FY13 Second Chance Act Adult Co-occurring Treatment Grantee

Program Description Paragraphs

State Grantees

Colorado Department of Local Affairs

Second Chance Act Adult Co-occurring Treatment Grantee

The Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Division of Housing is working toward a comprehensive approach to prisoner reentry approach through a program called Colorado Second ChanceHousing and Reentry Program (C-SCHARP). High-risk adult offenders (over 18 years old) as determined by the Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R) who have no identified housing post-release will be provided housing and referred to a community mental health agency to partake in Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) and recovery support services.

Justice Grants Administration, DC

Second Chance Act Adult Co-occurring Treatment Grantee

The District of Columbia’s Justice Grants Administration is focusing on DC Co-Occurring Disorder Reentry Team Demonstration Project at the Correctional Treatment Facility (CTF). The focus of the project will be female adult offenders with co-occurring mental and substance use disorders. CTF employees are in the process of being trained in women’s risk/needs assessment as a compliment to Level of Services Inventory-Revised (LSI-R), which will enable the assessment of risk. The Department of Behavioral Health will have two clinicians who screen female inmates for co-occurring mental and substance use disorders when they enter jail. Reentry planning meetings will be convened to address residential placement, specialized treatment programs, level of care, medical and financial benefits, employment, training, GED classes, social connectedness, and other needs of the individuals. Evidence-based practices that will be offered will include the Critical Time Intervention (CTI), Assertive Community Treatment (ACT), Supported Employment, Supportive Housing, trauma-informed care, and peer specialist training. There is also a focus on the fulfillment of recommendations to comply with the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA).

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Mental Health

Second Chance Act Adult Co-occurring Treatment Grantee

Massachusetts Department of Mental Health program Maintaining Independence and Sobriety through Systems Integration, Outreach, and Networking (MISSION) Integrated Re-entry and Peer Support (MISSION-I RAPS) will serve higher-risk male and female offenders with co-occurring mental and substance use disorders in the greater Boston area through an expansion of the MISSION enhanced re-entry programming. The Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions (COMPAS) is used to assess for criminongenic risk and needs, the program will focus on higher-risk offenders. Through the increased collaborative partnerships at a state and local level MISSION I-RAPS will work to integrate behavioral and physical health, promote and provide trauma-informed care and co-occurring disorders trainings and services. MISSION is a manualized program delivered by Reentry Service Specialists (RSS) and Peer Support Specialists (PSS) along with the use of client’s MISSION Consumer Workbook. Dual Recovery Therapy (DRT) and Critical Time Intervention are evidence-based interventions that are apart of the MISSION service delivery along with the Peer Support, Vocational Rehabilitation, and Trauma-Informed Care. Other pre- and post-release services include employment readiness workshop, women’s recovery academy, reentry presentations, violence reduction program, pharmacological treatment, cognitive-behavioral and health education groups, employment services, transitional housing, and a drop-in center.

Local Grantees

City and County of Denver

Second Chance Act Adult Co-occurring Treatment Grantee

The City and County of Denver will focus on enhancing the Women’s Community Reconnection Project (WCR) through the expansion of gender-specific treatment for women at a high-risk for recidivism who have co-occurring mental and substance use disorders, which will aid in successful reentry.The WCRP will expand services to women in the general jail population who lack access to specialized treatment units through screening women for mental and substance use disorders. WCR uses PROXY and the Women’s Risk Needs Assessment (WRNA) to identify criminogenic risk factors, trauma, and mental health needs. Housing, health insurance navigation, therapy, reentry planning services, resource coordination, and case management will be provided along with the evidence-based practices Seeking Safety, Thinking for a Change, and/orDialectical Behavioral Therapy.

Franklin County’s Sheriff Office, MA

Second Chance Act Adult Co-occurring Treatment Grantee

Franklin County’s Sheriff’s Office Reentry Initiative focuses on high-risk male offenders with substance use and mental disorders in this rural county. The PROXY and Level of Services/Risk, Need Responsivity (LS/RNR) are used to determine risk level of the individual. Evidence-based practices available include Seeking Safety, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Thinking for a Change, Motivational Interviewing, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), cognitive-behavioral therapy, and Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment (IDDT) with employment services. Group therapy facilitated by peer mentors or case managers, education, vocational services, and a link to supported or affordable housing are also made available to program participants. The goal of the program is to ensure that offenders are receiving treatment services for co-occurring mental and substance use disorders that will continue when they return the community.

Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board of Cuyahoga County, OH

Second Chance Act Adult Co-occurring Treatment Grantee

The Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board of Cuyahoga County will focus their grant funds on adult female offenders who have co-occurring mental and substance use disorders and are at high risk of recidivism and will be homeless upon release from jail. The objective is to coordinate corrections and behavioral health planning to provide trauma-informed treatment and recovery support services will be provided including access to primary health care, employment, and permanent housing. The Ohio Risk Assessment System (ORAS) will be used to identify criminogenic risks and needs. Motivational Interviewing, Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment (IDDT), Supported Employment/Individual Placement and Support (SE/IPS) are evidence-based practices that will be offered to program participants.

