School of Physics and Astronomy


  1. Students will receive the allocation of duties at the start of the autumn or spring semester up to an average of 6 hours per week, for which they will be paid.

Current rates of pay:

Position / Pay Rate / Current Value
Demonstrator (new rate implemented 16/17) / Grade 4 - Point 16 + 12.07% annual leave / £11.50 + 12.07% annual leave = £12.89
Tutor (new rate implemented 17/18) / Grade 5 – Point 23 + 12.07% annual leave / £14.12 + 12.07% annual leave = £15.82
  1. All student demonstrators must have completed an Engagement of a Postgraduate Student Demonstrator form available for download at and submit together with the Starter Checklist (tax form) and Equal Opportunity Monitoring form, plus the Tier 4 visa declaration where relevant. Your passport or birth certificate must be presented for the Office to take a copy.
  2. Before claims can be passed for payment, all student demonstrators must have received training through the Doctoral Academy and from the relevant Module Organiser and signed the appropriate form training form countersigned by the relevant module organiser, available on-line at If the module organiser has not asked you to sign this please prompt him/her.
  3. Each demonstrator claims on a purple demonstrating claim form available to download from the School links or in the cabinet drawers outside the office reception.
  4. The claim must be submitted by the 5th of each month for the previous month’s work. Students will be paid at the end of the month. The only exception is 1 December when there is an early cut-off date in Salaries because of the Christmas break.
  5. Write either the date or week number(e.g. Teaching Week 1 up to 12 per semester) and module number for each claim, and ask the module organiser to sign/initial.
  6. Marking and demonstrating hours should be put in the “Demonstrator Hours” column. If there are any additional duties, e.g. marking long reports (labs), or covering for another student please annotate this on the claim.
  7. Claim only for those hours you have been allocated on the Demonstrating/Marking Duties sheet. There will be times when you have undertaken more or fewer hours but this should average out over the course of the semester. If you feel that overall the amount of hours allocated is unfair compared with the work you then please take this up with the module organiser in the first instance, who may in turn take it up with Dr Bernard Richardson, Director of Undergraduate Studies.
  8. Claim only for the relevant teaching weeks i.e not recess periods.
  9. Louise Winter should be notified of any alterations/amendments to duties.

Please try to submit regularly each month.

Document Updated 30/10/2014