Event category
Event Director
E-mail address
Technical Delegate:
Email Address
Mobile phone no.
A- EVENT DATA To be completed by the OC and the TD
Event Name
Officials - please confirm the officials present during the event by stating a name for each function below:
Level: / Level: / Level:Ground Jury: President:
JUMPING JUDGE if applicable
2nd TD if applicable
ASSISTANT TD if applicable
ASSISTANT CD if applicable
Veterinary Delegate
If Applicable, compulsory only for Championships:
APPEAL COMMITTEE: President:Member:
Please indicate name of:
Number of spectators during the whole Event:
1-1000 1000-10000 More than 10’000 please specify: ______
B- EVALUATION OF THE EVENT To be completed by the TDPlease rate the following areas of organisation and provide as much details as possible, particularly concerning areas in need of improvement. Attach additional page(s) if more space and further comments are required. Please include confidential remarks on separate page(s).
This form will be sent to the OC/NF by the FEI after the event with additional comments.
Please provide an evaluation for each category on a scale of 1 to 5
(1=Unsatisfactory / 2=Must Improve / 3=Needs Some Improvement / 4=Successful / 5=Excellent)
Area / Directives / Scale 1 to 5 / CommentsHorse Inspection(s) / Ground, separation from public, collecting & holding areas, direction signs, documents
Dressage / Ground, arena, marking, judges facilities, separation from public, documents, test ride, inspection of tack
Cross-Country Warm Up/ Finish Area Facilities / Area, ground, fences (number and type) separation from public, facilities for horses (water, farrier, ice), PA system
Cross-Country / Course, ground, obstacles, marking, separation from public,
measurement, plan
Cross-Country Administrative Organisation / Officials, documents, timing, maintenance of footing & obstacles
Cross-Country Control Center / Radio communication, clear definition of responsibilities, facilities
SIMP / Serious Incident Management Plan, preparation, clear definition of responsibilities, communication plan
Jumping / Standard of Course building, maintenance of footing, standard of Jumps, starting order (publication and adherence to FEI rules), plan
General / Event Layout and Event Preparations
Event Office / Personnel, facility, competitor/public info, Timetabling
Scoring / Personnel, production of results,
public score boards
Prize giving / Announcing, organisation, timing, clear definition of the Stewards directives
Communication / Communications with the Organising Committee,
communication among Officials
Stabling / Stable boxes, wash areas, services, office, security
Medical Services / Daily services, emergency response
Veterinary Services / Daily services, emergency response
Training & Exercising / General exercise, galloping, Dressage & Jumping warm up areas
Press / Press & media centre, press officer, Wifi access
Public / Traffic, parking, facilities, attractions, announcing, programme, information, catering
1. Participation Athletes & Horses
FEI entry system: did all participating Athletes and Horses be entered through the FEI Online Entry system? / /Withdrawals: Were Athletes withdrawn with a valid excuse? / /
Horse stabling: Were all Horses stabled on site? / /
If you answered no to any of the above, please comment below providing details and reasons to enable FEI to follow-up the issue.
2. Report on the Cross-Country Course(s)
2.1 Suitability of the course for the participants:
The course(s) was/were up to FEI standard / /If different level of competition are held on the same venue, please confirm that all courses were significantly different / /
Did the Ground Jury inspect the cross country course in due time prior to the start of the competition? (Art. 516.2.2) / /
Was the cross country course finished at time of inspection? / /
If you answered no to any of the above, please comment below providing details and reasons to enable FEI to follow-up the issue.
2.2 Cross-Country course details:
X-C Length of courseX-C Speed (m/min.)
X-C Optimum time
Total number of Jumping efforts
If the above-mentioned were modified please specify the reasons:
2.3 Statistics – please complete the table
2018 EventCompetition(s):
Numbers of Starters Dressage Test
Number of Starters Cross Country Test
Number of Horses having completed the event
2.4 Accident report: Comment on any obstacle causing:
- A rotational fall
- Horse falls
- Serious accident to Athlete and/or Horse
Please provide full fence description with measurements.
Please provide photos of the fence causing rotational fall, Horse falls or any serious accident to Athlete and/or Horse.
Fence n° / height / drop / Top spread / Base spread / Jumpable width / Distance to the next fence
2.5 Frangible/Deformable structures - details & additional comments:
On the Fence Description form, please list Frangible/Deformable structures used on each course and of what type (the type is to be indicated in the remarks) (i.e. traditional pins, reversed pins, MIM Swedish safety pins)
Were any of the devices activated? If so please fill the following table:
Course / Fence n° / Horse n° / Horse name / Athlete fall (Y/N) / Horse fall (Y/N) / Athlete continued (Y/N) / 11 penalties (Y/N)* if a frangible / deformable structure was broken and 11 penalties were not given, please indicate the reasons
Comments:Any other comments: (number of times the fence was hit during the competition, time and ease of rebuilding, etc.)
3. General Impressions of Event
4. Recommendations for improvements for future events
Name: ______Signature: ______
D- SANCTIONS, WARNINGS, YELLOW CARDS, PENALTIES AND FINESCompleted and signed by the President of the Ground Jury or Appeal Committee or by the Chief Steward and returned to Technical Delegate.
