Children’s Place Association – Partner Agency

Program Name: The Children’s Place Association

Agency Address:700 N Sacramento Blvd. Suite 300, Chicago, Illinois 60612

Phone Number: 773-395-9193

Head Start Director Name: Traci Ouimette

Head Start Director Email:

Agency Web Site Address:

Agency Type:Not-For-Profit

Agency Description: The Children's Place Association is a safe haven for children and families whose lives have been devastated by disease and poverty. Children’s Place partners with the Ounce of Prevention Fund to service HIV/AIDS-affected and medically fragile children and families. The agency services 97 Head Start eligible children.

Site Location:

Family Center
1800 N. Humboldt Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60647

Home Visiting Program
3543 West Chicago Ave
Chicago, IL 60651

Community Areas Served:

  • Medically Fragile Families throughout the city of Chicago

Overall Budget 2015

Total Public and Private Funds received: $ 2,028,485

Public Funds / Private Funds
Source / Amount / Source / Amount
Federal / 800,477 / Individuals, Corporations,
Foundations, etc. / 408,924
State / 350,977 / In-kind
LocalSchool District / 468,107
Total / 1,619,561 / Total / 408,924

2015Budget and Actual Expenditures

Children and Families Served

Funded Enrollment: Children’s Place Association

Total ChildrenServed:132 Total Families Served:115

Average monthly enrollment (as percentage of funded enrollment): 100%

Number of Eligible Children in Community, ages 0-5 / 80,226
Percentage of Eligible Children Served in Agency / .16%


Percentage of enrolled children who received medical and dental exams

Percentage of enrolled children who received medical and dental exams / Received Medical Exams / Received Dental Exams/ Oral Care
Children’s Place Association / 78% / 93%

Parental involvement in Directly Operated, Delegate and Partner Agencies

Parent Education Activities

Health: The nurse and FSS do trainings on the center’s sick policy, as well as the importance of medical and dental exams. The nurse works with parents to make sure all health paperwork is up to date.

Mental Health: Parents participate in the annual planning meeting for the mental health program. Parents recommend training topics for parent meetings, pastries with parents meetings, and socialization events.

Education and Literacy: Spring Outcomes show that there was significant progress in the area of literacy. 5% of students were below which is down from the 20% that were below in the fall. 44% are meeting national expectations and 51% are exceeding them. The parents participate in planning school readiness goals for the school year. They also participate in parent teacher conferences and home visits with the teachers throughout the school year.

Community and Social Services: Parents learn about different resources through parent meetings. Different organizations will come and talk to parents about what they can offer them. Parents are also referred by FSS to different resources when they express a need.

Other Community-related Education: Parents are connected to resources that educate them on topics they express interest in learning about. For example, parents were sent to a training on autism this year at

Parent Committee Meetings: Parent meetings are offered monthly. Parents participate in the planning of the parent meetings and suggest topics that they are interested in learning about.

Other special gatherings or activities: Parents participate in socializations every month. They are also offered the opportunity to be a part of a holiday party and field trips with the children.

Kindergarten Readiness

Special Efforts to Prepare Children for Kindergarten: Staff, parents and teachers met at the beginning of the school year to develop school readiness goals which then assisted us in preparing children for kindergarten.

Transition Activities to Promote Kindergarten Readiness:Teachers meet with the parents to prepare transition plans for children going to kindergarten. They visit kindergartens in order to prepare children for the transition.

Summary of Triennial Review Findings

No findings

Summary of Audit Findings

There were no significant financial audit findings for FY15. FY16 audit is scheduled to be completed in the fall of 2016.

Summary of Information Required by the Secretary

The Ounce Board of Directors and Policy Council were given brief summaries and links to all Program Instructions and Information Memorandums.