on Tuesday 7th March 2017 at 7.30pm

at Swinford Village Hall

Present: Cllr Robson, Cllr Briars, Cllr Havergill, Cllr B Clapham H Denton-Stacey (Clerk)

17-39 Apologies None

17-40 Declarations of acceptance of office for new councillors

Resolved: signed by Cllr Clapham with Clerk

17-41 Declarations of interest

Cllr Briars recorded a conflict of interest with Parishioner’s correspondence received by Rik Briars.

17-42 To sign as an accurate record of the minutes of the previous meeting 7th February 2017

Resolved: JR proposed TB seconded to be signed by chair, 3 votes for 1 abstention

17-43 NPAC Report

TB explained that the plan was now in a 6 week consultation period with stakeholders, the group have incorporated the parishioner’s comments within the plan. HDC will respond as a statutory stakeholder. She stated that following submission of the final document to HDC the response timescale was 8 months due to the volume of plans received by HDC to approve.

17-44 Youth Club request

TB had tried to contact Jessica on a number of occasions to discuss further as the windfarm application date had been extended, she will await response from Jessica.

Resolved: JR proposed for TB await response from Jessica All agreed.

17-45 VAS

JR confirmed the order for the unit agreed at the PC meeting of February 2017 had been placed, awaiting confirmation from LCC

17-46 Cemetery Project Update

TB voiced concerns on the gate restoration as there was still rust patches visible. She confirmed she had contacted LCC with regards to the Entrance resolution as the ramping issue needs to be resolved due to the prevention of access to vehicles. She confirmed Rob had been out to site to inspect he confirmed that a permit would need to be applied for to undertake the work on highways paths, this costs £150. Rob explained that the cost for LCC to carry out the work would be £150 for the permit plus £240 + materials, however if the PC wished to use a different contractor the cost would be £150 for the permit plus the contractor’s costs. TB had spoken to Skanska who have visited the site to see if they could help as they have carried out the tarmac installation on the pathways however they have confirmed that they had now finished their contract and would be unable to come back to assist.

Resolved: JR proposed for TB to obtain 2 quotes from contractors for the work needed and to present at next PC meeting. BC seconded, All agreed

JR confirmed an undertaker would be visiting the site on Friday to look at the feasibility of hearses entering the cemetery.

Resolved: JR proposed that if burials were needed, once the undertaker contacts the Clerk, Clerk is to advise no access at present. BC seconded, All agreed.

HDS asked for a site visit with full PC to discuss the planning of the new cemetery and to look at the space left within the old cemetery for ash internment.

Resolved: JR proposed for HDS to send available dates to councillors. DH seconded, All agreed.

HDS advised that Lamleys had called the Clerk to advise they would no longer be servicing the contract in place due to ill health.

Resolved: JR proposed for Clerk to bring the grass cutting specification to the site visit to confirm if changes were needed and then for Clerk to obtain 3 quotations for a new contract. TB seconded, All agreed.

HDS tabled the cemetery finances to date and confirmed that the available funds left after VAT was reclaimed is £727.17.

Tree warden

JR advised that Flic Mourant had volunteered to be the Swinford Tree Warden

Resolved: JR proposed for the PC to accept Flic Mourant, TB seconded, All agreed.

Resolved: JR proposed for the PC to agree to participate in the Tree Warden Scheme with LCC, DH seconded, All agreed.

Resolved: JR proposed for Flic to attend the next PC meeting with a plan of action, DH seconded, All agreed.

17-47 Adopt a Box

Clerk confirmed there was no update, clerk to chase response.

17-48 Seat and litter bin Stanford Road Swinford

DH confirmed that the PC had visited the site to look at possible relocations, the PC felt the best relocation would be further up the road towards the village beyond the trees, but still to keep on same side of the road.

Resolved: DH proposed for the PC to agree to move the seat as discussed, he confirmed there would be no cost as the developers would carry out the relocation, JR seconded, All agreed.

17-49 Standing Orders and Financial Regulations

The pc had conducted a working party meeting to look into the adoption of the model financial Regulations supplied by NALC, with amendments as below:

·  Clerks is asked to obtain a model risk assessment policy and present to the next (April) meeting

·  The PINs and passwords for the PC laptop, website and associated IT systems be placed in a sealed envelope and handed to the Chair at the April meeting

·  That Councillor Brian Clapham is NOT included as a cheque signatory so that on a quarterly basis he can verify the bank reconciliation and bank statements and report back to the council

·  That an annual review of financial controls is planned into the agenda

·  That an annual review of the Clerks salary takes place in October

·  That the Clerk is asked to explore the use of variable direct debit arrangements for regular payments.

·  That the Clerk be asked to explore whether online BACs payments would be appropriate for the council and report back

·  That the council has an ‘order book’ for the recording of orders for goods and services

Resolved: JR proposed to update the existing FR’s with the model version with some amendments to tailor to Swinford PC, with a version number and date for version control, DH seconded, All agreed.

Resolved: JR proposed for the PC to have a Risk policy based on the model adopted by NALC,DH seconded, All agreed.

17-50 Parishioner’s Correspondence

JR advised correspondence had been received from Keith Kilbane, Carole Smith, Angela Kilbane and Rik Briars, she confirmed that the PC were looking into the correspondence received, Clerk to respond to parishioner’s advising that the PC were looking into their correspondence.

