Journalism and Media Internship Grants
With thanks to alumni donors, the DeWitt Wallace Center for Media Democracy is delighted to support Duke undergraduate students with funding for journalism or media-related internships.
While applications from all Duke students will be considered, priority will be given to students engaged in unpaid internships, and those enrolled in the Policy Journalism & Media Studies Certificate Program, for whom the internship is a certificate program requirement. Students can receive up to $5,000 in financial support.
At the conclusion of internships, we ask that all funding recipients provide brief (few sentences) information about the internship, which may be shared with donors and other Duke students who express interest in future opportunities with your internship host organization. (Reports also can be kept private, if requested.)
Applications for summer 2018funding are due by April 6, 2018.
Applications for semester internships should be submitted as soon as a student confirms an internship opportunity, and are considered on a rolling basis.
Please apply for funding by submitting the information requested on the following page, via email to Shelley Stonecipher, .
Please provide the following information:
About you:
- Name, and expected year of graduation:
- Current academic plan(s) (eg. Major, minor, certificate programs)
About your internship:
- Internship sponsoring organization (Note: if you do not have confirmation of your acceptance to an internshipbefore the application deadline, please indicate to which internship(s) you have applied.):
- Location of internship:
- Dates of internship:
- Internship sponsoring organization contact person, and contact information:
- Is your internship associated with a faculty-supervised research project, DukeEngage, DUKE-IN- __ (NY, LA, etc), or other Duke affiliated program of study? If so, which program(s)?
- Please attach a short statement describing the internship, and what it means to your program of study at Duke or career interests. Include any campus or other journalism or media experience in which you are currently active.
Note: We understand that your funding needs may exceed the funding award we are able to provide, and we encourage you to apply to multiple funding sources. However, in order to make funds available to as many Duke students as possible, different funding units at Duke will not duplicate awards, or overfund individual student projects. If you receive multiple awards, you should let your funders know, so that excess funds can be redirected to other students. Otherwise, at the time the payments are processed, funders may rescind or reduce awards. At that point, it is typically too late to reassign the funding to other students.
- Have you or do you anticipate applying to other funding sources at Duke or elsewhere for summer internship funds? If so, please list.
- Please provide a basic budget. Please show your total budget, not just the amount you are requesting. Typical expenses include travel, housing, commuting, and a food allowance.