Instructions: The Project Status Change Form needs to be submitted when a PreSeed-funded project undergoes changes that must be approved by the Investment Committee (i.e. revised end-date or budget).

  • FOR TIER 1 PROJECTS – Attach Project Notification Form (for PreSeed budget less than $15k) orProject Preview Form (for PreSeed budget over $15k), depending on the level of detail you wish to discuss with the committee.
  • FOR TIER 2PROJECTS – Attach One Page Executive Summary from Project Development Plan

Date Form Submitted
Project Details
Project Name
(for filing purposes) / 2-4 word name for the project that will be used to identify the project (e.g. “Better mouse trap”)
Unique Project ID (if known) / (Issued by KiwiNet or ROS IC)
Project Title / 1 short sentence describing the project (e.g. A novel mouse trap design that re-arms itself after trapping a mouse.)
Lead organisation
Principal researchers and ORCID ID / Please include the ORCID ID of the principal researcher(s) where available (see
Research Funding History / Provide any details of research grants that have contributed to the technology or IP
Commercialisation leader / Name:
Purpose of this Form:(Tick appropriate boxes)
Request End Date change /  / Requested new End date / [Date]
Request Budget change /  / Requested new total project budget / $
Requested new PreSeed Investment Budget / $
Notify of project abandoned or put on hold / 
Notify of project completed / 
Project Re-Opening / 
PreSeed Funding Details
PreSeed funding history / Has PreSeed been used to fund development or commercialisation of this technology prior to the start date below? If so, please explain briefly.
PreSeed Eligible Project? (yes/no) / Yes/No – please refer to MBIE guidelines on KiwiNet website.
PreSeed Investment Start date / The date expenses start (from when PreSeed will be claimed). This date must be no earlier than 1 month before the completed notification form is submitted to KiwiNet
PreSeed Investment End date / The date when PreSeed funding for the project will end. For Tier 1 projects this must not be greater than 6 months after the start date unless prior approved by the KiwiNet Investment Committee.
Total Project Budget / Estimated total budget including PreSeed investment, research organisation contributions and co-investment from industry.
Total Spend to Date / Give the dollar figure of project spend to date, including any unclaimed PreSeed expenses.
PreSeed Investment Budget / PreSeed investment required. Up to 50% of total eligible project costs up to $25k. Upon receiving the notification, KiwiNet will allocate PreSeed funding for this project provided sufficient funds are available.
Total PreSeed Claimed / Give the dollar figure of PreSeed claimed to date.
PreSeed Project objectives / A brief summary of the intended project outcomes from Tier 1 funding. The overall goal may be “Investor Ready achieved” for a small project or Project Development Plan to be submitted for a Tier 2 PreSeed project. Please give also details on how the funding will be used, for example, legal fees.
Description of and reason for request
Describe progress made to date and the reasons behind the change of status. Please include any recommendations for actions in relation to this project.
Revised Milestone Plan (Tier 2 projects)
Milestones / Completion Date
Revised Budget: (Tier 2 projects)
Items / Apr-Jun 16 / Jul-Sept 16 / Oct-Dec 16 / Total
Commercialisation staff / $--- / $--- / $--- / $---
Materials / $--- / $--- / $--- / $---
Patents / $--- / $--- / $--- / $---
etc / $--- / $--- / $--- / $---
etc / $--- / $--- / $--- / $---
Total / $---
PreSeed / $---
Lessons learned - Give details of any lessons learned as a result of the project.
List of costs that were above or below estimates and why.
List of tasks that took more or less time than expected and state the reason.
Detail any factors that affected the outcome of the project such as inaccurate assumptions of unexpected events.
Recommendations for actions in relation to future projects.


This document is Confidential to Commercialisation Partner Network (CPN) Investment Committee (IC) members ONLY. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior approval form a CPN IC.