Workplace health promotion: how to encourage employees to be physically active
Search protocol
Overall issues to consider when searching
The guidance will consider workplace based or endorsed policies and initiatives which aim to increase employees physical activity levels and are applicable in England. This could encompass a wide range of activities and therefore the search strategy needs to be broad to ensure that all relevant activity is considered. Furthermore, as randomised controlled trials are not always appropriate for\measuring public health interventions, all research designs will be considered. Literature will be considered from 1990 onwards and in English language only. Studies which occur in countries outside the UK will be considered – but may be discarded at a later stage. Therefore no geographical restrictions should be placed on the search strategy.
Electronic Resources
Physical activity in the workplace spans a broad range of topic areas: health, sport, exercise, transport, environment and sociology. Therefore the electronic resources to be searched should reflect this.
The following from the standard list of databases searched by NICE should be searched:
- Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR)
- Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE)
- Medline
- PsycINFO
It is suggested that the following from NICE standard list are less likely to be relevant due to the topic area and therefore could be omitted from the searches in favour of some of those noted below
- CAB Abstracts
The following databases are also relevant to the topic area of the review and should be searched
- Social Policy and Practice (social policy)
- SportsDISCUS (sport)
- Social Science Citation Index
- Transport (US and European transport literature).
It is anticipated that a significant amount of relevant literature relevant to this review will be contained in reports and other grey literature. Key organisations whose websites should be searched for report literature include: Sport England; Health and Safety Executive, Post Office, British Telecom, Sustrans, Dept Work and Pensions, TUC, WHO, Public Health Observatories, British Heart Foundation, PruHealth, BUPA, Transport for London, Physical Activity in Health Alliance, Scottish Executive, ABI and Health Education Authority
Search questions
- What health promotion activities are successful in encouraging physical activity? (This could include organised lunchtime walks, onsite aerobics, running sessions, stairwalking etc)
- Are subsidised membership of sports orleisure centres or other incentive schemes effective in increasing physical activity?
- Are active travel schemes initiated or endorsed by the employer effective in increasing employees physical activity?
Search questions in PICO format.
- What health promotion activities are successful in encouraging physical activity? (This could include organised lunchtime walks, onsite aerobics, running sessions, stairwalking etc)
P – adults in a workplace
I – physical activity related health promotion activities (eg lunchtime walks, onsite aerobics, running sessions, stairwalking, organised exercise sessions, any more?)
C – no physical activity or usual practice
O – participation rates, change in physical activity levels, motivation factors, barriers
- Does subsidised membership of sports or leisure centres or other incentive schemes increase physical activity?
P – adults in a workplace
I – employer subsidised membership schemes of gyms, leisure centre centres or swimming pools or incentives such as subsidised cycle purchase schemes, time off for exercise etc
C – no schemes or usual practice
O – uptake rates, change in physical activity levels, motivation factors, barriers
- Are active travel schemes initiated or endorsed by the employer effective in increasing employees physical activity?
P – adults travelling to and from work (commuters)
I – active travel or active commuting schemes initiated or endorsed by the employer (ie schemes topromote walking or cycling to work – including initiatives such as getting off bus a few stops earlier)
C – no schemes or usual practice
O –Modal shift (numbers who changed from cars to bikes, walking), increase in physical activity levels, motivation factors, barriers
Suggested key words
Physical activity related
Physical activity, exercise, sport, walking, cycling (nb: causes problems when searching because of drug cycles), bicycles, physical fitness, stairs, stairwalking, swimming, aerobics, running, gym, active travel, active commuting, walking
Workplace related
Workplace, employer, employee, organisation, company, occupational health, industry, worksite
Outcome related
Physical activity level (self reported or objectively measured eg by questionnaire or measures of energy expenditure), pedometer, participation rates (head counts) any more?
Study designs
RCTS, contolled clinical trials, interrupted time series, before and after studies, case study or process evaluations and qualitative studies any more????
Modifications to the environment (built or natural) that encourage and support physical activity. For example building sports or changing facilities would be excluded, painting stairwells would be excluded however putting posters up to encourage stairwalking would be included.
