Civil Rights Movement:


Bailey – p. 891-895

Jackie Robinson (1947) -

Truman’s desegregation of Civil Service and Armed forces (1948)

Emmitt Till Case (1954) -

Rosa Parks -

Montgomery Bus Boycotts (1955) -

(rise of Martin Luther King)

Thurgood Marshall -

Sweatt vs. Painter-

Brown vs. Board of Education (1954) / Warren Court ruling -

Massive resistance

Declaration of Constitutional Principles –

White Flight –

Central H.S. (Little Rock, Arkansas) 1957 -

Greensboro sit-ins (1960) –

Civil Rights Groups: (Non-violence)





1960’s (Bailey, p. 916-918)

Freedom Riders (1960-61)

James Meredith and Ole Miss (1962) -

Birmingham, Alabama (1963) –

March on Washington (1963) – (I have a dream speech)

PP. 924 – 927 –

Civil Rights Act of 1964 -

24th amendment –

Freedom Summer – 1964

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party –

Voting Rights Act of 1965 –

Watts Riots – 1965

Rise of Black Power Groups: 1965

Black Muslims – Malcolm X

Black Panthers – Stokely Carmichael

Responses to achieve integration and equality with de facto segregation

Kerner Report –

Open Housing Bill (1968) –

Affirmative Action – (quotas)

Bakke Case -