in what is being communicated
C.C. Allen and Cathleen on emails
Respond only if you are sent the email – do not use “reply all” if not needed
District email addresses – SET THEM UP AND USE THEM ??????
Kimberly Bedry: How important is history and ….. in the way we run our Association?
- Kim feels history is very important
- Traditions are important but ever changing in line with the changing diversity of our country and Association
- If we get too deeply stuck in tradition we would not be moving forward (i.e.: K-40, Kinettes would not be full members)
- Kim is not comfortable speaking with a paper in front of her
- Discussion from DLS brought up (Kin Prayer, Kinette voting rights)
- What does the team think about changing the Kin Grace at District Convention? (conversation occurred that could not be clearly heard over video); we have one more meeting before District to decide how we want to approach this; how does the grace impact new members? How many people say grace before they eat meals? How many are uncomfortable saying grace at Kin functions?
- Discussion around how the Kin song may impact people’s initial opinion of the Association more than the Kin Grace would
DonDunajtschik Question ?
Wellness Break
The Full Games Challenge
Executive Reports & Goals:
Risk Manager – Kelli Pollock
- Risk management is really everyone’s responsibility
- To keep club in good standing you need to fill out proof of incorporation, pay dues, complete club reporting form and club insurance form
- Forms are on the national website
- Log in password and membership number (found on your roster)
- Everything you need to fill out insurance forms is on the website
- Forms are very straightforward
- Keep National informed about events so that you can make sure that you are protected by insurance
- Ensure you are adequately insured for public events and for clubhouses/properties
- Make sure that you file your T3 forms and complete all casino/licensing/raffle reporting requirements
- After filing taxes and reporting you need to file a proof of incorporation
- What were the biggest problems last year? – forms will not be mailed out, all forms are online only; if clubs are waiting for a paper copy in the mail they will never be able to complete the reporting requirements
Service Director – Cameron Kemp
- As printed
- Major change will be how we present the project information at District Convention; focus at the Service Luncheon will be on club projects rather than having CF/STAR speakers; every few years we should be trying to do something different; need pictures, videos and experiences from D4 projects, will include speakers from the club level
- Cameron will be sending information to clubs to request that clubs gather that information throughout the year so it’s easier to gather around District
- Would like support from the team to attend events and volunteer across the District as Cameron will not be able to attend everything that he is invited to throughout the year (attend as Acting Service Director”; this also helps prepare Executive Members to consider taking on District Service Director in coming years
Communications Director – Margo Dick
- Asked how many have been on the D4 website
- Would like to gather ideas from the team about how the website should be set up
- Feedback from Amber that could not be heard clearly over video
- Keep event calendar current and detailed
- Links to forms
- Want site to be user friendly and easy to navigate
- Most current versions of information resources
Hilary Thorne: How would we promote Kin Kollege and convince members to go?