Wigginton and Hopwas Parish Council



HELD ON 4th OCTOBER 2012, 7.45 P.M

AT Thomas Barnes School, hopwas.

Present: Cllr Stevens, Cllr Mrs Whitehead, Cllr Mrs Croft.

In attendance: Mrs M Jones (Clerk) and Mr Robey

Cllr Stevens acted as Chair.

Open Forum

No residents had attended to raise concerns.

1.  To receive and approve apologies.

Cllr Watson and Cllr Mrs Ward had apologised.

2.  To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interest.

None received.

3.  To approve the Minutes of 5th September 2012.

RESOLVED to approve the minutes.

4. Date of next and future Meetings:

a 1st November, St. Leonard’s School, Wigginton.

b 6th December, Thomas Barnes School, Hopwas.

c 3rd January, St. Leonard’s School, Wigginton.

d 7th February, Thomas Barnes School, Hopwas.

e 7th March, St. Leonard’s School, Wigginton.

5. To receive updates from:

a District Cllrs. None received.

b County Cllrs. None received.

c Police. None received. Only one person had attended the recent surgery organised by the community police team.

d Highways. Highways had checked the drain at the bus stop.

Councillors felt this would not be cost effective to replace.

6. To receive Clerk's reports.

(a) Hopwas Public Notice Board - A local resident had replaced this and done an excellent job.

(b) Vacancy – The electoral notice had been put up, but no call had been made for an election. The vacancy had been advertised on notice boards. Councillors would request that local people should consider joining the

Parish Council. Mr Robey had offered to send an article to the local paper.

(c) Comberford bus shelter – This had been repaired using specially ordered toughened glass so this had taken longer than expected.

(d) FOI request – A copy of the Annual Return would be sent as requested.

(e) Step in Lichfield Road – There had been no reply so far from the householder.

7. To consider any planning matters.

(a) Planning applications – for information

12/00319/FUL Arkall Farm, Ashby Road – creation of new gated field entrance - Granted

(b) Planning applications - for consideration

12/00999/FUL Meriden, Lichfield Road, Hopwas -

RESOLVED No objection.

12/00972/FUL Churchlands, 5 Comberford Lane, Wigginton – single storey extension to form double garage.

RESOLVED No objection.

(c) Planning consultations – enforcement. A reply had been sent.

Joint Waste core strategy development plan notice received.

8. To consider Hopwas Playing Field maintenance.

Greenlands had replaced the bark and done a good job. They would be asked to paint the climbing frames. Bentleyfab had installed the new central fence and made good the surrounding area. The annual safety inspection would be done this week.

The Charity Commission had confirmed that the Lease showed that the Parish Council had been within their rights to take over management of the playing field when there was no active committee to run it. They would be writing to the former trustees to discuss removing the charity from the register.

9. To consider QEll Fields scheme.

After discussion it was agreed that as there were so few councillors present this should be placed on the next agenda. RESOLVED to take legal advice on the implications of the draft Deed.

10. To consider questionnaire for proposed Parish Plan.

The second draft was considered and various amendments proposed to make it easier for residents to give their views.

RESOLVED to consider the final version at the next meeting. This would be delivered and then collected by Councillors.

11. To receive correspondence.

Mr Greatorex (previous Clerk) letter of condolence.

SPCA newsletter

Email from Mr Griffiths of Village Market

Email from the Charity Commission

O2 Think Big scheme £300 for young people’s community project

2013 Volunteer Staffordshire Awards poster

12. Finance.

a To consider the payment of cheques on the Cheques for Payments List. RESOLVED to make the following payments:

M Jones, salary and expenses; HMRC, PAYE;

Reed Landscaping, grounds maintenance; Greenlands, maintenance; JRB dog waste bags;

Audit Commission fee; SCC room hire fee.

b To receive bank reconciliation. Noted.

c To sign letter transferring funds. This was signed.

d To consider moving the Council’s accounts from HSBC to Unity Trust Bank The Clerk recommended this change following a second instance of poor service. This would be considered at the next meeting.

13. Items for Future Meetings.

Cllr Whitehead suggested that the next newsletter should explain the background to the playing field.

15. Date of next meeting. 1st November 7.15 p.m.

The meeting closed at 21.10.

WHPC Minutes 4.10.12 1