Africa Innovation Summit II

6 – 8 June 2018

Kigali, Rwanda

Application template_ MINIMAL VIABLE PRODUCT

SECTION 1: Please tell us about yourself…

  1. First name:
  2. Last name:
  3. Date of birth:
  4. Nationality:
  5. Email address:
  6. Mobile number:
  7. How did you find out about this opportunity:

•through an organisation - Please tell us which organisation referred you.

•through an individual - Please tell us the name of the person who referred you.

•through social media – i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin


SECTION 2: Please tell us what stage your solution is at….

  1. What stage is your solution at? (choose only one)

•My solution is still at idea stage (i.e. My solution is still an idea that I have not tested yet)

•My solution is at MVP (minimal viable product) stage (i.e. my solution has been tested with just enough features to satisfy early customers, and to provide feedback for me to improve and develop it further).

•My solution has an active customer base and is ready to scale i.e. (my solution is formalised and has the capability and potential to be enlarged and replicated to extend its reach).

  1. What is the potential market size for your solution? (choose only one)
  2. Over 1 billion
  3. 500 million – 1 billion
  4. Between 1 million – 5 million
  5. Less than 1 million
  6. Less 100 000
  7. Everyone
  1. How many competitors does your solution have?(choose only one)
  2. 0, my solution has no competitors
  3. My solution has between 1 and 5 competitors
  4. My solution has between 6 and 10 competitors
  5. My solution has more than 10 competitors
  1. Are you willing to share your solution without signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement?
  2. Yes
  3. No


SECTION 3: Please tell us more about your solution…

  1. Briefly explain why you are applying for this AIS 2018 Innovation Track & Exhibition opportunity. (100 word limit)
  1. Which sector/s below or related value chain does your solution relate to? Please note that you can select more than one sector
  2. Food security and agriculture
  3. Energy
  4. Water and sanitation
  5. Healthcare
  6. Governance
  7. Other

Elaborate why you choose the options (150 word limit)

  1. Describe the problem/s that your solution seeks to address. (150 word limit)
  1. Explain your solution and how it is solving the challenge/s described above. (150 word limit)
  1. Does your solution have a website?
  1. How do you think your initiative is solving this challenge in an innovative way?(150 word limit)
  1. How many paid employees does your project support?
  1. Describe your role in the project.(50 word limit)
  1. Average annual turnover or annual funds raised (amount to be expressed in USD):
  1. Which geographic region/s or countries does your project operate in? (100 word limit).
  1. What is the impact of your solution?(150 word limit)
  1. What is your high level 3-year plan for scale? (100 word limit)
  1. What are your challenges for going to scale and what support do you require to address these challenges? (150 word limit)
  1. Why do you think you are the best person to take your solution to scale and what is your track record as an entrepreneur?(100 word limit)
  1. AIS is about bringing together government representatives and policy makers with civil society to discuss practical solutions for Africa. What is your message to them to create a more effective enabling environment for ideas for social change to be realised?(100 word limit)

Please submit the following documents (by attachment):

  1. A 1-page reference letter (including the contact details of the person) as an endorsement of your solution i.e. a letter from either a client/customer/investor/mentor or service provider
  2. A short (absolute maximum 1-minute) video that covers the following points: Your name; your country of origin; the challenge you are addressing and how your solution is addressing this challenge in an innovative way.
  3. A short (maximum 1-page) bio of the applicant.
  4. A high resolution (at least 1MB) head and shoulders picture of the applicant.
  5. A copy of the front page of the passport of the applicant
  6. A copy of the formal registration documents for the solution (if available)