Hopkins County Fiscal Court, KY

Second Chance Act Adult Co-occurring Treatment Grantee

Females will be the priority andmale participants will also be accepted by Hopkins County Fiscal Court to receive co-occurring mental and substance use disorder treatment services while incarcerated and in the community. Gender-responsive, trauma-informed mental and substance use disorder treatment will be provided along with cognitive-based programming, recovery groups, education, job training, and housing assistance. Motivational interviewing, Thinking for a Change, and Seeking Safety will be provided to program participants as well as other best practices as identified through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Treatment Improvement Protocols (TIPS).

Johnson County Fiscal Court, KY

Second Chance Act Adult Co-occurring Treatment Grantee

Johnson County Fiscal Court will work in partnership with the Big Sandy Regional Detention Center (BSRDC) that serves Elliott, Johnson, Lawrence, Magoffin, Martin, and Morgan Counties. The program will target high-risk offenders 6-12 months from release with dually diagnosed serious mental illnesses and a substance use disorders who will be released into one of the six regional counties with highest priority placed on offenders at risk of chronic homelessness and female offenders. BSRDC uses the state’s CourtNet system questions based on the Kentucky Department of Corrections and the Association of Counties to assess for criminogenic risk and needs of each inmate as well as the Brief Jail Mental Health Screen. The BSRDC will work to improve discharge planning and aftercare through evidence-based services, case management, community-based treatment and recovery support services. Evidence-based practices available to participants will include Motivational Interviewing, Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP), Seeking Safety, Helping Women Recovery and Beyond Trauma, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

Fairfield County Board of Commissioners, OH

Second Chance Act Adult Co-occurring Treatment Grantee

The Fairfield County HOPE Project will serve adult females with high criminogenic needs who have co-occurring mental and substance use disorders. Ohio Risk Assessment System (ORAS) will be used to determine criminogenic risk and needs. Thinking for a Change, Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment (IDDT), Motivational Interviewing, cognitive behavioral interventions, and medication-assisted therapy through the use of Vivitrol will be available to the female participants. Services will include work readiness training, job search assistance, veteran-specific services (as needed), enhancing family reunification, public assistance, individual and group counseling, housing plans, health education, links to community services, and family or parent-child relationship strengthening.

Marion County, OR

Second Chance Act Adult Co-occurring Treatment Grantee

The Marion County Reentry Initiative (MCRI) is focusing on male offenders with a medium to high risk of recidivism who are diagnosed with co-occurring mental and substance use disorders and who are within four months of scheduled release. Evidence-based practices used for risk/needs and bio-psychosocial assessments instruments include Correctional Program Checklist (CPC), Level of Services/Case Management inventory (LS/CMI), University of Rhode Island Change Inventory (UNICA), Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA), Public Safety Checklist (PSC), Automated Criminal Risk Score (ACRS), Addiction Severity Index Lite (ASI), Simple Screening Instrument for Substance Abuse (SSI-AOD), Modified Mini Screen (MMS), Mental Health Screen Form III (MHSF-III), Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), Life Events and TSD Checklists, Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS). The MCRI Co-Occurring Disorders Project will increase screening and assessment for co-occurring mental and substance use disorders by a trained counselor. Case management by peer mentors, connection to Medicaid or other health insurance, links to affordable housing, primary healthcare, a resource center, community-based treatment, education, job skills/readiness training, emergency assistance, and faith-based community support will be available to program participants.

Franklin County Government, TN

Second Chance Act Adult Co-occurring Treatment Grantee

The Middle Tennessee Rural Reentry Program (MTRRP) will provide pre- and post-release co-occurring mental and substance use disorder services to inmates in Franklin and Coffee Counties. Medium to high-risk female offenders and offenders at risk of homelessness will be given priority although medium to high risk male offenders will receive services. The Wisconsin Corrections Risk Assessment Instrument or Level of Services/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) will be used to identify risk and needs. Mental and substance use disorder counseling, job readiness training, GED preparation, parenting, aptitude and interest assessments, vocational skills training, job placement assistance, faith-based services will be available to program participants. Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT), Hazeldon Co-occurring Disorders Program, cognitive behavioral therapy are evidence-based practices that will be available to program participants.

County of San Joaquin, DBA County Administrator, CA

Second Chance Act Adult Co-occurring Treatment Grantee

The San Joaquin County Probation Department Transition-age Youth Ground for Recovery- Phase II(TYGR) focuses on transition-age youth,which is defined as 18-25 year old young adults, with high criminongenic risk, and co-occurring mental and substance use disorders. Enhanced screening, assessment, treatment and reentry services will be provided to TYGR participants. Other services provided will include mentoring, case management, job readiness, education services, family support services, transitional housing or placement in residential treatment based upon the individual needs. The Static Risk and Offender Needs Guide (STRONG) will be used to assess for criminogenic risk. Screening will be done for trauma based upon a Texas Christian University questionnaire, the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) will be used to assess for substance use disorders along with a standardized psycho-social assessment for mental disorders. Effective Practices in Community Supervision (EPICS), Motivational Interviewing, Seeking Safety, Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) are evidence-based practices that will be available to TYGR participants.