1. CR/DIR Number: AMS-CR-04-003 / 2. Page 1 of 4
3. Change Title: PTRS for the AMS-02 Paylaod Integration Hardware (Revision A)
4. Evaluation Due Date: 08/30/2004 / 5. Return To: Donna Cox
6. Evaluator/Organization/Phone No.: Mike Capell / AMS Collaboration
7. Signature: ______
8. Recommendation:
Approved - As Written
Disapproved – Reasons as stated below
Approve with comments defined below
No Comment/Recommendation
9. Evaluation Of Technical Description/Impact/Remarks:
I think in sec 1. it would be worthwhile to note that the principal contact from the "AMS Experiment" to the PIH is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), otherwise the "MIT" at the bottom of pg 2 (sec 1.2.1) does not make much sense (better now but still needs work).
pg 10, fig 3.1-1.
Please replace "PDB" with "PDS" (just one remaining).
pg 11, fig 3.1-2
There are in no way "4x electronics crate racks" anymore. Better just to say electronics boxes or something.
10. Evaluation Of Nonincorporation:
11. Change Proposer’s Disposition Of Evaluation:


1. CRN: AMS-CR-04-003 / 2. Page 2 of 4
3. Title: PTRS for the AMS-02 Paylaod Integration Hardware (Revision A)
4. Enter the item number from page 1 that is being continued, then the information applicable to that item.
9. Evaluation Of Technical Description/Impact/Remarks:
pg 10,11 fig 3.1-2,3,4,5
Layout of these boxes has been stable since Jan and could be updated.
On a technical note, you might imagine to include these figs as high res JPEGs. Right now they feel like EPS files with every line
in the model drawn in.
pg 11, fig 3.1-4,5
It might help to point out the approx locations of IFP-A, EVA Panel, J-Crate and PDS. Or if not here, then in sec also
point out the PDS and J-crate. They are center of the lower row of e-boxes on the wake and ram sides respectively.
pg 12, fig 3.1-6
Oh, I like the smile-ies, however the right side of the figure is 1) a political mine field & 2) misleading.
To help synchronize your thinking I've attached my list of "things" - this is from a power flow point of view, but I think it includes
most everything. Some specific comments:
* CryoMagnet system should mention ETH ! SCL is "just" a subcontractor for part of the it. Also, it should probably mention the
cryocoolers (ETH+GSFC) and the cryo electronics (MIT and CIEMAT).
* CGSE might be mentioned (ETH+SJTU).
* TRD could include Roma, if they are ever likely to see this. In my mind TRD means TRD detector + TRD gas system.
* "Electronics" is misleading. The subdetector/subsystem electronics is the responsibility of each corresponding subgroup, even
if much of it is produced at and tested at CSIST. We expect that the subsystems will have been mated with their flight
electronics prior to the ensemble being integrated. The "electronics" that does not fit into this scheme are the J stuff (J-crate,
JT-crate + JPD), which is CSIST and the PDS (NCKU via CGS). At least add MIT to CSIST.
* Again, Tracker means Tracker detector, inc structure plus Tracker Thermal system, so you also need Aachen, NLR, SYSU.
* I think everywhere you have INFN it should be INFN+ASI.
* NCTU should be replaced by ASI + "Taiwan" under ACOP.
* RICH should include CIEMAT.
It would be probably better just to drop all the institutes.....


1. CRN: AMS-CR-04-003 / 2. Page 3 of 4
3. Title: PTRS for the AMS-02 Paylaod Integration Hardware (Revision A)
4. Enter the item number from page 1 that is being continued, then the information applicable to that item.
9. Evaluation Of Technical Description/Impact/Remarks:
pg 14, sec 2nd para.
good enough.
pg 14, fig
z-iss is down ? jeez. anyway, you should include an AMS coordinate system here as well (the relation between fig's -1 and -2 is
not obvious) also please note which direction is "aft" on the STS. then you have everything.
pg 15, sec
PAS is an ISS thing. I would say the keel trunnion is located to the +y_iss (-x_sts or aft) of the PAS.
pg 16, sec, 3rd sentence.
UMA and EVA are ISS power and CDH only (not STS).
This connectivity description needs work. two LRDL interfaces (Y and Z, each with two busses A and B), two 120VDC ISS power
inputs (A and B), four 120VDC bus outputs (A and B to the PDS and to the EBCS heaters) and two HRDL interfaces (A and B,
each with transmit and receive). Lets see 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 = 10.
pg 16, sec
two for CH&H, one for the BFS and one the the RS422 and 1553 <======connections.
second para - 3*(PDB->PDS). you got all 3 !
By the way, your page breaks are all messed up in here.
pg 20, sec
1553 Interface totally missing from text missing ! See fig....
fig The PDS Jtbd's could be filled in now, as can the J422 Jtbds.
pg 21, sec
when referencing fig it SHALL be mentioned that the experiment axis is canted 12 degrees roll (or whatever). other
wise people will thing your figure is distorted or the experiment had a bad day in the Wal-Mart parking lot.
pg24, fig
Paul should have Jxxx numbers for the PDS connections (inc from EBCS) and they should be included.
pg24, sec
I would say those cables are connecting ACOP, AMS-02 and the KU-band system.


1. CRN: AMS-CR-04-003 / 2. Page 4 of 4
3. Title: PTRS for the AMS-02 Paylaod Integration Hardware (Revision A)
4. Enter the item number from page 1 that is being continued, then the information applicable to that item.
9. Evaluation Of Technical Description/Impact/Remarks:
next para.
PDS, PDS, PDS, PDS, PDS, PDS. You got all 5 !
Also better to use 120VDC than 124VDC. 120VDC to the CAB, CC and heaters. <=====
pg27, sec
I'd add the CAB, UPS and CDD interfaces here. They are all part of the cryomag system.
pg28, sec
op cite, i'd move this to ...2
pg28, sec
I'd call this something like the Ram and Wake integrated radiator, debris shield and electronic box assemblies.
pg30, sec, "D"
is the vent pump 120VDC ? should be checked (Paul should know).
pg28, sec, "B", "C" & "D"
pg30, sec, "B"
pg31,, "B", "C"
I think these numbers would be better specified in amps than in watts (see, eg, sts point E). i'd like to ask that at least the iss spec
read 25A (as set by the RPDA). there is some other document where we file our request for power. Your hardware should be capable to deliver all the power coming that can come out....
In the same vain, point D,E iss should read (125 MBaud, 40Mbps peak, 2mbps orbit avg).
pg B1, The tree is not visible - i just get a little PDF icon.
was this intentional ?