Self-assessment accreditation pro-forma for the

Practitioner Training Programme (PTP)

BSc (Hons) Healthcare Science

This proforma is your electronic submission in support of your Expression of Intent to provide a PTP programme. The information you supply will be used by the Accreditation Unit and its panel and forms the starting point for the accreditation of your programme.

Note: When asked for brief statements, please keep them simple. You may if you wish use tables or bullet-pointed lists. Please do not send any attachments unless specified.

For completion by the Course Director

Please return completed form to

SPECIALISM (S) (Please list each of the specialisms your programme will offer)
Part time
Other (Please specify)
Information and Evidence Required / Attachments required / For NSHCS staff only
Diagram showing how your programme matches the MSC programme structure / Attachment 1 / S.1.1
Map showing where, in your programme, the learning outcomes in the PTP learning guidance are met / Attachment 2
Diagram showing structure of Department/School/Faculty and brief description of study environment in terms of classroom facilities and specialist equipment. / Attachment 3 / S.1.1, S.2.1, S.2.1
Provide a hyperlink to your up-to-date reading list / Hyperlink / S.1.1
A statement in no more than 200 words of the principles on which you give exemption for prior learning/experiential achievements / S.1.1
Condonement/Compensation Statement
Confirm by ticking the relevant box that you canmeet the following requirements / Yes /
No / S.2.3
·  No condonement/compensation between modules
·  No aggregation of marks in the research or clinical or work-based modules
List the modules where aggregation of marks is used / S.2.3
Summarise your rules for the following:- (Provide a hyperlink to the regulations if necessary)
Reassessment (no more than 100 words) / S.2.3
Deferral (no more than 100 words) / S.2.3
Exit awards (no more than 100 words) / S.2.3
Explain in no more than 200 words the measures you take to ensure course content is refreshed to reflect up-to-date scientific and clinical practice / S.2.5
Reports on professional suitability to practice (S.2.3)
·  The PTP students ‘belong’ to you and there will be some judgements to be made about whether they are fit to practise. Apart from the evidence of competence that comes from their work-based training, that will also mean a judgement in terms of behaviours, values etc. The achievement of a PTP degree award implies that the student is fit for practice, because it is accepted by the Academy as the only evidence needed for voluntary accredited registration. In serious cases, therefore, there should be a process for deciding whether a fitness to practise issue is serious enough to withhold the award of a degree.
o  A process to follow if issues come to light
o  A means of reporting where necessary, and a route for doing so. / Attachment 4
Provide evidence of the opportunities for inter-professional learning and teaching, with a brief explanation of each, and list the modules where inter-professional learning and teaching occur. / S.4.1


Information and Evidence Required / Attachments required
Please attach .pdf copies of the following:-
Student Handbook / Attachment 5 / S.1.1
Programme Specification / Attachment 6 / S.1.1
Module Handbook / Attachment 7 / S.1.1

Quality Assurance

Information and Evidence Required
Explain in no more than 250 words how you ensure the programme is aligned with relevant QAA subject statements / S.1.3
Information about the Quality Assurance measures in place including:-
Admissions (entry requirement and selection criteria) (no more than 50 words) / S.2.2
Attendance monitoring, student support (no more than 50 words) / S.2.2
Quality assurance/audits or work-based placements (no more than 50 words) / S.2.2
Staff development:-
Briefly describe requirement for staff development for
HEI’s own staff (no more than 50 words) / S.2.2
NHS clinical staff engaged in teaching on the programme (no more than 50 words) / S.2.2
NHS Work-based Trainers (no more than 50 words) / S.2.2
Student support and mentoring processes including information on the links between HEI and work-base (no more than 50 words) / S.2.2
Describe the processes for collection of, and response to, student feedback including staff/student consultative committees (no more than 50 words) / S.2.2
Student representation on programme and faculty committees (no more than 50 words) / S.2.2
Employer liaison meeting minutes - describe who attends and summarise the terms of reference) (no more than 50 words) / S.2.2
Disability, Equality and Diversity Policies (no more than 50 words) / S.2.2
Pastoral care (no more than 50 words) / S.2.2
Summarise processes for conducting and reporting on programme evaluation (no more than 50 words) / S.2.2


