Great Plains Tribal Chairmen’s Health Board

Hiring Checklist

Task / Responsible Party / Date Completed
  1. Create and/or update the Position Description (PD).
/ HR/Immediate Supervisor
  1. Advertise the position.
/ HR/Immediate Supervisor
  1. Collect and retain all applications.
/ HR
  1. Select an interview panel of at least three people.
/ HR/Immediate Supervisor
  1. Determine who to interview using the application screening form.
/ HR/Immediate Supervisor
  1. Schedule interviews – allow at least one hour per interview.
/ HR or Immediate Supervisor and/or designee
  1. All panel members review the Interviews Training PowerPoint.
/ All panel members
  1. Create interview questions.
/ HR/Immediate Supervisor
  1. Create interview folders for each candidate being interviewed with the interview questions, cover letter, resume and a copy of the position description included in each.
/ HR
  1. Conduct interviews – at the conclusion determine if a second interview is needed. All interview materials must be returned to the interview folder.
/ All panel members
  1. Conduct reference checks (can start this step sooner if you wish) utilizing the official reference check form.
/ HR or Immediate Supervisor and/or designee.
  1. Schedule and conduct second interviews if needed.
/ HR or Immediate supervisor and/or designee
  1. Identify the preferred candidate.
/ All panel members
  1. Submit the candidate’s background check information.
/ HR
  1. If the background check comes back acceptable draft the official offer letter.
/ HR will draft the letter and send it to the Immediate Supervisor for review/approval
  1. Call the candidate to tell them they’ve been selected and verbally review the offer letter and PD with them. Send the documents to them to be signed.
/ HR
  1. Collect the signed PD and offer letter from the candidate.
/ HR
  1. Send regret letters to the candidates not selected.
/ HR
  1. Send an email to all GPTCHB staff to notify them of the new hire.
/ Immediate Supervisor
  1. Complete a PAN for the new employee.
/ HR
  1. Inform the IT Administrator that an email and computer need to be set up for the new employee.
/ Immediate Supervisor or designee
  1. Prepare for the employee’s first day by ensuring a workspace is ready with appropriate office supplies.
/ Immediate Supervisor
  1. Notify HR if a business card needs to be created for the new employee including the employee’s extension number and cell phone number if applicable. Start a purchase order to Simpsons Printing in the amount of $75. HR will send the quote to attach to the PO as soon as it’s received.
Simpsons Printing
2410 S Plaza Drive
Rapid City, SD 57702 / Immediate Supervisor and/or designee.
  1. Create a new hire packet with all applicable new hire forms, manuals, etc.
/ HR
  1. Schedule a time to complete the HR and Finance portions of the New Hire Orientation Checklist with the Immediate Supervisor CC’d on the calendar invites.
/ HR
  1. Complete the supervisor section of the New Hire Orientation.
/ Immediate Supervisor
  1. Ensure all new hire forms including the New Hire Orientation checklist are signed and turned into HR within the first three days of employment.
/ New Hire and Immediate Supervisor
  1. Conduct 60-day evaluation and turn in all signed forms to HR.
/ Immediate Supervisor

Additional notes:

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Updated: February 2016