Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Preamble:

During the past decades, agricultural activities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia widely expanded causing an escalation in the application of inorganic fertilizers, pesticides and other agricultural chemicals to increase crop production and to enhance soil properties. Inorganic, specially phosphate (P), fertilizers contain hazardous elements including, heavy metals, e.g. Cd, Cr, and Pb, and radioactive elements, e.g. U, Th and their daughters, which are considered to be toxic to human and animal health [Mortvedt and Sikora, 1992; Koomblekou and Tabatabai, 1994]. Due to the long-continued application of inorganic fertilizers, these heavy metals and radionuclides will be added and could be accumulated in soil, i.e. their concentrations, as contaminants, in soil can increase over time [Brigden et al., 2002]. The contaminants accumulation in soil due to long-continued agricultural activities will depend on their concentrations in fertilizers, annual application rate of fertilizers, physical and chemical properties of soil and geochemical properties of the contaminant itself.

Soil has always been important to humans and their health. It is providing a resource that can be used for shelter and food production. Through ingestion, inhalation and dermal absorption, the mineral, chemical and biological components of soil can be directly detrimental to human health, e.g. cancers caused by the inhalation of fibrous or radon gas derived from the radioactive decay of U in soil minerals. Human health can also be influenced in more indirect ways as soils interact with atmosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere, e.g. the frequent detrimental chemical and biological quality of drinking and recreational water that are influenced by processes of soil erosion, surface runoff, interflow and leaching [Abrahams, 2002].

Natural radioactivity (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials- NORM) is widely spread in the earth’s environment. It exists in soil, plant, water, air and even within the human body. It has two origins; terrestrial and extraterrestrial origin. The natural radioactivity in soil comes mainly from 238U series, 232Th series and 40K. NORMs in soil are one of the main components of external gamma-ray exposure to which the public is exposed to regularly. Natural environmental radioactivity and the associated external exposure due to gamma radiation depend primarily on the geological and geographical conditions and exist at different levels in the soils of each region in the world [Merdanoglu and Altinsoy, 2006; Chowdhury et al., 2006; Vaz Carreiro et al., 1988; Pan Ziqiang et al., 1988].

Since the 1950s, the application of plant nutrients, including phosphate fertilizers, has increased substantially. More than 30 million metric tons of phosphate fertilizers are annually consumed worldwide, which increase crop production and improve the properties of the nutrient-deficient lands. However, a possible negative effect of phosphate fertilizers is the contamination of cultivated lands by heavy metals and natural radionuclides [Lambert et al., 2007]. Phosphate rock is the starting material for all phosphate products including phosphate fertilizers. Phosphate rock can be of sedimentary, volcanic or biological origin. Generally, for U a range of 3-400 ppm (37-4900 Bq/kg 238U) and for 226Ra a range of 100- 10,000 Bq/kg were reported for different phosphate deposits [Rossler et al., 1979; IAEA 1979]. The concentration of 238U and its decay products tend to be elevated in phosphate deposits of sedimentary origin where 238U series typical concentration is about 1500 Bq/kg [UNSCEAR, 2000]. The annual global production of rock phosphates has been around 140 million tons, which is equivalent to about 40 million tons of P2O5 per year for the last decade [Jasinski, 2007; Van Kauwenbergh, 1997]. Taking into account, for example, an average U-content in sedimentary rock phosphates of 120 mg U kg-1 [Van Kauwenbergh, 1997, WISE, 2006], this represents for each year about 16800 t of U, while worldwide U resources associated with rock phosphates deposits are estimated at approximately 9 million t U [IAEA, 2001]. At least 70% of U stays in final products (P-mineral fertilizers). Therefore, the main cause of U discharge to agricultural soils is fertilization with mineral P-fertilizer. Since all U isotopes are radioactive, U loads to cultivated soil with P-fertilizer should be controlled due to both their chemical and radiological hazards. High levels of U have negative effects on human health and ecological systems.

Researchers in Australia and UK reported that long-term applications of P- fertilizers increased concentration of uranium (U) and cadmium (Cd) in surface soil [Huang et al., 2004]. The addition of radionuclides to soil by an average P-fertilization of 100 kg.ha-1 raises uranium (U) activity by 34%, thorium (Th) activity by 6% and potassium-40 (40K) activity by 1.5% in 100 years [Schnug et al., 1996]. Some of these heavy metals and radionuclides may be leached out into ground water that drains from these fields [Hamamo et al., 1995] or transferred via the food chain to humans [Abdel-Haleem et al., 2001].