A number of scoping searches were carried out in order to produce the background and scoping documents. These included searches of the Cochrane Library, Medline, SSCI and Sportsdiscus
The search strategies included:
Database: SPORTDiscus <1830 to November 2006>
Search Strategy: stairs
1 exp workplace/ or employment/ or work environment/ (1875)
2 employer$.tw. (306)
3 organi? (9356)
4 exp industry/ (1839)
5 company$.tw. (2711)
6 (269)
7 or/1-6 (15912)
8 or PEDOMETER/ (255)
9 stair$.tw. (569)
10 8 or 9 (822)
11 7 and 10 (15)
12 from 11 keep 1-15 (15)
13 limit 12 to (english language and yr="1995 - 2006") (9)
14 from 13 keep 1-9 (9)
Database: SPORTDiscus <1830 to November 2006>
Search Strategy: facilities
1 exp workplace/ or employment/ or work environment/ (1875)
2 employer$.tw. (306)
3 organi? (9356)
4 exp industry/ (1839)
5 company$.tw. (2711)
6 (269)
7 or/1-6 (15912)
8 changing room$.tw. (23)
9 shower$.tw. (150)
10 changing facilit$.tw. (4)
11 8 or 9 or 10 (175)
12 7 and 11 (5)
13 limit 12 to (english language and research <advanced> and yr="1995 - 2006") (1)
14 from 13 keep 1 (1)
Database: SPORTDiscus <1830 to November 2006>
Search Strategy: leaders
1 exp workplace/ or employment/ or work environment/ (1875)
2 employer$.tw. (306)
3 organi? (9356)
4 exp industry/ (1839)
5 company$.tw. (2711)
6 (269)
7 or/1-6 (15912)
8 leader$.tw. (5465)
9 mentor$.tw. (502)
10 advisor$.tw. (576)
11 instructor$.tw. (2202)
12 coach$.tw. (47641)
13 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 (54550)
14 7 and 13 (1436)
15 limit 14 to (english language and research <advanced> and yr="1995 - 2006") (151)
16 from 15 keep 1-151 (151)
17 from 16 keep 1-151 (151)
Database: SPORTDiscus <1830 to November 2006>
Search Strategy: activity sessions
1 exp workplace/ or employment/ or work environment/ (1875)
2 employer$.tw. (306)
3 organi? (9356)
4 exp industry/ (1839)
5 company$.tw. (2711)
6 (269)
7 or/1-6 (15912)
8 session$.tw. (6766)
9 physical activity$.tw. (11335)
10 team$.tw. (41340)
11 8 or 9 or 10 (58639)
12 7 and 11 (1076)
13 8 or 10 (47725)
14 7 and 13 (873)
15 limit 14 to (english language and research <advanced> and yr="1995 - 2006") (122)
16 from 15 keep 1-122 (122)
Database: SPORTDiscus <1830 to November 2006>
Search Strategy: walking
1 exp workplace/ or employment/ or work environment/ (1875)
2 employer$.tw. (306)
3 organi? (9356)
4 exp industry/ (1839)
5 company$.tw. (2711)
6 (269)
7 or/1-6 (15912)
8 walk$.tw. (7439)
9 7 and 8 (85)
10 limit 9 to (english language and research <advanced> and yr="1995 - 2006") (24)
11 from 10 keep 1-24 (24)
Database: SPORTDiscus <1830 to November 2006>
Search Strategy: cycling
1 exp workplace/ or employment/ or work environment/ (1875)
2 employer$.tw. (306)
3 organi? (9356)
4 exp industry/ (1839)
5 company$.tw. (2711)
6 (269)
7 or/1-6 (15912)
8 bicycle/ or "bicyclette (activite)"/ or bicycling/ or cycling/ (15917)
9 cycle$.tw. (7150)
10 bicycl$.tw. (12991)
11 bike$.tw. (3291)
12 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 (27898)
13 7 and 12 (298)
14 limit 13 to (research <advanced> and english and "peer reviewed or refereed" and yr="1995 - 2006") (8)
15 limit 13 to (english language and research <advanced> and yr="1995 - 2006") (23)
16 from 15 keep 1-23 (23)
Database: SPORTDiscus <1830 to November 2006>
Search Strategy: awareness
1 physical activity/ (11)
2 exercise/ (49640)
3 exp workplace/ or employment/ or work environment/ (1875)
4 employer$.tw. (306)
5 organi? (9356)
6 exp industry/ (1839)
7 company$.tw. (2711)
8 (269)
9 health check$.tw. (27)
10 lifestyle assessment$.tw. (3)
11 wellness/ or wellness activity profile/ (2)
12 preventive medicine/ (174)
13 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 (15912)
14 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 (206)
15 13 and 14 (4)
16 from 15 keep 1-4 (4)
Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1950 to December Week 4 2006>
Search Strategy: facilities
1 physical (20992)
2 exercise/ (37344)
3 exercise therapy/ (15525)
4 physical fitness/ (14050)
5 physical and training/ [mp=title, original title, abstract, name of substance word, subject heading word] (0)
