Feedback on Diploma Programme subject outline—Group 5: mathematics
School name / Westlake High School
/ School code / 50328DPAUTO
Name of the DP subject / Mathematical Studies
(indicate with X) / Standard completed in two years / Standard completed in one year*
Higher / Standard completed in two years / X / Standard completed in one year
Standard completed in two years / Standard completed in one year*


This document is aimed at providing support to teachers who will implement this Diploma Programme course. It is organized according to the IB Programme standards and practices. It highlights those practices and requirements that apply to the course outline.

The feedback mainly includes recommendations based on the reading of the school outline. The last column will only include comments if there is a requirement that is not present in the submitted outline and its absence may jeopardize the integrity of the implementation of the Diploma Programme course.

Teachers will use this feedback to reflect and revise their outlines to ensure it successful implementation.

Clarification about levels: if the course outline includes both levels, identify requirements foreach level and include findings and recommendations for each level, if applicable.

Practice / Aspects to be checked / Have the aspects been included in the outline? / Finding / Recommendation / This column only includes comments when the requirement is completely absent in the outline
Yes / Par
ly / No / In order to meet the IB requirement, the teacher must ensure that
Standard B2: Resources and support
The school’s resources and support structures ensure the implementation of the IB programme(s).
B2.5 + a / The physical and virtual learning environments, facilities, resourcesand specialized equipment support the implementation of theprogramme(s).
Sections 1and 7 / The proposed resources will allow for the implementation of the course. / X / The course will be based on a course book (Haesse and Harris).
Other resources as IT resources, specific websites, mathematical software and additional bibliography were not included. / During the interview teacher should provide a list of different resources that will support the course.
The outline includes reference of the calculators that will be used. / X / The outline does not includes GDC use. / Please, be sure to identify a model included in the permitted GDC document on OCC.
B2. 6+ a / The library/multi-media/resources play a central role in theimplementation of the programme(s).
  1. The library/media centre has enough appropriate materials tosupport the implementation of the Diploma Programme.
Sections1 and 7 / There are references to bibliography will allow for the implementation of the course. / X / The course will be based on one course book. / He / She Identifies a bibliography list that will support the teaching and learning.
B2. 10a / The student schedule or timetable allows for the requirements of the programme(s) to be met.
  1. The schedule provides for the recommended hours for each standard and higher level subject.
Section 1 / The proposed hours of instruction reflect the level(s) (HL/SL) chosen. / X
The course will be taught over two years. (If a SL course is taught in one year, the recommended hours are covered in one year) / X
Standard C2: Written curriculum
The school’s written curriculum reflects IB philosophy.
C2. 1a / The written curriculum is comprehensive and aligns with the requirements of the programme(s).
  1. The curriculum fulfils the aims and objectives of each subject group and the core.
Sections 1, and 3 / The course outline fulfils the aims and objectives of the subject group and those of the subject. / X
The proposed topics adequately address the IB syllabus requirements. / X
There is evidence of understanding of how TOK can be integrated in the course (itrelates to practice C1.1a: Collaborative planning and reflection includes the integration of theory of knowledge in each subject.) / X
C2. 1d / The school develops its own courses of study for each subjecton offer and for theory of knowledge.
Section 1 / The course outline reflects that the school has developed its own course of study and it is not a mere copy of the IB guide. / X
C2. 4 / The written curriculum identifies the knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes to be developed over time.
Sections1 and 4 / The contents and time distribution stated in the course outline in principle allows to conclude that the knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes to be developed over time have been identified. / X
There is evidence describing how the course contributes to the development of students’ approaches to learning skills. / X
C2. 7 / The written curriculum promotes students’ awareness of individual,local, national and world issues.
Sections 1and 5 / The course outline promotes students’ awareness of individual, local, national and world issues, as applicable. / X
C2. 8 / The written curriculum provides opportunities for reflection onhuman commonality, diversity and multiple perspectives.
Sections 1and 5 / The course outline includes elements that will allow for reflection on human commonality, diversity and multiple perspectives. / X
C2. 9 / The written curriculum is informed by current IB publications and isreviewed regularly to incorporate developments in the programme(s).
Sections 1 and 2 / The course outline is based on current IB publications. / X
C2.11 / The written curriculum fosters development of the IB learner profile attributes.
Sections1and 6 / The course outline fosters development of the IB learner profile attributes. / X
Standard C4: Assessment
Assessment at the school reflects IB assessment philosophy.
C4. 1
C4. 1a / Assessment at the school aligns with the requirements of the programme(s).
  1. Assessment of student learning is based on the objectives and assessment criteria specific to each subject.
Sections1 and 2 / The course outline shows understanding of IBassessment. / X
The course outline shows understanding of the subject assessmentrequirement(s) to be completed during the course. / X
C4. 3 / The school uses a range of strategies and tools to assess student learning.
Sections1 and 2 / The course outline shows a range of strategies and tools to assess student learning. / X


The school will submit a revised outline only if

Situation / Applicable in this case
(indicate with X)
The course outline is based on an outdated subject guide
The course outline shows complete lack of understanding of the subject aims, objectives, structure, assessment and delivery.
The course outline is blank

In all other cases, the teachers are expected to revise their outlines based on this feedback, and make comments on the actions taken during the verification visit, as applicable.