1.2 Objectives of this study

Research Problem; Agricultural activities in Saudi Arabia expanded widely during the past decades causing an increase in the application of different chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other agricultural chemicals. Natural radionuclides exist as impurities in chemical fertilizers, especially phosphate fertilizers. The accumulation of these radionuclides, due to the application of fertilizers and/or the change of soil properties, could be a potential source for environmental pollution.

Research Significance; A field study on the radio-ecological impacts of the application of chemical fertilizers and agricultural activities is very essential because of the potential environmental pollution due to fertilizers. In this study more light will be shad on the variation in soil radioactivity as a result of agricultural activities and changes in soil properties in Hail . Radiation dose assessment will also be considered.

Research Objectives;

This study aims at investigating the impact of agricultural activities on the activity concentration levels of naturally occurring radionuclides such as 238U, 226Ra, 232Th, 228Ra and 40K in soil, and their relationship to soil physico-chemical properties. Radiation dose assessment due to natural radionuclides in soil will also be considered.

Chapter 2: Literature review

2-1 Introduction

Sources of ionizing radiation are inside us and surrounding us all the time and everywhere. This radiation comes from radionuclides which occur naturally as trace elements in rocks and soils of the earth as a consequence of radioactive decay. Radionuclides also exist in different ecosystems such as atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. Since, the middle of the last century, the discovery of nuclear radiation a great interest has been made to study the different sources of ionizing radiation depending on their useful applications and their harmful effects on the human being and his environment. In addition to the naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM), technological enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials (TENORM) and man-made (artificially produced) radionuclides have been introduced into the environment due to the proliferation of the different nuclear applications. All of these sources have contributed to the increase in levels of environmental radioactivity and population radiation doses, which require an understanding of the different radionuclides environmental behavior and an estimation of their human risks and how to deal with it.

Radioecology is concerned with the behavior of radionuclides in the environment. It deals with the understanding of where radioactive materials originate and, how they migrate, react chemically and affect the ecosphere after their release into the environment [Peter and Werner, 1989]. All these aspects are very dynamic processes where the environment greatly affects and is affected by the fate of radioactive substances. So, the main goals of studying the radioactivity in environment and food are providing the scientific basis for the effective utilization of radioactivity such as geochronology, and prediction of the impacts to man and his environment due to different radionuclides.

2.2 Environmental radioactivity

Radioactivity is part of nature. All materials alive or dead contain a trace of radioactivity, i.e. radioactive elements (radionuclides). These radionuclides have either a natural or anthropogenic origin, and exist in different levels and chemical status in all environmental compartments (lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere), which is known as environmental radioactivity or radioecology. Radioecology is an area of science that deals with the understanding of where radionuclides originate and how they migrate, react chemically and affect the ecospheres [Peter Kopp and Werner Burkart, 1989]. One of the most important aspects of radio-ecological studies is to provide the scientific basis for predicting the impacts of environmental radioactivity on man and his environment. To assess these impacts quantitatively, it is necessary not only to define the sources of radioactivity and their environmental distribution but also to understand the effect of the environmental parameters and how radionuclides are transferred between the ecological systems [IAEA, 1979]. Sources of radiation definition and radioactivity measurements are significant to determine the environmental impacts and to estimate radiation doses. This data can then be linked to epidemiological studies that attempt to relate human health effects to the radiation exposures [Commission of the European Communities, 1993].

Environmental radio activity has been an important area of research throughout the 20th century that has been promoted by two powerful stimuli, namely: (i) the remarkable power and sensitivity of radionuclides and their descendants as tracers of the rates and mechanisms of environmental and geological processes; and (ii) the introduction of man-made radionuclides and technologically enhanced natural occurring radioactive material (TENORM) as an important class of environmental contamination. Research involving natural radionuclides has contributed greatly to developing a quantitative understanding of the functioning of the environment. In order to achieve an improved understanding of the environmental fate of contaminant radionuclides, it is necessary to characterize not only the biogeochemical properties of the radionuclides, but also the biogeochemical processes occurring in the receiving environment [MacKenzie, 2000]..