Information and Evidence Required
A Brief statement of the overarching assessment strategy for the programme (no more than 200 words) / S.2.3
Yes / No
Confirm here if details of each assessment within each module are listed in the module handbooks / S.2.3
For any five of the PTP learning outcomes, list the assessments / S.2.3

Work-based Learning

Information and Evidence Required / Attachments required
Evidence of the relationship between academic and work-based learning as follows:- / S.1.2
·  Placement plan for each year of the programme / Attachment 8 / S.1.2
·  Delivery plan demonstrating the timing of module delivery (showing underpinning knowledge is delivered before practice placements) / Attachment 9 / S.1.1
·  List of work-based centres with name, address and contact number / Attachment 10 / S.1.2, S.2.5
Evidence of teaching and learning in other areas, such as Clinical and/or Laboratory Skills Labs, that contribute to work-based learning (no more than 200 words) / S.2.1
Explain (maximum 200 words) your contact arrangements with the health service and your quality assurance of work-based trainers / S.1.5

Patient and Public Involvement

Provide evidence on how patients and the public contribute to the programme as part of a working partnership with academic staff, clinical staff and work-based supervisors.

Information and Evidence Required / Attachments required
Please provide your strategy for Patient and Public Involvement / Attachment 11
/ Current Engagement
(Maximum 50 words) / Planned Engagement with time lines
(Maximum 50 words) /
1.  Please describe how you recruit and select patients and the public
2.  How are patients and/or the public:
2a) actively involved in the initial selection of students to the programme?
2b) actively involved in any further selection process, for example choice of work placements?
2c) actively involved in teaching activities?
2d) actively involved in providing formative feedback to students?
2e) actively involved in providing formative feedback to staff?
2f) actively involved in the formative assessment of students?
2g) actively involved in the summative assessment of students?
2h) current representation on the BSc programme teams/meetings?
3.  What contribution do patients with disabilities make to the teaching, learning and assessment programme?
4.  How do patients and the public contribute to the Quality Assurance process that underpin the BSc programme
5.  How are patients and the public prepared for their role, and what key issues are covered with respect to:
5a. student recruitment
5b. teaching activities
5c.providing feedback to students
5d. providing feedback to staff
5e. formative assessment
5f. summative assessment
5g. programme committees and/or quality assurance
6.  How is feedback collected from patients and the public contributed to each activity and the response to the feedback discussed with them?
7.  What is your practice on the expenses of the patients and public who contribute to the programme
8.  How do you evaluate your PPI Engagement Plan?
10. Briefly summarise any examples where your PPI engagement requires improvement


Information and Evidence Required
List all staff contributing to the programme and title of their contribution including
·  HEI staff named in module specifications
·  NHS specialist teaching staff contributing to programme with details of their specialist area of expertise and teaching qualification
·  Lead trainers in each department including details of their experience, teaching and assessment qualifications and commitment to continuing professional development
·  Key delivery staff currently research-active in the relevant curriculum areas. / S.2.4
Information and Evidence Required / Attachments required
Biography/synposis of career experience (no more than 250 words for each person) / Attachment 12
Details of external examiner (s) (no more than 100 words)

Continuing Professional Development

Information and Evidence Required
Provide brief details of programme staff’s attendance at local and national MSC meetings, involvement with LETB (or equivalent for Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales), or the National School of Healthcare Science (no more than 200 words) / S.1.6
Give brief details of staff CPD requirement in no more than 100 words / S.2.4
Give brief information to show that Programme Leaders have an on-going relationship with professional body relevant to each specialism (no more than 100 words) / S.4.1


Information and Evidence Required
Describe what you would regard as a typical third year project (no more than 200 words) / S.1.1

Please forward this completed pro-forma to the Accreditation Unit via by close of play on the date of the deadline given, as well as posting 3 hard copies to the following address:-

The Accreditation Unit

National School of Healthcare Science

St Chads Court

213 Hagley Road



B16 9RG