JR confirmed that the correspondence received at the February meeting from Keith Kilbane had been looked into by the PC, the PC felt this had nothing to do with the Current PC and was concerning an individual Councillor, this had been submitted to HDC and HDC had responded and advised that there were no grounds for complaint.

Resolved: JR proposed that the PC respond to Keith Kilbane advising no action would be taken by the PC, TB seconded, All agreed.

Resolved: JR proposed for clerk to respond to Rik Briars to advise that the PC is looking into his correspondence and will report back at the next PC meeting, BC seconded, All agreed.

JR advised that Oliver Wiggins had kindly used his drone across the village to take pictures for the PC.

Resolved: JR proposed for the Clerk to send a letter of thanks to Oliver, BC seconded, All agreed.

17-51 Village Green

JR discussed the options of ownership or re designation of the Village Green, she explained if ownership was agreed then access to the Glebe land from Rugby Road would be across Parish owned land which offered some protection. She explained that the maintenance of the landscaping could also be improved. DH asked if the PC could look into both options at the same time, JR is going to ask for advice if this is possible.

Resolved: JR proposed to undertake a feasibility study and to report back once received, BC seconded, All agreed.

TB advised that following parishioner’s correspondence with regards to the rocks on the green, that Swinford 2000 have now moved the rocks 2ft further back.

17-52 Windfarm Update

JR confirmed that Jamie Pittman had agreed to stay on the committee, JR confirmed another volunteer was needed. Brian Clapham volunteered for the committee.

Resolved: TB proposed to accept Brian Clapham as a volunteer, DH seconded, All agreed. JR to circulate meeting dates.

17-53 Playground Lease

JR advised that correspondence had been received advising of a restriction on the ownership document as the Church had contacted HDC, the restriction is in place as the land is an asset of community value as documented within the Neighbourhood Plan, she explained that Matthew Bills of HDC had advised for the PC to take some legal advice on the matter. HDS to scan the land registry document and file the paper copy. TB is to check the expiry dates of all Community assets and JR is to contact the Land Registry to update contact details.

Resolved: TB proposed for TB to look into a solicitor and bring quotes back to the next PC meeting, JR seconded, All agreed.

17-54 Clerks Report

Walnut tree

Clerk advised that she had responded to LCC asking for them to cover the cost of repairs as it was their property, awaiting response.

A5 signposts

Clerk advised that Highways had responded advising that they would visit and rectify the incorrect signage.

Street lighting quotation

Clerk advised that no feedback had been received from parishioner’s.

Dog foul bins

Clerk advised she was awaiting a response from the Dog warden at HDC.

A5 Junction

Clerk advised that Highways had responded confirming that the marker lights and mowing would not continue, she will respond asking for future plans of the junction.

Licence agreement Swinford Primary school

Clerk advised correspondence had been received advising that as the School was to become an academy, the current license agreement would cease, the School is happy for a new license to be drawn up, LCC advised the Clerk that the solicitors would be in contact to arrange a new license.

Resolved: JR proposed to agree the report, DH Seconded, All agreed.

17-55 Finance and Accounts

Clerk tabled the financial report and noted payments that had been completed she confirmed with the deduction the NPAC and Cemetery funds the balance is £10,352.03, this does not include pending payments.

Resolved: JR proposed to agree the report, DH Seconded, All agreed.


Swinford 2000 £500

Eon £105.20

Clerks Salary £ 523.09

Minuteman £84.00

Resolved: JR Proposed for payments to be authorised, DH seconded, All agreed.

17-56 Parishioner’s Time

Carole Smith voiced concerns on the drone taking photographs without approval, JR confirmed pictures were taken of green space, cemetery and village green, she confirmed permissions had been agreed. Carole Smith asked if the planning application for the Mourants had been approved as nearby residents had not received correspondence, JR advised the application had been approved and for residents to speak to HDC with queries of correspondence. Carole Smith stated she would like Parishioner’s time to be moved back to the start of PC meetings so that residents can comment on what is coming up in the meetings and not after items had been voted on and no changes could be made, she also stated that by doing this residents might have information for councillors.

Angela Kilbane asked why Parishioner’s Time had been moved? JR responded that Parishioner’s Time had been becoming disruptive and advised by moving to the end of the meeting it meant that PC could conduct business within the meeting times. Angela Kilbane stated that she agreed with Carole Smith and by moving it back to the start parishioners could comment before votes have been made. She advised that Storm Doris has knocked down the telegraph pole outside of her property, she explained that Western Power had been and replaced the pole but had left a pile of debris within her driveway and that the street lamp attached to the top had been removed and not replaced. BC asked the Clerk to contact Eon to replace the street lamp and Western Power to clear up the mess left behind.

Resolved: BC proposed that the Clerk should investigate, DH seconded, All agreed.

Keith Kilbane asked if the playground was listed as a community asset could the Glebe land be registered to? TB advised there was certain criteria needed to become a community asset and the Glebe did not qualify.

Keith Kilbane would like noted that his question during February’s meeting was posed as questions not as a complaint.

Cllr Clapham advised he would be bringing some draft proposals of suggested polices on Parishioner’s Time to the next PC meeting for discussion of the item moving forward.

Resolved: All agreed

17-57 Items for discussion at next meeting.

Dog Bins

Telegraph Pole

Parishioner’s Time

Street Lighting

17-58 Date of next meeting Tuesday 4th April at 7:30 pm

Meeting closed at 21:09pm.