2.3 Sources of natural radioactivity

Radionuclides, radiation and radioactivity has been an essential constituent of the earth since its creation. Radionuclides are classified according to their origins to Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM), Technologically Enhanced Natural Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM) and man-made or anthropogenic radionuclides. Man-made radionuclides do not exist naturally and are created via human activities that vary with time and location according to domestic and/or world nuclear activities and other factors. Sources of man-made radionuclides include nuclear tests, nuclear power plants and reprocessing facilities, sources used for medical, industrial and agricultural applications, and sources used for research purposes [UNSCEAR,1988; Eisenbud, 1987]. Both NORM and TENORM have the same natural origin but TENORM exists as a result of human activities, such as tobacco smoking, uranium and phosphate mining and milling, air travel, coal fired power plants, oil exploration and others, that enhanced and modified the concentration of NORM, their environmental distribution and radiation exposure dose to human-beings. Generally, some of the non-nuclear industrial processes supplied a considerable contribution to the radio-ecological pollution such as phosphate ore mining and phosphate fertilizers manufacture and agricultural applications [UNSCEAR,1988; Oosterhuis,1992].

NORM has sources of natural radiation and radioactivity that are classified as extraterrestrial and terrestrial sources. In term of population radiation dose, the sources of natural radiation are the most significant and the main contributor to the population collective doses [UNSCEAR,1988; Al Kuasayer and Al Haj, 1987]. Natural radiation sources are classified into three categories; cosmic ray, cosmogenic radionuclides and primordial (terrestrial) radionuclides.

Primordial radionuclides are long-lived species, which have been present on earth since its formation about 4.5x109 years ago. They are classified into;

(i) Series radionuclides; groups of radionuclides that are headed by parent radionuclides that decay in sequence to other radionuclides with different half lives and decay modes, and finally end as stable isotopes [NCRP,1992]. There are three natural series headed by uranium-238, uranium-235 and thorium-232, the main members of which are shown in figures 2-1, 2-2 and 2-3.

(ii) Non-series radionuclides; they decay directly to stable nuclide. The most important radionuclides are the isotopes of potassium-40, vanadium-50, rubidium-87, cadmium-113 and indium-115. In term of population dose, the most significant radionuclides are potassium-40 and rubidium-87.


Fig. 2-1: A schematic diagram of the uranium series [Harb, 2004]

Fig. 2-2: A schematic diagram of the Thorium series [Harb, 2004]

Fig. 2-3 : A schematic diagram of U-235 radioactive decay series (actinium) [Harb, 2004].


2.4 Natural radioactivity in soil

Soil is the upper part of the earth’s crust and is formed as a result of rock deformation by complex physicso-chemical processes, which include weathering decomposition, organic matter addition and water movement. Soil consists of minerals, organic matter, water and air; where their percentages vary widely according to soil type, usage, and particle size [White,1987].

Soil has always been important to humans and their health, providing a resource that can be used for shelter and food production. Soils significantly influence a variety of functions (e.g. as a plant growth medium; its importance on the cycling of water; as a foundation for buildings) that sustains the human population. Through ingestion (either deliberate or involuntary), inhalation and dermal absorption, the mineral, chemical and biological components of soils can either be directly beneficial or detrimental to human health. Specific examples include: cancers caused by the inhalation of fibrous minerals or radon gas derived from the radioactive decay of U and Th in soil minerals. Human health can also be influenced in more indirect ways as soils interact with the atmosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere. Examples include: the volatilization of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from soils and their subsequent global redistribution that has health implications to the Aboriginal people of the Arctic; the frequent detrimental chemical and biological quality of drinking and recreational waters that are influenced by processes of soil erosion, surface runoff, interflow and leaching; and the transfer of mineral nutrients and PHEs from soils into the plants and animals that constitute the human food chain [Abrahams, 2002].

Natural radioactivity is wide spread in the earth’s environment. It exists in soil, plant, water, air, coal and phosphate. The natural radioactivity in soil comes mainly from 238U series, 232Th series and 40K. Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs) in soil are one of the components of external gamma-ray exposure to which persons are exposed to regularly. Natural environmental radioactivity and the associated external exposure due to gamma radiation depend primarily on geological and geographical conditions and exists at different levels in the soils of each region in the world. The specific levels of terrestrial environmental radiation are related to the geological composition for each lithologically separated area, and to the content of uranium, thorium and potassium in the rock from which the soil originated in each area [Merdanogluand Altinsoy, 2006 ;Chowdhury et al., 2006]. Summary of the activity concentration of 238U (226Ra), 232Th (228Ra), 40K and 137Cs (Bq/kg) in soil samples worldwide is given in table 2-1 [El-Reefy et al., 2006].