Extending Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0
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Youhavebeenaskedtocreateawebportalforyourcompany'scustomers whichallowseach customertoviewthedatastoredagainsttheirMicrosoftCRMaccount,butnotany other accounts. Thecompanyhasover1000customerswhomayusethisportal,andyouwantto minimize the licensingcost, while maintaining sufficient security. What users andlicenses should you usefor this scenario?
A.CreateoneMicrosoftCRMuseraccountwithaMicrosoftCRMclientlicensethat isused by allcustomers.UsethisaccountforauthenticationintheportalandforaccessingMicrosoft CRM data.
B. CreateaseparateMicrosoftCRMuseraccountforeachcustomer,eachwithaMicrosoft CRMclient license.Useeachaccountforauthenticationin theportalandforaccessing Microsoft CRM data.
C.Createaseparate,non-MicrosoftCRMauthenticationmechanismforeach customer in the portal.PurchaseaMicrosoftCRMExternalConnectorLicense.Createoneproxy account whichthe portal uses toaccessMicrosoft CRM data.
D. Create a separate, non-MicrosoftCRM authenticationmechanismforeach customer in the portal.RetrieveMicrosoftCRMdatadirectlyfromtheSQLdatabaseusingfilteredviews, henceno Microsoft CRM licenses are required.
Your company hasa requirement that whenever auser createsa case inMicrosoft CRM, a recordiswrittentoacustomapplication.Asthecustomapplicationcanbeslowtoupdate, youwantto ensure thatthe code youwrite doesnotimpactthe MicrosoftCRM user's experience.YoualsowanttoensurethatonlydatawhichissavedtoMicrosoftCRMis writtentothecustom application.Howshouldyouwritethelogictoupdatethecustom application?
A.AsaPre-Callout. B.As a Post-Callout.
C. Using client-sideJavaScriptthatruns ona form's OnSave event.
D. Asa workflow assemblythatis calledfroma workflow rulethat runs ontheCreate event.
valuesincertainfieldsofanoppportunity onceitsCloseProbabilityexceeds50%.Ifauser failstoenterappropriatedataanerrormessagedisplays,andtheyarepreventedfrom saving theopportunity. How can you achieve this? Choose the 2 that apply.
A.UseaPost-Callout. B.UseaPre-Callout.
C. Use client-sideJava script. D. Usea workflow assembly.
YouarecreatinganASP.NETapplicationtoextendyourcompany'sMicrosoft CRM implementation,andyouwanttheapplicationto resembletheMicrosoftCRMapplication. Howshouldyouachievethiswiththeminimum effort,whileensuringyourextensionsare fully supported?
A.Referencethe cascading style sheets used bythe MicrosoftCRM application. B.Use the Microsoft CRM ASP .NET web controls within your custompages.
C. Create .aspx web pages that inheritfrom the class Microsoft.Crm.Application.BasePage.
Microsoft CRM 3.0 SDK.
YouarecreatingcustomwebpagesthatextendMicrosoftCRMcontactfunctionality,using the Microsoft CRM webservice. Youwantyourwebpagesto reflect anychanges made to the Microsoft CRM entity and attribute display names. How should you do this, with the minimumof additional development work?
A. Readthedisplaynames from theMicrosoft CRM web serviceMetadataService. B.Read thedisplaynamesfromthe Microsoft CRMweb serviceCrmService.
C.Storealltextin asatellite.Netassembly.Createaseparatecopyof thesatelliteassemblyfor eachdeployment with the relevant text.
D.Use.NetReflectionwithinyourwebpagestodeterminetheentityandattributedisplay names atruntime fromthe WSDLgenerated bythe Microsoft CRM web service.
YouwanttodisplayMicrosoftCRM datawithinanASP .NetDataGridwebcontrol.Itis important that only data the user haspermissionto see isdisplayed.Whichofthefollowing techniques can you use? Choose the 2 that apply.
CRM dataasaBusinessEntityCollection, and bind this to theDataGrid.
CRM dataasaDataSet, and bind this to theDataGrid.
CRM data as a BusinessEntityCollection. Use custom code to iterate through the
BusinessEntityCollection to add the data to theDataGrid.
D. Use classes in the System.Data .Net Framework namespaceto populateaDataSetwith the resultsofaSQLquery againstMicrosoftCRMfilteredviews.BindthisDataSettothe DataGrid.
Youarebuildingacustom webapplicationtoupdateMicrosoftCRMdataviatheMicrosoft CRMplatform.Thisdataincludessomenumericfieldswhichmayhavemaximum and minimumvaluesappliedwithintheMicrosoft CRMschema;valueswhichmaybechangedin thefuture.Yourpriorityisforthecustomapplicationtoofferasimilaruserexperiencetothat oftheMicrosoft CRMapplication,includinghowusers arenotifiedofdata validationerrors. Whatis thebestway todothis?
A.UsetheMetadataServicetoidentifythemaximumandminimumpermittedvalues.Use thesevalues to applydatavalidation within theuserinterface.
B. Use the Microsoft CRM customization interface to find the current maximum and minimumpermittedvalues.Store these values ina resourceassembly, and update theresource assembly wheneverthevaluesarechanged.Usethesevaluestoapply datavalidationwithin theuserinterface.
C. UsetheMetadataServiceto identifythe maximumandminimumpermittedvalues.
WriteaPreCallouttoimplementthedatavalidationusing thesevalues,andtopassvalidation errormessages to the user.
D.Donot doanydata validationintheapplication.If theMicrosoftCRMplatform returnsany errors, displaythemtothe user.
You have created a workflow .NET assembly and deployed the assembly dll to your company's Microsoft CRM server. Youhave localadministrator rights onthe server. What additionalstepsdoyouneedto take to ensure youcandebug the assembly onthe server? Selecttwoanswers.Eachcorrectanswerformspartofthecompletesolution Choosethe2 that apply.
A. Deployan up-to-date programdatabase (pdb)to the server. B.Add theassemblyto theGlobal AssemblyCache.
C. Ensurea .NetFramework 1.1 debugger is installed on theserver. D. Ensurea .NetFramework 2.0 debugger is installed on theserver.
Youhavewrittena workflowassemblymethodwhichtakestwo parameters:StartDateisof typedatetime,andAccountID isoftype lookup,andexpectsanaccount entity.Neither parameterhasadefaultvalue.Howshouldyousupplyinformationabouttheseparameters within workflow.config?
A. <parametername="StartDate"datatype="datetime"/>
<parameter name="AccountID" entityname="account" />
<parameter name="AccountID" datatype="account" />
C. parametername="StartDate"datatype="datetime"/>
<parameter name="AccountID" datatype="lookup" entityname="account"/
D. parametername="StartDate" entityname="datetime"/>
<parameter name="AccountID" entityname="account" />
You wantto returnmultiple values fromamethod in aworkflow .NET assembly. How should
you do this?
A. Definemultipleparameters as ByReference, and return values through theseparameters.
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