1. Passport Irregularities
NF / Horse / Passport Number / Name of Athlete / W(Warning) / P – CHF
(Penalty & amount) / NAC
(not authorised to compete)
Were the Athletes made aware of the above irregularities before leaving the show ground? YES NO
Name: ______Signature: ______
2. Dangerous Riding (Yellow Card, Warning, Penalties, Disqualifications, other)
NF / Horse / Name of Athlete / Incident / Action TakenWere the Athletes made aware of the above irregularities before leaving the show ground? YES NO
Name: ______Signature: ______
3. Abuse of Horse (Yellow card, disqualification, fine – other sanction)
NF / Horse / Name of Athlete / Type of abuse / Action TakenWere the Athletes made aware of the above irregularities before leaving the show ground? YES NO
Name: ______Signature: ______
4. Other Complaints, Appeals, Objections, Incorrect behaviour
NF / Horse / Name of Athlete / Incident / SanctionWere the Athletes made aware of the above irregularities before leaving the show ground? YES NO
Name: ______Signature: ______
E- FALLS/INJURIES – LIST OF ATHLETESTo enable FEI to follow-up on Athlete falls and injuries, please ask the Chief Medical Officer to fill in the below tables.
INTRUCTIONS: injuries are recorded by categories based on their severity, except concussion which is considered as a category in itself.
1- Injuries by categories of severity:
- No injury: no recorded injuries
- Minor: one or more of the following injuries: sprains, bruises, and cuts judged not to be severe, treated on site
- Serious: transferred to hospital for one or more of the following injuries: fractures, internal injury, severe cuts or lacerations, crushing, head injury
- Fatal (NB: serious or fatal injuries should be immediately reported to the Eventing Department of the FEI (contact Catrin Norinder +41 78 750 61 39) by the Technical Delegate for appropriate follow up with the Athlete’s National Federation).
2- Concussion
Incident location (e.g. fence n°) / Athlete and horse information (name and FEI ID) / Provisional diagnosis / Athlete NFto be
(please tick
if follow up
is required) / No injury / Minor injury / Serious injury / Concussion (diagnosed using CRT) / Fatality /
Athlete info
Horse info
Athlete info
Horse info
Athlete info
Horse info
Chief Medical Officer’s details:
Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Phone: ………………………………………………………………………….. Email: ………………………………………………………………………………….
F- FALLS/INJURIES – LIST OF HORSESTo enable FEI to follow-up on Horse falls and injuries, please ask the Chief Medical Officer to fill in the below tables.
INTRUCTIONS: injuries are recorded by categories based on their severity, except concussion which is considered as a category in itself.
1- Injuries by categories of severity:
- No injury: no recorded injuries
- Minor: one or more of the following injuries: sprains, bruises, and cuts judged not to be severe, treated on site
- Serious: transferred to hospital for one or more of the following injuries: fractures, internal injury, severe cuts or lacerations, crushing, head injury
- Fatal (NB: serious or fatal injuries should be immediately reported to the Eventing Department of the FEI (contact Catrin Norinder +41 78 750 61 39) by the Technical Delegate for appropriate follow up with the Athlete’s National Federation).
Incident location (e.g. fence n°) / Horse and Athlete information (name and FEI ID) / Provisional diagnosis / Athlete NFto be
(please tick
if follow up
is required) / No injury / Minor injury / Serious injury / Fatality /
Horse info
Athlete info
Horse info
Athlete info
Horse info
Athlete info
Veterinary Delegate’s details:
Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Phone: ………………………………………………………….. Email: ………………………………………………………………………………….
Accidents involving others
Report the name, involvement (groom, volunteer, Official spectator, other), location of accident, type of injury, action taken.
To be completed and signed by the Chief Medical Officer and returned to Technical Delegate
Name / Involvement / IncidentLocation of accident, type of injury / Action Taken
Chief Medical Officer
Signature: ______Title: ______
G- CONFIDENTIAL to be completed by TDDirectives on Officials:
Representation of the FEI, its objectives and Regulations. Communication with TD and other Officials to ensure the correct running of the competition. Communication with the Athletes. Rating on decisions taken.
Please provide an evaluation for each category on a scale of 1 to 5
1=Unsatisfactory / 2=Must Improve / 3=Needs Some Improvement / 4=Successful / 5=Excellent
Area / Scale / Comments on aspects that need improvingGround Jury
Assistant TD
Appeal Committee
Veterinary Delegate
Chief Steward
Cross Country Course Designer
Cross Country Builders / repair team
Show Jumping Course Designer
General Event Personnel
Results manager
Press Officer
Medical Services
Stable Manager
H- FEI JUDGE REPORT to be completed by GJ
The FEI Judge Report must be collected on site by the TD OR sent back to the FEI at at the latest 10 days after the Event’s conclusion.
Event name and category:
President GJ:
1. Dressage marks
Please confirm that you have compared the Dressage marks / /If there were discrepancies above 5%, please confirm that these tests have been discussed with all Members of the Ground Jury.
If YES, please provide an explanation of the Dressage marks discrepancies: / /
2. Comments on any sanctions given during the Event (yellow cards, verbal warnings and penalty points):
3. Recommendations for improvements for future events
Signature: ______
Please return to: FEI – Eventing Department
HM King Hussein I Building
Chemin de la Joliette 8
CH - 1006 Lausanne
Fax: +41 21 310 47 60