6 "physical education and training"/ (9308)
7 (physical$ adj5 (train$ or active$)).tw. (7395)
8 (exercise$ adj5 (train$ or physical$ or active$)).tw. (17334)
9 or/1-8 (90430)
10 workplace/ (5902)
11 employ$.tw. (194173)
12 organi? (5)
13 industry/ (14963)
14 organis? (10309)
15 occupational health/ (16010)
16 worksite$.tw. (1481)
17 company$.tw. (12064)
18 or/10-17 (244058)
19 shower$.tw. (1061)
20 changing$.tw. (64651)
21 facilit$.tw. (201081)
22 19 or 20 or 21 (264494)
23 9 or 18 or 22 (583139)
24 9 and 18 and 22 (147)
25 limit 24 to (english language and yr="1995 - 2007") (97)
26 from 25 keep 1-97 (97)
27 limit 26 to (clinical conference or clinical trial, all or clinical trial, phase i or clinical trial, phase ii or clinical trial, phase iii or clinical trial, phase iv or clinical trial or controlled clinical trial or meta analysis or randomized controlled trial or "review") (30)
28 from 27 keep 1-30 (30)
29 exp research/ (495173)
30 26 and 29 (10)
31 limit 26 to evaluation studies (4)
32 30 or 31 (13)
33 from 32 keep 1-13 (13)
Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1950 to December Week 4 2006>
Search Strategy: leaders
1 physical (20992)
2 exercise/ (37344)
3 exercise therapy/ (15525)
4 physical fitness/ (14050)
5 physical and training/ [mp=title, original title, abstract, name of substance word, subject heading word] (0)
6 "physical education and training"/ (9308)
7 (physical$ adj5 (train$ or active$)).tw. (7395)
8 (exercise$ adj5 (train$ or physical$ or active$)).tw. (17334)
9 or/1-8 (90430)
10 workplace/ (5902)
11 employ$.tw. (194173)
12 organi? (5)
13 industry/ (14963)
14 organis? (10309)
15 occupational health/ (16010)
16 worksite$.tw. (1481)
17 company$.tw. (12064)
18 or/10-17 (244058)
19 leader$.tw. (25216)
20 mentor$.tw. (3168)
21 co-ordinator$.tw. (247)
22 instructor$.tw. (2845)
23 advisor$.tw. (6595)
24 or/19-23 (37452)
25 24 and 18 and 9 (31)
26 from 25 keep 1-31 (31)
27 limit 26 to (english language and yr="1995 - 2007") (15)
28 limit 27 to (clinical trial, all or clinical trial, phase i or clinical trial, phase ii or clinical trial, phase iii or clinical trial, phase iv or clinical trial or controlled clinical trial or meta analysis or randomized controlled trial or "review") (1)
29 exp research/ (495173)
30 from 28 keep 1 (1)
31 limit 27 to evaluation studies (0)
32 27 and 29 (2)
33 from 32 keep 1-2 (2)
Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1950 to December Week 4 2006>
Search Strategy: sessions
1 physical (20992)
2 exercise/ or exercise therapy/ or walking/ or yoga/ (59125)
3 exertion/ or exercise/ (83323)
4 exp Sports/ (59966)
5 dancing/ or physical fitness/ (15058)
6 exp running/ or swimming/ or exp walking/ (22966)
7 Swimming Pools/ (1064)
8 "Physical Education and Training"/ (9308)
9 gym$.mp. [mp=title, original title, abstract, name of substance word, subject heading word] (4742)
10 (physical$ adj5 (train$ or physical$ or activ$)).tw. (224611)
11 (exercis$ adj5 (train$ or physical$ or activ$)).tw. (20545)
12 (exercis$ adj5 (train$ or physical$ or activ$)).tw. (20545)
13 sport$.tw. (21278)
14 walk$.tw. (33923)
15 bicycle$.tw. (8228)
16 cycle$.tw. (220900)
17 (19113)
18 stairwalk$.tw. (1)
19 stair$.tw. (3199)
20 swim$.tw. (14152)
21 or/1-20 (618136)
22 Workplace/ (5902)
23 employ$.tw. (194173)
24 (11982)
25 industry/ or drug industry/ (33282)
26 work$.tw. (468152)
27 or/22-26 (671397)
28 21 and 27 (58812)
29 session$.tw. (49318)
30 team$.tw. (45803)
31 organi? (31612)
32 29 or 30 or 31 (124728)
33 28 and 32 (2754)
34 limit 33 to (english language and yr="1995 - 2007") (1693)
35 29 or 30 (94267)
36 28 and 35 (2413)
37 limit 36 to (english language and yr="1995 - 2007") (1489)
38 limit 37 to (clinical trial, all or clinical trial, phase i or clinical trial, phase ii or clinical trial, phase iii or clinical trial, phase iv or clinical trial or controlled clinical trial or meta analysis or randomized controlled trial or "review") (514)
39 from 38 keep 1-514 (514)
40 exp research/ (495173)
41 37 and 40 (160)
42 limit 37 to evaluation studies (38)
43 41 or 42 (191)
44 from 43 keep 1-191 (191)
Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1950 to December Week 4 2006>
