NORTHFIELD MEETING ROOMS for non-profit organizations
As of March 2008
Information collected by Margit Johnson and Georgiana Campbell, Northfield League of Women Voters
For updates and corrections, contact Margit Johnson at
SiteAddressCapacityContact personConditions of use
1st National Bank1611 Honey 50Becky BehrensConference room available
of Northfield South Locust Dr.507.664.0820during daytime business hours
1st UCC Church300 Union St.10-150Elaine MalechaReasonable donation as rental fee;
Archer House212 Division St.30-125Lori HatfieldMeeting and banquet services;
Armory519 Division St.200 max.507.645.4746Must be orderly; extra fee if
liquor is served
Bethel Baptist1050 Cedar Ave.10-320Sandy RobertsNo “political” meetings; call first -
Church507.646.667under reconstruction until August ‘08
Bittersweet Archer House24 max.Cindy or Jane$25/4 hrs; $100/day
Coffee Shop212 Division St. 507.645.5922
Cannon Valley 315 Division St. 50 max.Joy Ganyo$10/hr; rental form available; email
Carleton College100 College St.10-300 for facilities call Campus Activities reservations; classrooms, meeting
Staff, 507.646.4441rooms, and Great Hall; more available during summers and holidays; example of cost: $50/4 hrs classrooms, $350/event Great Hall
Cardinal Glass1500 Industrial Dr.20Sue MieskaConference room available weekday
CommunityHeritage Dr. and 200 max.Betty Chapman$25 if CRB client reserves room;
Resource BankSo. Hwy. 3507.645.4441$50 if not a bank client; park away from
front doors; check about bldg access
for evening meetings
Dundas City Hall216 Railroad St. 25 max.City staff8 at table, 25 chairs; pavilion available
507.645.2852 during summer months
Emmaus Baptist712 No. Linden St. 10-100Sue, Laurie, KarenUnder construction; not available
Greenvale Apts.211 Greenvale Ave.100 max.Crystal AlmenCommunity room available
Just Foods Coop516 S. Water St.12 StaffConference room available during
507.650.0106business hours weekdays, weekends
Moravian Church713 Division St.25Amy Gohdes-LuhmanDonation if member reserves room;
507.645.7566$200 if reserved by non-member
Northfield Arts304 Division St.20-75Sheryl JoyUpstairs recital room, downstairs
Guild507.645.8877dance studio; call for rates and
availability during business hours
NCRC Northfield 1651 Jefferson20-60Lynne PetersonGraduated rental rates for rooms in
CommunityParkway507.664.3701Senior Center and S-104 and S-106;
Resource Centercall for details
Northfield News115 W. 5th St20 max.507.645.5615Available 8 AM – 5 PM; call to
reserve conference room
Northfield PublicSchool bldgs 15-200Judy BeckerClassrooms, NCRC dining services
Schools 507.664.3650NCRC rooms S-103 and S-105
Public Library210 Washington St. 40 max.Reference librarianTwo-week advance reservation; lower
507.645.6606level meeting room
River City306 Division St.25 max.Jon LeeTwo week advance reservation; lower
Book Store507.646.7754level meeting room
St. Dominic’s 104 No. Linden St.50-200 Shari Erickson Social hall and classrooms; $125 rent;
Catholic Church507.645.8816$150 deposit; must have liability
insurance; call for details
St. John’s 500 W. Third St.20-300507.645.4429Reservation form must be completed;
Lutheran Churchcall church staff for more information;
custodial and kitchen fees, but no rent
for non-profit use
St. Olaf College 1520 St. Olaf Ave.15-300Nancy SluckmeyerRental rates vary depending on size of
507.786.3017group and length of meeting; call for
details and reservation
Trinity Lutheran 803 Winona St.3 rooms Kathy EricksonReasonable donation; clean up
United Methodist1401 Maple St.20-150507.645.5689Call church staff for more information;
Churchreasonable donation requested
Village on the 301 W. 7th St. up to 50507.664.0114$60/event; community room available;
Cannoncall well in advance
As of March 2008; for updates and corrections, email