Search Strategy: walking
1 workplace/ (5902)
2 employ$.tw. (194173)
3 organi? (5)
4 industry/ (14963)
5 organis? (10309)
6 occupational health/ (16010)
7 worksite$.tw. (1481)
8 company$.tw. (12064)
9 or/1-8 (244058)
10 exp Walking/ (7482)
11 walk$.tw. (33923)
12 10 or 11 (35859)
13 9 and 12 (953)
14 limit 13 to (english language and yr="1995 - 2007") (615)
15 from 14 keep 1-615 (615)
16 limit 15 to (clinical conference or clinical trial, all or clinical trial, phase i or clinical trial, phase ii or clinical trial, phase iii or clinical trial, phase iv or clinical trial or controlled clinical trial or meta analysis or randomized controlled trial or "review") (110)
17 from 16 keep 1-110 (110)
18 exp research/ (495173)
19 14 and 18 (60)
20 limit 14 to evaluation studies (31)
21 19 or 20 (83)
22 from 21 keep 1-83 (83)
Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1950 to December Week 4 2006>
Search Strategy: cycling
1 workplace/ (5902)
2 employ$.tw. (194173)
3 organi? (5)
4 industry/ (14963)
5 organis? (10309)
6 occupational health/ (16010)
7 worksite$.tw. (1481)
8 company$.tw. (12064)
9 or/1-8 (244058)
10 bicycle$.tw. (8228)
11 Bicycling/ (4074)
12 cycling$.tw. (19133)
13 10 or 11 or 12 (28749)
14 9 and 13 (572)
15 limit 14 to (english language and yr="1995 - 2007") (323)
16 limit 15 to (clinical trial, all or clinical trial, phase i or clinical trial, phase ii or clinical trial, phase iii or clinical trial, phase iv or clinical trial or controlled clinical trial or meta analysis or randomized controlled trial or "review") (61)
17 from 16 keep 1-61 (61)
18 exp research/ (495173)
19 15 and 18 (19)
20 limit 15 to evaluation studies (10)
21 19 or 20 (26)
22 from 21 keep 1-26 (26)
Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1950 to December Week 4 2006>
Search Strategy: pedometer/stairs
1 workplace/ (5902)
2 employ$.tw. (194173)
3 organi? (5)
4 industry/ (14963)
5 organis? (10309)
6 occupational health/ (16010)
7 worksite$.tw. (1481)
8 company$.tw. (12064)
9 or/1-8 (244058)
10 pedometer$.tw. (315)
11 stair$.tw. (3199)
12 10 or 11 (3508)
13 9 and 12 (136)
14 limit 13 to (english language and yr="1995 - 2007") (88)
15 limit 14 to (clinical trial, all or clinical trial, phase i or clinical trial, phase ii or clinical trial, phase iii or clinical trial, phase iv or clinical trial or controlled clinical trial or meta analysis or randomized controlled trial or "review") (15)
16 exp research/ (495173)
17 14 and 16 (9)
18 limit 14 to evaluation studies (5)
19 from 15 keep 1-15 (15)
20 17 or 18 (12)
21 from 20 keep 1-12 (12)
Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1950 to December Week 4 2006>
Search Strategy: awareness
1 physical (20992)
2 exercise/ (37344)
3 exercise therapy/ (15525)
4 physical fitness/ (14050)
5 physical and training/ [mp=title, original title, abstract, name of substance word, subject heading word] (0)
6 "physical education and training"/ (9308)
7 (physical$ adj5 (train$ or active$)).tw. (7395)
8 (exercise$ adj5 (train$ or physical$ or active$)).tw. (17334)
9 or/1-8 (90430)
10 workplace/ (5902)
11 employ$.tw. (194173)
12 organi? (5)
13 industry/ (14963)
14 organis? (10309)
15 occupational health/ (16010)
16 worksite$.tw. (1481)
17 company$.tw. (12064)
18 or/10-17 (244058)
19 preventive health services/ or health education/ or health fairs/ or patient education/ (92986)
20 health check$.tw. (1177)
21 Life Style/ (24848)
22 lifestyle assement$.tw. (0)
23 lifestyle seminar$.tw. (0)
24 life style seminar$.tw. (0)
25 life style assessment$.tw. (5)
26 lifestyle assessment$.tw. (30)
27 exp Health Promotion/ (28800)
28 wellness$.tw. (2109)
29 or/19-28 (139170)
30 9 and 18 and 29 (601)
31 limit 30 to (english language and yr="1995 - 2007") (364)
32 limit 31 to (clinical trial, all or clinical trial, phase i or clinical trial, phase ii or clinical trial, phase iii or clinical trial, phase iv or clinical trial or controlled clinical trial or meta analysis or randomized controlled trial) (61)
33 from 32 keep 1-10 (10)
34 from 32 keep 1-61 (61)
35 exp Research/ (495173)
36 31 and 35 (43)
37 from 36 keep 1-43 (43)